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  1. #61
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    According to one of my former e-wrestling buddies, Abyss's match distinctly resembles a match we ran numerous years ago. In fact, the details are downright disturbingly close.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  2. #62
    All-American NatureBoy's Avatar
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    I saw this on twitter this afternoon. It's pretty long article so I will put spoiler tags on it.

    Spoiler: show
    To Be Determined – ECW should die, TNA is a Leech and Tommy Dreamer is a Sellout
    By Raffi Shamir - August 2, 2010.

    TNA will present its wecannotcalitecwsowehopethefanswillchantev2 tribute Pay Per View event, Hard(core) Justice. Now, my love/hate relationship with TNA has been well documented here in the past, but with this concept, I think that TNA has hit a new low.

    My main beef with this is the whole idea of reviving ECW in the first place. I know that I’m in the minority here, and I’ll probably earn some hateful comments from the ECW diehards, but it’s time to let the corpse of this huge failure known as ECW rot in peace. The only thing that ECW had going for itself back in the nineties was a tribe of diehard vocal fans that gave ECW an image that was much bigger and better than the promotion ever was. Sure, ECW fans love to throw out names like Benoit, Jericho and Guerrero when talking about ECW, but they were never the focus of ECW. The true wrestling legacy of ECW is a bunch of garbage matches and too much blood. But ECW knew how to market itself as the bad boy rebel (Despite being secretly funded by Vince McMahon for years) to the internet wrestling community, which was only emerging in this period, and thus became a popular cult phenomenon. Just don’t forget that one of the prerequisites for something to become a cult phenomenon is that it has to fail first.

    And ECW was a failure. I’ve heard some people say that “ECW failed because it was too good for the masses”, and to that I say bulls**t. Yes, good quality products do fail sometimes, and crappy things succeed. It’s the same in many fields – music, film, literature, you name it. But nothing ever fails because it’s good. Things fail due to bad management (And everyone knows ECW had tons of that), bad marketing, bad human relations and there are tons of other reasons. The fact of the matter is ECW could never reach a real audience other than its internet fan base. They had a few local TV deals (Which they had to pay for) but when they finally got a national cable deal with TNN, they could not deliver the goods. Granted, the timeslot was crappy and the network (real one, not the one that Don Callis represent) didn’t seem to believe in ECW, but ECW earned that treatment by trying to antagonize the suits as much as they could. That’s smart management; turn on the only broadcaster that actually paid money for your product.

    I can go on and on about the undead ECW, but enough about them. I’m pretty sure its fans already wrote me and this column off 400 words ago. When TNA announced the Pay Per View, the face and speaker of the this group was Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer is widely considered the heart and soul of the original ECW and this might be true. But watching his promo 10 days ago made me sick. I still remember hundreds of ECW fans chanting “sellout” at wrestlers who left the company in the late nineties, but you know what? Tommy Dreamer is the biggest sellout of them all. He talked about the ECW name being bastardized and seeing his friends fired, and how he only stayed with WWE because he wanted the job security. Yes, he had to provide for his family and I can’t fault him for that, but the way he washed his hands off of everything that happens? Dreamer wasn’t just a wrestler in WWE, we kept reading about him working backstage in one capacity or the other. And when he left he got a heroes’ farewell. He finally had a real run as champion, even if this was the “bastardized” ECW championship and he was featured as one of the top faces of this brand. If it wasn’t for WWE, Dreamer would have never known what it’s like to wrestle in front of real, major sold-out arenas and he would have never received the farewell that he did. In his professional relationship with Vince McMahon both sides benefited and WWE showed Dreamer the respect that he’s earned in his years in the business. And let’s not forget that Vince McMahon actually paid Dreamer’s paycheck in the original ECW also, since if it wasn’t for him pumping money to ECW and keeping it on life support, ECW would have folded long before it did. But watching him shed those crocodile tears on Impact and encourage the guy who yelled “Vince Sucks” was just low. No one forced him to work for Vince; other wrestlers did find satisfying jobs wither in the business or outside of it. Hell, Dreamer is so old that TNA would have jumped at the opportunity to sign him and make him a main-eventer. And truth be told, if Vince hadn’t fired his ass, Dreamer would still be kissing up to him today. So excuse me if I don’t cry with Dreamer.

