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  1. #41
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas!

  2. #42
    Hall of Fame steelerfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    It's been warm here although next week our highs should be back to the low 30s.
    Yeah it was 86° here on Christmas Day.

  3. #43
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Houston is just a tad warmer than southern Ontario.

  4. #44
    Hall of Fame steelerfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    Houston is just a tad warmer than southern Ontario.
    Yes, but it's not usually 86 on Christmas Day! That is ridiculous!

  5. #45
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    its raining in always

  6. #46
    Heisman jaymo76's Avatar
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    Pretty rare for us but it's snowing a little bit today. Slush on the ground but looks beautiful coming down.

  7. #47
    Well the blizzard that was supposed to be, ended up a light dusting of less than an inch. New Mexico got hit pretty hard and even El Paso got more snow.

  8. #48
    Well said, Merry Christmas everyone!
    "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell

  9. #49
    Heisman jaymo76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by comprar View Post
    Well said, Merry Christmas everyone!
    "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
    Don't know too much about you comprar... but anyone who celebrates Christmas and fully embraces it and says no to the PC BS attitude the western world has adopted is 100% A-Okay in my books! It's not a crime to celebrate your traditions, whatever they are and you should not feel ashamed to do so. Imagine if someone said " you can't celebrate Chinese New year" or something to that extent. The media would go crazy and claims of racism would be rampant.

    Anyways, rant over. Welcome to TGT comprar!

  10. #50
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    and Happy New Year !
    I went to a bar in boring Salem last night.
    The place was busy and noisy but not crowded like I would think a New Years night would/should be.
    But I'm from Pasadena California so i'm spoiled that way.

    but here in Oregon in 33 degrees weather,a guy was dressed like "The Dude" LOL

    bartender told me his name is actually Jeff.

  11. #51
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Christmas ended with a very nice surprise for me. Since my old laptop is old as shit and barely hanging on (besides needing yet another new hard drive put in it), I've been planning on skipping paying for the new hard drive in it and just build up some money and buy a new computer. Until then, I've been without a laptop or computer since September (other than at work).

    Well, I now no longer am stuck just using my phone, as I got surprised with a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet for Christmas. So far after using it daily for the last 3 weeks, I'm loving it. Since it's basically a mini laptop computer, I'm able to install my typical programs that I had on my laptop and when I just want to use it as a tablet, switch it into tablet mode and use apps for stuff. It's gonna do very nicely replacing my old laptop until I eventually get the money around to buy a new one. Already bought a bluetooth mouse to use with it and have a bluetooth keyboard being delivered from Amazon tomorrow so I can start getting full, true PC functionality out of it.

    I also got some books as well. Got a good two-part book set called Hitler's U-Boat War, detailing in extremely fine detail the entire history of the U-Boats, from World War I, to extreme detailed mission summaries of each and every U-Boat sortie during World War II. Close to 1,000 pages in each book.

    Also got a copy of a really good book I read earlier this year, called The Admirals, detailing the entire lives (not only from birth, but also a brief background on parents and grandparents), the entire naval careers, and all the way through the deaths of Admirals Ernest J. King, William D. Leahy, Chester Nimitz and William Halsey, the only four men in US Naval history to ever hold the 5-star rank of Admiral of the Fleet. The effects they had in putting an end to the thinking that massive battleship battles were how wars still were to be fought, how submarines and aircraft carriers were the future of war, and how they affected decision making during the war and the outcome of the war itself by being able to sway FDR's thinking on strategy and mission planning.

  12. #52
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Smooth, you'll have to let me know how The Admirals is. I've had my eye on it a few times. Looks very good.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  13. #53
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffHCross View Post
    Smooth, you'll have to let me know how The Admirals is. I've had my eye on it a few times. Looks very good.
    I absolutely recommend it. It was a very good and informative read. Walter Borneman used the daily day to day personal diaries of all four men, various papers, letters and correspondence they wrote to each other and to their wives, a whole slew of personal writings that offer a truly unique perspective into the lives of all four men that other books of the men may not explore, and chronicles their entire careers and lives, from their youth, to their time at the Naval Academy, to their overlapping Naval careers, their wide reaching roles during World War II, and all the way up to their deaths.

    You get a much deeper insight into strategies during the War in the Pacific, the constant butting of heads between Halsey, Nimitz, King and even General MacArthur (MacArthur, Halsey and King were constantly quarreling over strategy in the Pacific as MacArthur wanted his own personal glory on the battlefield, while King and Halsey wanted the Navy to take the glory of the march to Japan). You get a detailed, in-depth look at the thoughts and planning behind, and the actual execution of the battles of Midway, Coral Sea, Philippine Sea, Leyte Gulf, etc.

    You also learn more about the personalities and actions of "others" such as John "Slew" McCain, Marc Mitscher, Thomas Kincaid, Raymond Spruance and Jesse Olendorf, based on their various interactions with the four key men in the book. And Borneman does not shy away from negative events and controversies when chronicling Halsey's actions and a series of errors that he made during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, as well as when he royally dicked up and sailed right into two typhoons just two months later in December 1944.

    It also shows that while Nimitz, King and Halsey were all huge parts of winning the battle in the Pacific (and the u-boat war in the Atlantic in regards to King), that Leahy was actually the one who affected the strategy of the war the most, serving in a trio of roles, as chief of staff to FDR, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and essentially the "national security adviser", all while serving as a confidant and almost right hand man of FDR and later Truman. You learn of the actions and levels of deception that Leahy, FDR, King and others took to secretly transport FDR to the various conferences (Atlantic, Casablanca, Quebec, Cairo, Tehran, Malta, Yalta, etc). You also get a first hand look, through Leahy's eyes, of FDR's declining health and actions that had to be taken by his various advisers to keep him getting around during conferences and meetings during the war, as well as his eventual death and the transition to the Truman administration, to a point in the final days of the FDR administration where Leahy was almost taking over the running the war and acting as a de facto President in FDR's place to keep the progress in the war moving forward.

    Basically, anyone who is in anyway interested in World War II or the War in the Pacific, I absolutely, wholeheartedly recommend this book! I have always had a huge interest in World War II and especially the War in the Pacific, and despite having read more books and watched more movies than I could even begin to tally up, I learned a lot of new stuff in this book thanks to being able to witness the war through the eyes of these four men themselves, from their own words in their diaries, correspondence and various letters, papers and collected works left after the war and after their deaths.
    Last edited by SmoothPancakes; 01-19-2016 at 08:01 PM.

  14. #54
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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    My favorite "Admiral" (and the reason I became a Spurs fan)

  15. #55
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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  16. #56
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Quite a haul there! One day I will pick up Origins.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  17. #57
    Resident Lawyer of TGT CLW's Avatar
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  18. #58
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    I haven't played any of the Uncharted games, but Horizon Zero Dawn and AC Origins alone is a hell of a haul!

    I ended up with a couple books on World War II and some blu-rays.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

  19. #59
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I loved most of the Uncharted games. Much more than HZD although they are different games. UC is far more shooter based and those games area shorter too.

    Am trying Witcher 3 again. We will see if the second time is the charm. I know bdoughty and cmh from OS liked it a lot more on their second try.

  20. #60
    Resident Lawyer of TGT CLW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoothPancakes View Post
    I haven't played any of the Uncharted games, but Horizon Zero Dawn and AC Origins alone is a hell of a haul!

    I ended up with a couple books on World War II and some blu-rays.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    #1 WTF is wrong with you?

    #2 the entire series is on sale this week. 1-3 "collection" $7.99 4 $19.99



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