Check out the dev stream below, complete with the TGT Recap.
TGT Recap:
Hosted by ZFarls and Kraelo
Next week's stream will focus on Madden Ultimate Team
Joined by Senior Gameplay Designer Clint Oldenburg
Superstar X-Factor helps represent two groups of special players.
Goal is to properly represent star players.
50 Star players.
Zone abilities can be earned in-game.
Superstar abilities always available.
'Bazooka' (Zone Ability) = Mahomes throwing ability. EX: Complete certain number of long passes to increase throw power; still within his real life limit.
'Rack Em Up' (Zone for RAC receiver) = Make certain number of catches & yards.
'First One Free' (RB Zone Ability) = Can increase success of juke, hesi, etc. move success after reaching in-game goal.
'Fearmonger' (Pass Rusher Ability)
'Escape Artist' (Scramble ability on mobile QB)
Counters and drawback for each ability. (EX: Drained stamina, higher risk of fumbling.)
'Fastbreak' (Running version of Escape Artist) = Immediate running control; delayed read and react time of defense.
'Slot-o-matic' (Slot ability) = Elite cuts when running routes, great at getting contested passes on short routes; only when WR in slot.
Used across all game modes. Will be a progression aspect within Franchise.
'Enforcer' (Defensive ability)
Patrick Mahomes abilities shown and counters discussed: Bazooka, Dashing Deadeye, Red Zone Deadeye, Escape Artist, No-Look Deadeye (currently exclusive to Mahomes).
Passing Accuracy in-game re-worked.
Joined by Designer Greg Heddlesten to talk player authenticity.
Showing mo-cap of Mahomes to capture his signature passes and passing style.
Showing mo-cap of players to record Aaron Rodgers passes and style, including on the run throws.
Showing Drew Brees animations in-game, including licking fingers.
Team has been looking at player's celebrations to add into the game.
Big Ben, Brady, Rivers, etc among half-dozen or so QBs with signature passing animations/styles.
Developer blog on Superstar X-Factors and gameplay is now available.
Survey on stream and what you want to see in the future.
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