Well, now I'm starting to have some second thoughts. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I've been thinking about it for the past couple days, and looking through the Atlanta organization to get a feel for their players and farm system, and there's just not really any pull there. I'm looking through their 40 man rosters, their AAA and AA teams and depth charts, and I'm just not finding any care for their players, for the team, etc. I don't really care much for the team, the players, even the jerseys and uniforms just, meh.

Even the rivals, I couldn't care less about. I don't know a single thing about Miami and don't care about them one way or the other, don't really care about the Nationals or Phillies (other than following Chad Billingsley) unless it's Colorado playing them. Even the Mets, I actually very loosely follow the Mets because Jon Niese, a pitcher for them, I went to school with and played baseball with growing up, so I loosely follow the Mets just to see how Niese does throughout the season (same thing, previously with the LA Dodgers and now with the Phillies, with Chad Billingsley, though I hate the Dodgers as an organization).

There's just not that love/hate thing with Atlanta and their rivals. I mean, if I get swept by the Mets, yeah, I'll be upset because I got swept, but I wouldn't feel a thing and probably couldn't care less if the Mets swept the Braves. With the Rockies, I'd be pissed off if I got swept by the Dodgers or the Giants, the Padres or the Diamondbacks.

For NCAA Football, I can get away with not playing as Navy, because the rosters change so much. The roster will change 100% over a four year period, and with most teams, with juniors and seniors likely making up a big portion of your starters or your big named stars, you'll see different names, different players, different stars every 1-2 years as juniors and senior graduate and freshman and sophomores replace them.

With baseball, the rosters really don't change that drastically. The key players, the star players will likely still be there from year to year, the top prospects will likely still be there from year to year, and with needing 6 years of MLB service to become a free agent, the only way a bunch of players will change from season to season is if I go nuts on trades. So I'd be sitting there trying to do a franchise with a roster full of players that I know absolutely nothing about and that I really couldn't care much about.

I don't know. There's a thread over on OS that asks what are the most exciting teams for franchise mode, and over and over, I repeatedly keep seeing the Rockies being mentioned as one of the teams, and every time I see the Rockies mentioned, it keeps making me second guess not staying with the Rockies for my franchise. Even if I were to stick with Atlanta, I'd almost have to have a background franchise with the Rockies running for me to play through. And if I'm going to stretch myself into trying to run two franchises (the Braves posted on here and the Rockies just being run for my own entertainment), I almost may as well just make the Rockies my main, and sole, franchise.

So I don't know, I'll have to think on this some more. I think I sort of rushed into it too quickly, both in regards to eliminating the Rockies and picking the Braves. It'll still be a bit before I get the franchise up and running, I'm still trying to decide whether I'm going to use a 40-man version of the OSFM v1 rosters, wait for the official 40-man OSFM v2 rosters (hopefully out in a week or two) or wait for the full blown Hybrid rosters to be released, god knows when, maybe in 2-3 weeks if they get things knocked out fast. So while I decide on which rosters I want to use, I'll keep thinking about whether I'll stick with the Braves (if I can work myself up into actually caring about their players and their rivals) or if I'll go back to the Rockies as I originally had intended on.