Actually, yes, I could read most of it from the get go. Believe I did full screen, can't remember for sure.

I also read Pasta's write-up, which gave me some idea of what was in the vid

1. Some kind of in-game update. Obviously has something to do with online of some type. Perhaps not Online Franchise, but has to be Online. Otherwise "BestGamertagEver" and "Chat" make absolutely no sense.
2. Player Tendencies. Can't tell if they're settable or pre-set. Probably pre-set.
3. Walter Payton + Ultimate Team. According to Pasta, he's the only known HoF'er in MUT. So that seems to say Legends, or HoF, in MUT.
4. Team-specific entrances, mascots, props, and huge inflatable helmet.
5. Changes to kicking, obviously. Probably something related to clutch field goals or pressure situations.
6. Stadiums with improved atmosphere. Maybe presentation aspects that include stadium fly-overs? Don't recall seeing any blimp shots in previous Madden's.
7. Custom. Playbook.
8. Quick Onside Kick.
9. Hotstreaks / Coldstreaks / Player Performance
10. 3D Grass