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Thread: Blogs This Year

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  1. #1
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Blogs This Year

    I still find it amazing that last year's blogs on NCAA 10 were filled with fluff like Season Showdown and wind socks. This year we are getting amazing blogs full of very relevant information. Furthermore, they seem to be beating Madden to the punch. Madden just published a blog on improved blocking but we've already seen that from the NCAA team. The buzz this year seems to be squarely centered around NCAA 11 while last year people were buzzing around Madden 10. It's nice to see since I prefer college football.

    I wonder if this was a deliberate effort to drum up support for the NCAA game since sales were slow last year.

  2. #2
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    I think they have been doing a much better job in getting the proper game info out this year. Sales last year were very good on the whole for NCAA 10, but the first week sales were very poor. I also get the same perception that there is a huge buzz behind NCAA 11. I don't know the full Madden feature set, but from what I know about NCAA, it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up being the more anticipated of the two. Some cool stuff yet to come.

  3. #3
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    With all three CD guys here I'm sure we'll get some good information.

  4. #4
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    With all three CD guys here I'm sure we'll get some good information.
    Ya think?

  5. #5
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    If we don't get a blog tomorrow, perhaps you guys could just spill the beans on a few things.

  6. #6
    All-American texacotea's Avatar
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    any time frame on when new info comes out?

  7. #7
    Varsity Solidice's Avatar
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    I defiantly agree that the blogs have been much better this year. not only that, but the "hype" videos have been much better as well.

  8. #8
    Administrator gschwendt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by texacotea View Post
    any time frame on when new info comes out?
    No... and that's somewhat related to why we're getting solid info every time they do post something. Last year they committed to a "once a week" schedule... as a result, like Rudy eluded to, you had blogs on windsocks and similar fluff articles that the community rejected. This year, they only blog about it when they're ready to and as a result, each blog is a good read. The only thing I'll say is that there is still a good amount of good news to come. I won't leave you with a big tease like JB enjoys but I'll leave it at that.

  9. #9
    All-American texacotea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gschwendt View Post
    No... and that's somewhat related to why we're getting solid info every time they do post something. Last year they committed to a "once a week" schedule... as a result, like Rudy eluded to, you had blogs on windsocks and similar fluff articles that the community rejected. This year, they only blog about it when they're ready to and as a result, each blog is a good read. The only thing I'll say is that there is still a good amount of good news to come. I won't leave you with a big tease like JB enjoys but I'll leave it at that.
    Well, I would much rather wait 2 week or 3 weeks before we get info if it has stuff that is relevant or is actually good info. Continue the good work guys

  10. #10
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I totally agree with that. I'll gladly wait for better info even if I want more. They still haven't touched dynasty improvements. I'm hoping for discipline to make a return. We got formation subs so I'm really happy about that. I don't think we'll get in game saves this year (just auto saves) which will be disappointing but I'm still holding out hope for that in the future.

  11. #11
    Varsity Sinister's Avatar
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    The way I see it there are 8 weeks til the game comes out. 4 til E3 I don't know how much more they can give us other than the other two parts of the franchise which will eat up 4 weeks , then teambuilder and i'm sure something on road to glory. I would be surprised if they went back to the weekly blogs

  12. #12
    Varsity UGA14's Avatar
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    They're feeling the heat. There's no reason this much advancement could not have been in each version of the game. Instead we got a game that marginally advanced each year with very few changes. Then suddenly this year we see a game that has advanced more and further than all of the versions on next-gen combined.

  13. #13
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Well, whatever the reason for improvement I'm very happy with what I've read so far.

  14. #14
    When did the Demo drop last year? was it the 1st week of June or the 2nd.........or either I can't remember.

    to add about the the sales being down the 1st week that it dropped, I still talk to people that plays in my OD that doesn't know when the game goes on sale. There's still a lot of the population that plays the game, but doesn't follow it like we do, I bet that out of 12 people in the OD that I play in I'm the only one that knows when the game drops.
    Last edited by Coachdenz; 05-19-2010 at 09:21 AM.

