Hello everyone! I've browsed this site a time or two and decided I'd ask a few questions on the spread option. Last year I learned a good deal about the air raid from this site and others but now I'm looking for some tips or a guide to running an Oregon-esque offense for my 3-person OD. We don't usually play each other save for bowl games so I'm not particularly looking for advice against users though some may be helpful. Just anything useful to running this offense such as play calling, core plays, anything like that. I'm a Michigan State fan so I'm very much familiar with a pro style offense having watched it for the past few years, but Oregon games are usually on about 11o'clock where I live so I don't watch them much aside from highlight reels. I've been to sights like fishduck to learn the basics like inside and outside zone read but I'm having trouble really deciding when to use these plays, and more so I'm having trouble doing it with the no-huddle. I've been practicing with the demo but I'm having more bad games then good ones. Any help you guys have will be much appreciated!