    And just another side note about the so called “bastardization” of ECW by WWE. I think that having the EV2 (yes, that’s the name) guys show Hulk Hogan tremendous respect, with Devon even doing the gesture universally known as “We’re not worthy” is a bigger travesty to what ECW allegedly stood for. The original ECW positioned itself as the antithesis to everything that Hulk Hogan represented. But now in TNA they look up to him and Dreamer even asked Hogan for his permission to fight Abyss (Or for that matter, asking any authority figure for permission to fight someone)? That’s how you bastardize ECW, not by putting Mark Henry on it.

    And then there’s TNA, the company that never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. For eight years TNA has been trying to leech off the glory of other promotions. When they first started they were a poor man’s version of WCW. Then they started getting some big name wrestlers from WWE and used them to try and portray the promotion as an equal to WWE. Don’t get me wrong, if I ran a wrestling promotion and people like Christian or Kurt Angle were available I’d sign them in a heartbeat, it would have been foolish not to do so. But having them go out and trash WWE was bush league. TNA did not look like an equal or even a close second place to WWE. They looked like a minor league organization that clings to the name of the leading promotion in order to catch some of its residual heat. TNA never realized that by focusing their energy on its so called war with WWE (A war that WWE was and is wise enough not to acknowledge or tape part in), they diluted their own brand. They never tried to build themselves as TNA Wrestling and succeed on their own; they were nothing more than “the other wrestling promotion that isn’t WWE”. They repeated that same mistake with the pathetic promos that Hulk Hogan cut early this year.

    But now they have taken things a step further. They actually put the TNA brand on the back burner in order to leech off whatever value the ECW brand might still have. TNA already draws a lot more viewers than ECW ever did to its weekly shows (In actual numbers, not in rating points) so they’re catering to the fringe of the wrestling world in a move that will probably will not bring any benefit to TNa in the long run. Don’t compare it to One Night Stand in 2005 – that Pay Per View did not come at the expense of any of WWE’s traditional events and the WWE brand was a big part of it, even during the confrontation between JBL and Paul Heyman. Most of the wrestlers in that event were with WWE for many years that they were already identified with WWE. In that context, their participation at ONS, actually helped the WWE brand and its wrestlers. Here TNA is putting the spotlight on wrestlers that are either coming in for a one-off paycheck or guys that are identified with other promotions. Dreamer’s promo even went a step further towards hurting TNA by mentioning that whatever TNA is doing today, ECW already did in the past. It would have been one thing if he said that TNA wrestlers are the successors or the new generation of the ECW veterans. Instead he said “Long Before Samoa Joe, there was Taz”, and the same about the Beautiful People and Beulah/Francine. It’s like saying that the TNA stars are knockoffs of ECW people. He then went on to say that TNA is like ECW in the sense that this is where stars are made and veterans came to help create new stars. If that were true, then how come only four of the TNA champions since 2002 are TNA originals and the others were people who made their name in other promotions? It’s another example of TNA leeching off others – they have one of the most talented roster that any wrestling promotion ever had, yet they keep putting over the people from other promotions! How is that helping TNA? How does that help drive the TNA brand into people’s minds?

    TNA can and should succeed. TNA has all the elements it needs in order to do that. I love most of the TNA wrestlers, Impact has been mostlly very good the past two months, but I hate the ECW revival. TNA lacks the most important ingredient in order to succeed – confidence in itself and its wrestlers. As long as TNA will show no faith in its own brand, the wider audience outside the Impact Zone will never do that. You can change things TNA, just believe in yourself.

  3. #63
    All-American NatureBoy's Avatar
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    Dave Scherer is reporting that Samoa Joe has been suspended from TNA indefinitely due to an apparent bad attitude. There is also speculation that the company hasn't been happy with Joe's weight.

    by Dave Scherer @ 6:28 PM on 8/3/2010

    As we mentioned earlier today on the Elite site, Samoa Joe was suspended by TNA. He was not happy after his match with Jeff Hardy and was vocal about it in the back after match. The problem that we were told got him suspended was that he went into the production truck during the broadcast to complain, which is seen as a breach of etiquette. The word I have gotten was that he will be suspended for about a month.

