• EA SPORTS Still Very Much Wants to Make a College Football Game

    This time of year is always hard for the die-hard NCAA Football fans. Typically the game would be releasing in the next few weeks and by now, impressions & videos would be coming out of the woodwork making the wait even harder. However, with the absence of NCAA, EA is using this window to talk about the upcoming Madden NFL 17 due out in a couple of months. As part of that, Madden's Creative Director, Rex Dickson was doing an interview at E3. As part of that, the question was asked about the return of NCAA Football.

    Continue below to hear his answer. The question is asked at 8:08 in the video below.
    Comments 17 Comments
    1. JBHuskers's Avatar
      JBHuskers -
      Well 2K was able to get colleges in last year with the NBA game, so it isn't impossible.
    1. jaymo76's Avatar
      jaymo76 -
      Still years away. That being said... IF the game comes back I really home there is ZERO CFM in NCAA Football!!!
    1. steelerfan's Avatar
      steelerfan -
      Quote Originally Posted by jaymo76 View Post
      Still years away. That being said... IF the game comes back I really home there is ZERO CFM in NCAA Football!!!

      No one needs Formation Subs and everyone knows that when you throw a pick-6 instead of allowing a sack your whole offense gets a boost of confidence.
    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      Quote Originally Posted by jaymo76 View Post
      Still years away. That being said... IF the game comes back I really home there is ZERO CFM in NCAA Football!!!
      That brings up a great question: If/when NCAA Football returns, how much does it copy from Madden outside of gameplay? Many (most?) of the NCAA team are now gone , so would the franchise be starting over completely or simply Madden Light for a period of time?

      IMHO, it felt like NCAA took off previously once they starting having more of their own design team (outside of central gameplay) and worked to differentiate itself from big brother.

      A blessing in disguise is that the gameplay should benefit from the gameplay team only focusing on one title the last few years. Hopefully adding in college differentiation/'twists' would not be a monumental challenge.
    1. Rudy's Avatar
      Rudy -
      Madden franchise mode is riddled with crap I don't care about now and also tons of bugs they took forever to fix last year as a result. Their progression and confidence models along with their rpg stuff was badly done. I really hope when it comes back it stays simpler than the mess of franchise.

      CLW response : wasting breath guys. Lawyers, lawyers, money, money, lawsuits, lawsuits, not going to happen for long time. Hit me while I smile.
    1. souljahbill's Avatar
      souljahbill -
      I'm totally fine if the first game is an NCAA '14 Remaster
    1. bdoughty's Avatar
      bdoughty -
      Quote Originally Posted by souljahbill View Post
      I'm totally fine if the first game is an NCAA '14 Remaster
      NCAA 14 base game features with Madden 17 graphics/animations and I am cool. Make every roster randomized (player color, numbers) when the game first loads to eliminate any potential lawsuit. Allow basic roster sharing, as PES does with soccer. Onus is all on the userbase and has to be done via USB, etc.
    1. souljahbill's Avatar
      souljahbill -
      Quote Originally Posted by bdoughty View Post
      NCAA 14 with Madden 17 graphics/animations and I am cool.
      $60, paid in full right now!
    1. bdoughty's Avatar
      bdoughty -
      Side note: I would be fine w/o any form of roster sharing. Would like to see the randomized name option continued with the ability to edit players yourself. Not a fan of playing with just numbers.
    1. gschwendt's Avatar
      gschwendt -
      Quote Originally Posted by bdoughty View Post
      NCAA 14 base game features with Madden 17 graphics/animations and I am cool. Make every roster randomized (player color, numbers) when the game first loads to eliminate any potential lawsuit. Allow basic roster sharing, as PES does with soccer. Onus is all on the userbase and has to be done via USB, etc.
      My assumption is that by the time EA brings the game back, the NCAA will allow certain exceptions to use athletes' likenesses. Each player will sign a waiver with their scholarship papers and in turn they will receive a copy of the game.
    1. bdoughty's Avatar
      bdoughty -
      Quote Originally Posted by gschwendt View Post
      My assumption is that by the time EA brings the game back, the NCAA will allow certain exceptions to use athletes' likenesses. Each player will sign a waiver with their scholarship papers and in turn they will receive a copy of the game.
      That would be an odd exception considering the NCAA's stance on players selling items received, tickets, equipment, etc. Would be great for Gamestop though, since there a bunch of players who do not own next gen gaming systems and would just trade it in for gas money. Still, the current NCAA rule states that sale (profit on an item under $100) would have to be matched to a charity by the player. So things would really have to change for this to be worthwhile to the players to sign a waiver.
    1. souljahbill's Avatar
      souljahbill -
      Quote Originally Posted by bdoughty View Post
      Side note: I would be fine w/o any form of roster sharing. Would like to see the randomized name option continued with the ability to edit players yourself. Not a fan of playing with just numbers.
      That's all we need.
    1. Rudy's Avatar
      Rudy -
      I would be upset if there was no roster sharing. Hopefully player likeness will be allowed.
    1. bdoughty's Avatar
      bdoughty -
      Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
      I would be upset if there was no roster sharing. Hopefully player likeness will be allowed.
      I can't name 90-95% of the players on the 128 teams in the FBS for the upcoming season and I follow the sport closely. For franchise players, most will be gone in two years. Edit the team you like (play with) and some of the stars of teams you face that year. Less than an hour of time.

      What I and numerous college fans can name are the teams, colors, logos, stadiums, mascots, traditions, rivalries and the cities they play in. Those are the things that upset me, in regards to not having a college football game for current gen. I miss not being able to play as Oklahoma. Player likeness is the reason we are in this mess right now. Just eliminate the problem to avoid the problem ever coming back.
    1. JBHuskers's Avatar
      JBHuskers -
      Exactly, named rosters mean zero to me considering I'm playing in 2 OD's right now where we are WAY past that time.

      Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1. gschwendt's Avatar
      gschwendt -
      Named rosters aren't important to me either but they are to the average consumer, thus the guys that have gone out of their way in the past to pay for rosters. If EA were ever to make a game and include player names & likenesses with it, the sales would see a significant increase even after the first year returning.
    1. baseballplyrmvp's Avatar
      baseballplyrmvp -
      I'd love an ncaa 14 remaster. Generic auto named rosters from the get-go and I'm fine. I only change the names of the superstars on my team. Who cares about the rest.