Download these files via EA Locker, an in-game feature. You do NOT need to add these user to your friends list.
Rosters - Names Only, No Player Edits
PS3: gamingtailgate (Created by BigWY; Players & Coaches Named, No Player Edits, Coaches Edited) - Download Link (Right click and Save As)
Rosters - Edits and Players Created:
PS3: pudgee691 (Operation Sports Community Rosters - Numerous creators, Players & Coaches Named & Edited)
PS3: JeffDLowe (Creator unknown, full realm of edits unknown)
360: Pastapadre (Creator unknown, full realm of edits unknown)
2015-16 Updated Rosters
PS3: thesportsguru11 (Click name for more info)
360: UGA Lovell32 OR Call Me LSU (Click names for more info)
2016-17 Updated Rosters
PS3: Cajunomics (Click name for more info)
PS3: K-Weezy-8 (Click name for more info)
360: Cajunomics (Click name for more info)
2017-18 Updated Rosters
PS3: BossHawgSavage29 (Click name for more info)
PS3: K-Weezy-8 OR dericksun
360: jrriv4 (Click name for more info) OR Darkjr4
2018-19 Updated Rosters
PS3: BossHawgSavage30 (Click name for more info)
PS3: pinbw (Click name for more info)
360: PM Dubs
360: pinbw (Click name for more info)
360: Anelegantmess (Click name for more info)
2019-20 Updated Rosters
PS3: NCAA1920 (Click name for more info)
360: NCAA1920 (Click name for more info)
2020-21 Updated Rosters
PS3: CFBR20 (Click name for more info)
360: CFBR20 (Click name for more info)
2021-22 Updated Rosters
PS3: vikesfan059 (Click name for more info)
360: NetoBallaBR (Click name for more info)
2022-23 Updated Rosters
PS3: vikesfan059 (Click name for more info)
360: OutrunFire0290 (Click name for more info)
2023-24 Updated Rosters
PS3: [IN-PROGRESS] BossHawgMichigan (Click name for more info)
360: [IN-PROGRESS] OutrunFire0290
How to get the rosters via EA Locker:
Team Management > Roster Sharing > Download > Download (again)