Courtesy Shopmaster and MyMaddenPad:

In case you haven’t heard some of the biggest and best Madden Strategy Guide websites were given a notice by EA to stop selling strategy guides. Not only were they told that they couldn’t use the NFL logos, stadiums, players, names and such to create videos for their guides but some were told that they had to shut down their website by COB today Monday August 15th, 2011. Most have taken down their guides that they were selling and are looking for answers.

I reached out this past week to a number of Madden websites that sell Madden Guides and inquired about the issue and if they received a letter from EA’s Intellectual Property Office. So far, I know about 4 websites have received this letter and some haven’t received the letter yet but fully expect to be put on notice soon. Most don’t want to be identified but was kind enough to share their thoughts on this matter.

My biggest question is “Why now?”. Some of these guys have been doing this for years; they are not doing anything new now. They’ve always sold guides with videos that broke down their tips in a better fashion than just a PDF that told you how to set it up in text. So what’s the big deal? Some of these guys are just passionate about the game and breaking down plays. I’ve had the pleasure to meet some of these guys in person and I remember this one guy started breaking down plays with french fries. His site is among those that are being shut down.

After talking to multiple people, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not EA at all that is demanding that these sites get shut down. It is my opinion that the popular strategy guide company Prima Games is putting pressure on EA to shut these sites out. Now these are strictly my opinions and one else’s but it all makes sense.

I’m a big supporter of Prima Games and the guides they sell for NCAA Football and Madden NFL Football games. Their strategy guides are good and with my good friends Sgibs and Zfarls doing the guides this year, I expect them to be even better and the NCAA Football 12 one I have is better just not as detailed as some of these NCAA Strategy guides that others have created. I didn’t think Prima would let them create that kind of guide. The Official Strategy Guides that Prima prints are just bare knuckle, basic stuff even though I did see some new things this year with Sgibs and Zfarls at the control. That being said it has never competed with the details that these website were giving out with the video breakdowns. Prima has never been able to compete with that …… until now.

I got an email from Prima Games, asking me to go check out their new website and now I see what is happening. On the Prima Madden website they are selling playbooks, one-on-one sessions, and subscription to a weekly video show. Prima Games has moved from print and gone digital. The playbooks (Electronic Strategy Guides) are selling anywhere from $10 to $46 for complete playbooks with Video Strategy via the web.

Now I’m not going to lie. When I first heard EA was trying to shut down these sites, I was a little upset, now that I feel it’s more Prima trying to wipe out the competition I feel better. You see Prima pays a lot of money to become the “Official” strategy guide for NCAA and Madden as well as other games. So I understand what’s going on and their need to prohibit guys from doing what they are doing and not paying any money.

One owner told me that he made close to $10,000.00 selling his strategy guides in a year and there are some owners that have made more than that. This was part of his job, not just part time gig and it’s the same with other sites that are in the same situation.

The problem that most of these owners have is that this has come out of no where. I guess they’ve always sort of know that they shouldn’t be using the game to get paid, but because they had been doing it for some time, didn’t think anything would happen. I’ve reached out to a couple of EA SPORTS employees to get answers and even an EA SPORTS employee told me the same thing when I reached out to the company. “If they are charging people [for tips], they are wrong ….” one person told me from EA SPORTS.

I’m just trying to get answers and so are the guys who received the letter and who are afraid they might get a letter. As one owner told me … “I’m just trying to see what my options are?” Do they have options, I would imagine so, because there are a couple of sites that went through a similar situation before for whatever reason and they had to make some changes, but they are still selling guides.

Hopefully we’ll get some answers, because there has got to be a way that these guys can still do the things they love without shutting down their sites and businesses.
For the full article, visit MMP.