The highlights from the bevy of information acquired were in-game WIP images of SECU Stadium and the stadium's field art. In addition, Brown learned of the uniform combinations submitted to EA:
During the 2023 season, Maryland strayed away from its flag-forward designs, returning to a simple design that included script 'Terps' helmets. In correspondences with EA Sports, the Terps put forward their entire uniform collection from this past season, including red, white, black and gold jerseys along with white, red and black pants. Documents dating back to June of 2023 include the red script Terps helmet as a "Must-have," but also included the airbrushed 2.0 flag helmet as well. One change for the 2024 uniforms includes the Maryland 'M Bar' logo being added to the center neckline of each uniform.

(Similar in-game WIP images for Missouri's Faurot Field were revealed in late March.)
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