School Type: (FBS, FCS, Other College (incl schools without football), HS, Fantasy.) Historic should go under the real category. Same for uniform changes, etc.
School Name:
Roster Era: (If Historic, put Year. If real, current roster, put 2009. If generic/other team/fictional, put Fictional.)
Team Prestige:
Team Colors:
Link to a logo:
Stadium Name: (Include the stadium you're using in the game, please)
Links to other photos: (If you have screenshots from Teambuilder, or links to real photos if it's a real team, link to them here)
Tailgate Username:
PSN/XBL Username (which console): Ex. JeffHCross (PS3)
Photos can be photos of the real team, or pictures from the Teambuilder site. But they need to be links so I can include them in the table, rather than attached images.
FBS or FCS Teams
Real Colleges without Football
High School Teams
Fantasy Schools