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Thread: Dr Death's Heisman Sliders

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  1. #1
    Varsity Dr Death's Avatar
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    Dr Death's Heisman Sliders

    I should note that these Heisman sliders originated from Hartstopper on OS and I have tweaked them a bit. I saw yesterday that he too has added some tweaks, but I am getting some good close games out of these, as did Beartide. He played as against and the final score was 24-22.

    I began a new dynasty as and my first game was at home against and here are the stats. For some reason the box score generator at OS put my player stats in as and their stats in as mine. So when viewing the stats, just know that my player stats are listed as and their stats are listed as . The team stats are listed correctly. For some reason it lists blocking and defense twice and even has receivers mixed in w/ the blocking.

    Now what you have to understand is I play very differently than anyone else. I use a short, controlled passing game to chew clock because I always take over crap teams like - - - and they all are lacking on defense. So... the best defense is a ball control offense. It is also rare that I have one receiver w/ so many more receptions as Ewing did in this game. {I am using auto-generated names} But the way they were playing D against me, Ewing was open a lot, so I went to him. Usually I have a good balance between 8-10 receivers. It should also be noted that although I was sacked only 2 times, I could have been sacked 5-9 times, but making quick reads/decisions I was able to get the ball off, including one for a 49 yard TD when I read blitz and just had the perfect play call to combat it. I lofted a pass to WR RB {Inside WR on 2 man side in 5-Wide} and threw well before his icon lit up, but he turned, saw the ball and ran under it for a TD. My QB got killed just after releasing it. So don't think that 2 sacks meant I had all day to throw. I didn't. I threw a ton of quick, short passes because of the constant pressure. I want to see some other people use these sliders because I think in dynasty mode you will get a really good game. Yes, there are still problems. These have to do w/ EA and their inability to code. But these sliders seem to produce to good, well-balanced games. And here are the sliders:

    Skill - Heisman
    Recruiting - Heisman
    Quarters - 10 minutes
    Game speed - Slow
    Speed Threshold - 15
    All extras, like Home field, fatigue, ice kicker are ON


    Offsides - 80
    False Start - 80
    Holding - 50
    Facemask - 55
    Off P.I - 100
    Def P.I. - 100
    KR/PR Int - 100
    Clipping - 50
    Intentional Grounding - 100
    Roughing Passer - 52
    Roughing Kicker - 52

    Slider | User | CPU
    QB A. | 5.....| 10
    Pass B| 45...| 40
    WR C | 45...| 40
    RB A .| 45...| 55
    Run B | 40...| 45
    Pass C| 20..| 20
    Pass R| 25..| 25
    Int.....| 30..| 25
    Run D | 15..| 15
    Tackle| 35..| 35
    FG P ..| 35..| 40
    FG A..| 40...| 35
    Punt P| 50..| 50
    Punt A| 40..| 40
    KO P...|45...| 45

    Some sliders that may still need tweaked: USER Run Defense and/or Tackling. Seems to be a lot of broken tackles by the CPU, but then again the defense of and - the two teams I have been playing as in dynasty to test these out- don't have the greatest of D's.

    I put Punt Power higher than most, typically, because I want a longer field. However, even w/ the CPU set at 50, only punted for a 31 yard average against me. What I am hoping is that some of you more conventional players will use these as well. Everybody has been getting really good games/stats and T.O.P. w/ these. The reason I always dominate T.O.P. is because of my offense and the way I run it.

    Please try these out for 3-4 games in dynasty and let me know what you think. I leave tomorrow for Philadelphia and Roger Waters, but will be back Sunday. I hope people find these enjoyable!

  2. #2
    Resident Lawyer of TGT CLW's Avatar
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    I'll give these a try. Semi-offtopic, how did you get those charts from OS to post here. I know they give you the HTML code but we have it disabled here at TGT. Did you just post it at OS and then copy paste the image here?

  3. #3
    Varsity Dr Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CLW View Post
    I'll give these a try. Semi-offtopic, how did you get those charts from OS to post here. I know they give you the HTML code but we have it disabled here at TGT. Did you just post it at OS and then copy paste the image here?
    No. I took a screen capture and used Photoshop to copy it and then pasted that image here. To get it all there's actually 3 separate photos taken.