  15. #15
    i know ive been pretty darn critical on utopia with some people and their negativity, and while im new to the larger group here, im not new to following this game with every detail... that being said, this is why this year im not tolerating negative remarks based on comparisons of years past... nothing this year looks like anything we have ever played, seen, and from what you guys described, felt... as far as the locomotion adding that new "weight" to the game...

    i really really hand it to the staff this year, no STUPID blogs that go in circles just for the sake of having a blog... they have really turned the game around, and in my opinion, as a player at all levels except for NFL, and now a HS Coach, its the most in depth X's & O's upgrade in a long time... nothing they have released has been fluff, nothing has been a "filler" to tie us over, its been solid concrete stuff, and with the CD guys dropping line like this:

    Quote Originally Posted by gschwendt View Post
    The only thing I'll say is that there is still a good amount of good news to come. I won't leave you with a big tease like JB enjoys but I'll leave it at that.
    it really is killing me waiting on this game... we have an early vacation to hilton head, week of golf and tennis with the wife and will be back on June 12th, so im excited to see the demo about that time... but honestly i have to give them props for this year, the videos have given solid proof of things working, not just goofy spoofs of plays that really failed in the end product like years past... i knew this game was going to be major upgrade from my very first comment on the game play video in the background of tebows spot, on the double teams, and im sure that a lot of what i was saying was making the CD guys itch to speak up, b/c everything i posted was spot on exactly what i expected after seeing that clip...


  16. #16
    Freshman Schauwn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coachdenz View Post
    When did the Demo drop last year? was it the 1st week of June or the 2nd.........or either I can't remember.
    If I remember correctly it was the second week, but I could be wrong...

  17. #17
    All-American Deuce's Avatar
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    The blogs have been great and I do like everything I've heard but I'm going to keep my expectations low. ...I really want to be pleasently surprised this year.

  18. #18
    Varsity Kwizzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PISTOLxCOACH View Post
    this is why this year im not tolerating negative remarks based on comparisons of years past...
    Not to seem like I'm attacking you by any means Pistol but, I think this line of thought is one of the reasons for this site starting up. I certainly see what you are saying in respect to how much different the additions this year are from years past. I am also REALLY excited for this game & think EA has done a great job based on what we've read so far. However, you have to empathize with everyone's point of view. For some people EA is nowhere near what they expect out of this game. That is not how I feel personallyand don't even understand how they can feel that way really, but it is their opinion & you have to, to use your word, tolerate the fact that people don't all see things the same way as you. I'm not saying, that all of them are giving EA what I think is a fair chance, but they're entitled to their opinion & should be allowed to voice it, just like you do, without having to defend it from attack.

    Now as far as the subject of this thread goes... I think EA has done a terrific job of pacing their announcements this year and as a result, every release has been fairly substantial. I can't think of one thing they've discussed this year that hasn't been requested by the community. It's really exciting to think that they are still waiting to release a few things!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Kwizzy View Post
    For some people EA is nowhere near what they expect out of this game.
    but im one of those people... i barely played 10 at all... maybe 4-5 weeks online, and a tiny bit of OD, just hooked back up with 2 good OD's from this site... i am one of them that had planned on not buying the game for the first time at all... but they have provided solid proof for their efforts this year...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kwizzy View Post
    I think this line of thought is one of the reasons for this site starting up
    dont understand that comment, the mood here is positive, relaxed, and enjoying the features/re-installs of the game that are coming out this year... why im here more than utopia purely because everyone here may have low expectations, but nobody is regurgitating the same stuff every feature/release/blog/recap we get... im glad they made this site myself, dont have to read through 30 posts of useless stuff to get to any good solid info from the CD guys... they are keeping their input on stuff streamlined along with the release blogs and videos... love it


  20. #20
    Varsity Solidice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coachdenz View Post
    When did the Demo drop last year? was it the 1st week of June or the 2nd.........or either I can't remember.
    according to Xbox Live, NCAA 10 demo was released June 18th(a Thursday). 3rd week of June.



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