I’m not a huge UFC/MMA guy but I do keep one eye on the sport.
I’m definitely a casual fan who’s interest gets piqued if/when a big name is fighting, but beyond that, I’m not rushing to buy every PPV or purchase MMA magazines.
However, I may buy UFC 2. I’m looking for something different and the career mode has been upgraded to a level where I think I’d have fun.

I’m weary of trying something out of my comfort zone but over the last few years I’ve gotten lucky when doing so (NBA2K, Mad Max, Sleeping Dogs…).
So I’m hoping UFC won’t be a waste of money.
The only reason I may not jump on board right away is because I have The Division coming at the same time.
I’ve got the Beta Code for that so I guess if I don’t like it, I’ll just cancel and put that money towards UFC 2.