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Thread: Playbooks - NCAA Football 12 Wish List & Feedback

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  1. #21
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Fair enough. I have called the double CB blitz before but I always hot route the blitzing CB on the wide side of the field to drop back and not blitz. The cpu isn't smart enough to do these things so I wish they would just eliminate those plays entirely.

  2. #22
    Heisman baseballplyrmvp's Avatar
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    it might be just me, but i think the bubble screen animation for receivers runs way too slowly compared to real life.

  3. #23
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    There are several plays in various playbooks that involve Jet Motion from Right to Left, and a toss play running left. There's normally one playside receiver on the left side, and then there are one or two pulling blockers, plus the blocker in motion.

    Problem is, I've yet to find any of those plays where the playside receiver actually blocks. The play design has him cracking down in a crack-back block, but he doesn't execute it until someone comes within enough range to trigger a new animation ... kinda like how the QB would sit in the PA mesh animation on certain PA passes until the defense came in range to trigger a new animation.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by CLW View Post
    IMO the defensive playbooks are all in need of a MAJOR overhaul like the offensive playbooks got this year. Just like offense, no schools defense is exactly the same as anothers even if they run the same base 4-3; 3-4; etc...
    Could not agree more. They say they are going to improve the Def AI. This alone would help. but unique Def playbooks would be great for sure.


  5. #25
    Varsity Sinister's Avatar
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    This is my idea so instead of the L2 button audibles or whatever it does, how about make that the stunt adjustments you would press L 2 and right stick or direction pad control dline stunts only and left stick controls linebacker and dline stunts. Also for defense audibles we need to ability to delay blitz instead of get closer to los

  6. #26
    Seeing how its unknown that Army's Wing Bone offense made it into '12 or not (and since none of the plays or formations was showcased in the "25 New Plays promotion", Im assuming not) I wanted to post this here.

    As stated before Army's offense is mixture of Flexbone and Wing-T, hence, Head Coach Rich Ellerson giving the offense the name, Wing Bone.

    The outside veer is a triple option play, but rather having a fullback running to the B gap, one of the two split backs runs off tackle. The quarterback starts moving down the line to get to the mesh point, giving the split back a different dive angle then we see in the Navy spread option. (Special Note to EA: This play SHOULD go in every option playbook. Not formation wise but play wise.)

    With the split back veer, either back could be a dive back or a pitch back on any play.

    Army gets a advantage of misdirection by having their two best runners in the backfield. They run a lot of jet sweeps as well, which also sets up counter plays. Here, as the safeties follow the motion and the threat of the sweep, Army runs a counter in the other direction.

    Army’s misdirection plays envolve a lot from a Counter Iso with a pulling center which looks like a triple option play but its a predetermined hand off.

    Their staple passing play is play action in one direction, with the QB rolling out in the opposite direction.The play action gets the safety moving away from the direction of the pass.

    On that last play, the motion drew the safety away, leaving a 1-on-1 matchup for the wide receiver. That was Army’s bread & butter pass play with Ali Villanueva, but it wasnt as successful without a 6’10″ receiver to throw to.

    "Double Dive" is a generic term thats used for the the "Belly Series" in Army's offense. As its been said before Army's Offense is a mixture of the Wing-T and Option offenses. This series of plays borrows a lot from the Wing-T Belly Series, but is somewhat different. What Wing-T coaches typically refer to as their Belly Series is really the “Outside” Belly Series. The play otherwise known as a Double Dive is typically referred to as the “Inside” Belly Series"

    The Belly is a play that threatens 3 separate points of attack all to the same side of the defense, very similar to the triple option, except without the pitch and read issues. Although the play originated from the full-house 3 RB systems of the 50’s and 60’s, it has since evolved and been adapted to fit many different styles of offense.

    The base is typically a 2 RB set with a Wingback lined up where a A-back would line up traditionally in the Flexbone, and you can run the Belly Series out of any 2-back formation (or any formation where you can motion to 2 RB's, like flexbone, DW, etc.):

    From Army's Base Alignment:

    Pre-snap the Wingback will motion to draw the linebackers attention. The first back (closest to playside) dives straight ahead, usually off center or guard depending on his alignment. The QB sticks the ball in his gut and rides it in either a give or a fake (in the game, this should be a pre-determined call with a give or a "Flash Fake"). The second back (furthest from playside) drives laterally for a step, and then drives hard to the offtackle hole or B gap, coming downhill. The QB will ride him with either a give or fake as well. Finally, when the QB has disengaged from the second back he will fake or run keeper around the end. All 3 points of attack are on the same side of the defense.

    Some teams run it as an option, like midline or veer with the first ride. My suggestion is that EA implement this play as a predetermined call, as I feel it'll be best suited when it comes to running this series of plays.

    Give us the option to run this play as a series concept, as it represents the primary series in the offense.

    The rushing plays in the series are as follows:

    BELLY- Base play, pre-determined give to either the first back or second back
    BELLY KEEPER-Fakes first and second back, with QB keeper around the end, playside G pulls
    BELLY COUNTER-Fake first man, hand outside to WB running backside counter (trap blocked), fake 2nd man
    BELLY OPTION- Midline or IV blocking scheme, with option as to who gets the ball (QB or FB)
    BELLY HANDBACK- A crossbuck, fakes the first man one side, hands back to the second man opposite side (similar to the WB Misdirection out of the Flexbone books, just a tad different)
    BELLY TOSS- Fakes the first man, then option pitch toss to the second back following a pulling guard to the outside.

    Last edited by Keontez; 05-11-2011 at 03:13 PM.

  7. #27
    Administrator gschwendt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keontez View Post
    Seeing how its unknown that Army's Wing Bone offense made it into '12 or not (and since none of the plays or formations was showcased in the "25 New Plays promotion", Im assuming not) I wanted to post this here.
    Unfortunately it didn't make it in this year. I talked with Anthony White (playbook designer) and he said that he wanted to get it in but that they didn't get good film on it until very late. He did say though that he really wants to get it in next year and with the game film they have (behind the play view), it should be doable.
    Last edited by gschwendt; 05-11-2011 at 03:17 PM.

  8. #28
    thanks Gshewendt.

    Kinda disappointed that they didnt, but I got a chubby just thinking that they'll get it in next iteration.

  9. #29
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Tez, awesome post. I didn't see Army's offense this year until the Army/Navy game, and I was just blown away when I first saw the Wing Bone. I couldn't believe my eyes that I was seeing a Wing-T, basically.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  10. #30
    Thanks Jeff. Im not really suprised that EA couldnt get footage until later in the season. Last season their offense was basically the Flexbone with a different alignment. This year its more Wing-T than anything and most of their offense is built of the Belly/Double Dive series and if you take Army's offense and put in a shotgun aligment you basically have Auburn's Offense.

  11. #31
    Heisman baseballplyrmvp's Avatar
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    when are reverses going to be brought back?



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