I've always heard you know you're getting old when playboy centerfolds are YEARS younger than you, been there done that....

This weekend was a first for me, I'm an usher at Kyle field were I get to see my Fightin' Texas Aggies go to battle....we have this new exciting player, Johnny Manziel, he was born when I was a freshman in High school.....

During one of the t.v. time outs they showed a special on Dat Nguyen, I was like HELL YEAH he's the MAN! When I was in school at A&M he was a beast of a linebacker, all over the field....well after the special runs, I hear all these current students in the stands, they are like, "Dat who...who was that...?"

I felt OLD in an instan-second.

Gig 'Em Aggies!

Gus '99