  4. #4
    Resident Lawyer of TGT CLW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Death View Post
    No. I took a screen capture and used Photoshop to copy it and then pasted that image here. To get it all there's actually 3 separate photos taken.

  5. #5
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Yep, that's what I was doing during my NBA 2K Golden State Warriors dynasty, using the OS tables, taking screenshots, photoshopping to clean it up and post the pictures. A pain in the ass.

  6. #6
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Those sliders look pretty good. I'm using something pretty similar. I'll have to keep my eye on these and Hartstopper. I'm always looking for similar sliders to what I like so they can do some legwork for me. Finding a slider brother is a good thing.

  7. #7
    Heisman jaymo76's Avatar
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    This is the first time I have used Heisman level sliders but I made the switch simply because AA computer AI and execution is sporadic. For 13 it seems the only real level to play on is Heisman. I have also kept the threshold at 50 as I find lowering it makes big play receptions even easier.

  8. #8
    Varsity Dr Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    Those sliders look pretty good. I'm using something pretty similar. I'll have to keep my eye on these and Hartstopper. I'm always looking for similar sliders to what I like so they can do some legwork for me. Finding a slider brother is a good thing.
    I've played two games now as and am 0-2. But I played # 21 and # 7 . So it would seem they're pretty good. I've been run on to death... if I had any D at all I would be 2-0. Lost both games by 4 points; 27-31 and 34-38. The loss ended w/ me at their 4 yard line.

    Now... one potential problem I have noticed, in each game I was driving at the end for the win, and in each game my best two players were injured during the drive once I got inside the red zone. Fluke? Or Flaw? Not sure yet.

  9. #9
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Death View Post
    I've played two games now as and am 0-2. But I played # 21 and # 7 . So it would seem they're pretty good. I've been run on to death... if I had any D at all I would be 2-0. Lost both games by 4 points; 27-31 and 34-38. The loss ended w/ me at their 4 yard line.

    Now... one potential problem I have noticed, in each game I was driving at the end for the win, and in each game my best two players were injured during the drive once I got inside the red zone. Fluke? Or Flaw? Not sure yet.
    Have you tried any games playing as someone horrible like UMass, Texas State, UTSA, Akron, Eastern Michigan, Florida Atlantic, etc, against a top 25 team?

    While your numbers look good as Kansas against Boise State and Arkansas, I don't want every game to be down to the wire. If I'm playing as a horrible team against a good team, I want to be 8 or 9 times out of 10 blown out with that 9th or 10th time a chance for me to win. Likewise if I'm a good team playing a crappy team, I want to win 8 or 9 times out of 10, but have that 9th or 10th time where the team plays good and there is the potential for me to lose.

  10. #10
    Varsity Dr Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoothPancakes View Post
    Have you tried any games playing as someone horrible like UMass, Texas State, UTSA, Akron, Eastern Michigan, Florida Atlantic, etc, against a top 25 team?

    While your numbers look good as Kansas against Boise State and Arkansas, I don't want every game to be down to the wire. If I'm playing as a horrible team against a good team, I want to be 8 or 9 times out of 10 blown out with that 9th or 10th time a chance for me to win. Likewise if I'm a good team playing a crappy team, I want to win 8 or 9 times out of 10, but have that 9th or 10th time where the team plays good and there is the potential for me to lose.
    In my dynasty I lost to 13-15 but destroyed 42-7. I did lose to 13-27 as well. But one thing to keep in mind is that my style of play is vastly different than probably anyone else. I feel it gives me an edge in playing better teams, because the nature of my offense either forces the opponent to put less than superior players on the field and take out their LBers, which, in many cases are some of their best defenders, or they leave the LBers in and my WR's usually can out run them.

    My offense takes timing, precision, reading, quick reaction and patience. It was funny, but when I played as , they played a 3-3-5 about 97% of the time. It forced me to adjust... and damn, that felt so good! I wish the CPU would use logic and do more of that.

    But I do believe that guys who play a more traditional style of football will enjoy these sliders. Based on what I've seen from others on OS, they are getting good/great results.
    Last edited by Dr Death; 07-12-2012 at 10:51 PM.