  4. #64
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    I saw that with Joe.....very strange. So is this whole ECW PPV and then Impact being like a PPV. I don't have much time to even watch Smackdown let alone both that and TNA. I generally enjoy TNA when I watch....but a lot of shit doesn't make sense. Neither does it in the WWE either. With that said I'll still watch Raw religiously every week. Smackdown I don't watch as much probably cuz of spoilers and it's not live, and they'll edit and etc.

  5. #65
    All-American NatureBoy's Avatar
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    From TNA's twitter feed:

    Brother Runt, CW Anderson and the original members of The FBI are all confirmed for Sunday's "HardCORE Justice" Pay-Per-View event! More names to be announced on Thursday's "iMPACT!"

  6. #66
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    My good wrestling resource John Canton has a couple of great tidbits today....

    First Edge's pro wrestling debut was actually with WCW.

    Edge debuted before 1998. In 1996, Adam Copeland was hired as a jobber for a match against Meng and went by the name Damon Striker. WCW considered hiring him but he quickly left because he thought it was the worst gimmick ever. Extremely Rare.

    And also, this is the rumored new WWE logo to debut on Raw's 900th show coming up...not confirmed if it is real or fake though:

  7. #67
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBHuskers View Post
    WCW considered hiring him but he quickly left because he thought it was the worst gimmick ever. Extremely Rare.
    A guy on WCW Pro had a gimmick? Hardly.

    Gawd what a horrid match.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  8. #68
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffHCross View Post
    A guy on WCW Pro had a gimmick? Hardly.

    Gawd what a horrid match.
    Yeah I just copied and pasted form the post there LOL .... he was a jobber.

  9. #69
    All-American NatureBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBHuskers View Post
    My good wrestling resource John Canton has a couple of great tidbits today....

    First Edge's pro wrestling debut was actually with WCW.

    Edge debuted before 1998. In 1996, Adam Copeland was hired as a jobber for a match against Meng and went by the name Damon Striker. WCW considered hiring him but he quickly left because he thought it was the worst gimmick ever. Extremely Rare.

    And also, this is the rumored new WWE logo to debut on Raw's 900th show coming up...not confirmed if it is real or fake though:

    I've seen it reported on several sites that the logo is the real deal.

  10. #70
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    I just saw Flair's blurred naked ass on TNA

  11. #71
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    That logo is a horrible mash-up of old-school and new era.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  12. #72
    Varsity Nothingface's Avatar
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    Over at Generation Me still around? I watched a web match where they beat the MCMG. Good stuff.

  13. #73
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nothingface View Post
    Over at Generation Me still around? I watched a web match where they beat the MCMG. Good stuff.
    They're not under contract if I'm remember right. I think they're on a pay-by-appearance basis.

  14. #74
    Heisman jaymo76's Avatar
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    Okay, I haven't followed wrestling in years BUT I tuned in last week to watch Bret Hart. I loved this guy when I was a kid. It's nice him and Vince could work things out. This guy is the WWE.

  15. #75
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Watching Bret is quickly burning up all my great memories of him. He just looks so bad now.

    Understandably, but damn.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  16. #76
    Heisman jaymo76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffHCross View Post
    Watching Bret is quickly burning up all my great memories of him. He just looks so bad now.

    Understandably, but damn.
    Post concussion symptoms, stroke, short term paralization, death of your brother, divorce, etc ... it was a TOUGH period of time for Bret. I'm amazed he so much as set foot in the ring again... surely against doctor's orders.

  17. #77
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaymo76 View Post
    Post concussion symptoms, stroke, short term paralization, death of your brother, divorce, etc ... it was a TOUGH period of time for Bret.
    Oh, I know. I remember all of it very vividly.

    I guess I just wish they'd had the thing between him and McMahon and moved on after that. Embroiling him in the Nexus angle isn't good for the angle or him.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  18. #78
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    New WWE Tag Team title belts (getting rid of unified and going with one belt).

  19. #79

  20. #80
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatureBoy View Post
    DX Glowsticks



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