  11. #11
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Death View Post
    In my dynasty I lost to 13-15 but destroyed 42-7. I did lose to 13-27 as well. But one thing to keep in mind is that my style of play is vastly different than probably anyone else. I feel it gives me an edge in playing better teams, because the nature of my offense either forces the opponent to put less than superior players on the field and take out their LBers, which, in many cases are some of their best defenders, or they leave the LBers in and my WR's usually can out run them.

    My offense takes timing, precision, reading, quick reaction and patience. It was funny, but when I played as , they played a 3-3-5 about 97% of the time. It forced me to adjust... and damn, that felt so good! I wish the CPU would use logic and do more of that.

    But I do believe that guys who play a more traditional style of football will enjoy these sliders. Based on what I've seen from others on OS, they are getting good/great results.
    That sounds great to me Dr D! I'm gonna be playing as Tulsa in my '13 dynasty, at least for the first couple seasons, and while I won't be passing as high of levels as you will be, I am planning on passing as much as 65% of my offense, so there will be quite a bit of passing going on in my dynasty.

  12. #12
    Heisman AustinWolv's Avatar
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    I'll be putting these/Hartstopper's through some paces starting tonight.

  13. #13
    All-American Coach Kernzy's Avatar
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    I've used these for a few test dynasties using KU and then several games with FAU who ratings wise is the worst team. Games have played well for me and I am strictly a coach mode guy. So far I don't have any glaring issues that I'm seeing but I'm going to keep testing with them for a few days and then hopefully get my TGT CM OD back up and running.

  14. #14
    Heisman jaymo76's Avatar
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    I have moved run blocking to 50 for human and the computer and then moved cpu run D to 65 to compensate. The pancakes pretty much dissapear if you don't have run block at 50.

  15. #15
    Heisman AustinWolv's Avatar
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    Only had time to play one dynasty game with these last night. (I only test sliders in dynasty mode, as games play differently in Play Now)
    Very impressed. The game was incredibly close and I had to play about perfect to beat the opponent that I did.........Alabama as I was using Michigan. No turnovers on my part was the key, plus a 90yd KO return for a TD that was the difference in the game. Alabama was explosive in the open field and their D was hard to run on. It was ball control and not letting their D control the game by giving their offense a lot of possession that won me the game.
    Their starting RB still went over 100 yards, and they had about 50 yards of offense more than I did.
    I really tried to run the ball and had to work for it, which was good to see. Denard Robinson busting a run out of a read-option and out of an option keeper was the only reason my team rushing numbers looked better, as they held the rest of the running game in check.....less than 4ypc as I recall it.
    I think Bama QB hit on high 60% range of passes for a bit over 200 yards, while I had Denard at something like 14-22 for 150 or so.

    I did have it on 8min quarters though, as 10 makes for long-ass game. Each team had around 55-60 plays IIRC.

    Very much enjoyed that game, but more testing to be done still.
    Last edited by AustinWolv; 07-14-2012 at 02:36 PM.

  16. #16
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Austin, seeing you and I using the same slider set is giving me flashbacks to years gone by.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  17. #17
    Heisman AustinWolv's Avatar
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    LOL, Jeff.

    To be honest, I was a little surprised they played as well as they did, as some of the settings appeared counterproductive to what I was experiencing on the default 50 setting across the board. But I'm running them tonight and still very pleased so far with how the game is playing.

  18. #18
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AustinWolv View Post
    LOL, Jeff.
    Good news! Whatcha is using Hartstopper's original sliders over on OS. It's really like the "old gang" is back together, lol. It's enough to make me overly nostalgic.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  19. #19
    Heisman AustinWolv's Avatar
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    Haven't played today, but I can update that I went to 9min quarters yesterday to get the team play count to a bit above 60. The first 3 games at 8min quarters were in the mid to high 50s for a team's offense play count, but when looking at real stats from last year, the team I was using averaged 63 offensive plays per game. 9min quarters is better to obtain that for the way I play.

  20. #20
    Varsity beartide06's Avatar
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    I will confirm that these sliders have given me very realistic and exciting games. Good stuff!



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