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Thread: We refuse to let Detroit go bankrupt... my bet is paying off in a big way

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  1. #1

    We refuse to let Detroit go bankrupt... my bet is paying off in a big way

  2. #2
    Detroit is just what not to do when running a city.....They had the biggest unions which pretty much ran the city and in the end fucked it, because of their greed.

    Before CLW comes in with some something that has nothing to do with this, I believe unions have a place in blue collar job markets as well as some white collar ( teachers is what I am thinking about here) , but there simply has to be a offset to them. In certain fields you simply cannot leave what's best for the employee up to the employer, history has taught us that they will fuck the employee more times than not.

    And wasn't he talking about the automakers not the city??? I am pretty sure he was, I need the full context not a 14 second snippet.

    EDIT: Wasn't there like a crap ton of scandals in Detroit also...crooked mayors , pension scandals etc?
    Last edited by oweb26; 07-19-2013 at 04:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by oweb26 View Post
    EDIT: Wasn't there like a crap ton of scandals in Detroit also...crooked mayors , pension scandals etc?

    Tenures. That is all I will say about Unions. As for what Obama was saying... I have no doubt he was talking about the auto industry but the reality is that a turnaround would still not save a city as mismanaged as this. Wearing blinders was not going to save Detroit.

    Still waiting to play some co-op in Borderlands 2. You are not holding out on me because I lean to the right?
    Last edited by bdoughty; 07-19-2013 at 05:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bdoughty View Post

    Tenures. That is all I will say about Unions. As for what Obama was saying... I have no doubt he was talking about the auto industry but the reality is that a turnaround would still not save a city as mismanaged as this. Wearing blinders was not going to save Detroit.

    Still waiting to play some co-op in Borderlands 2. You are not holding out on me because I lean to the right?

    Absolutely not man I stay in Tennessee I don't know many people that don't lean to the right, personally I lean both ways believe it or not.....just on some issues one way on others another way!!

    I was on the other night you got on right as I was getting off.....ill be on tonight guaranteed, its Friday so I tend to play pretty late into the night.

  5. #5
    Heisman psusnoop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oweb26 View Post
    Absolutely not man I stay in Tennessee I don't know many people that don't lean to the right, personally I lean both ways believe it or not.....just on some issues one way on others another way!!

    I was on the other night you got on right as I was getting off.....ill be on tonight guaranteed, its Friday so I tend to play pretty late into the night.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by psusnoop View Post

    I should have seen that one coming.

  7. #7
    Heisman psusnoop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oweb26 View Post

    I should have seen that one coming.
    To easy to pass up

  8. #8
    Hall of Fame steelerfan's Avatar
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    Haha, snoop. I read that this morning and thought the EXACT same thing. I was on my phone and it seemed like too much work at the time so I didn't follow through.

    I'm using Tapatalk 2 and the Cleveland Browns STILL suck.

  9. #9
    Heisman psusnoop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelerfan View Post
    Haha, snoop. I read that this morning and thought the EXACT same thing. I was on my phone and it seemed like too much work at the time so I didn't follow through.

    I'm using Tapatalk 2 and the Cleveland Browns STILL suck.
    Lololol great minds think alike

  10. #10
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Coleman Young was a bad mayor in Detroit for a LONG time. Then you have super douschebag and criminal Kwame Kilpatrick. The stupid thing is, that loser was already shown to be a criminal but they voted him back in to screw up some more! He used the race card and his young black status as a plus to the 80% black voters in Detroit to get back in office and help screw everything up even more. The city has been mismanaged for a long, long time. This is not a union thing at all imo.

    This is not a recent issue at all either. Detroit had 2 million people in the 1950s and are less than 800,000 now as everyone is leaving the horribly managed city to flee to the suburbs. I feel bad for current mayor Dave Bing (former Piston) who has tried to rescue Detroit sort of like how Arnold Schwarzenegger took over California. He has/had good intentions but couldn't turn it around. He fought the unions on a lot of things but ultimately the unions are not the big issue. Corruption and horrible planning have doomed Detroit for 50 years and you can't turn this thing around over night.

    I'm very glad Obama saved the Big 3. That has worked out tremendously. First of all it would have cost the US a lot more to let them go bankrupt and now the Big 3 is doing well. That's different than a city of Detroit issue.

  11. #11
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    One other thing about pension funds, government employees often get nice funds but they sink a lot of personal money in them as well. I contribute 50% to it and that's 12% of my salary. For the guy who wants the employees to take 10 cents on the dollar but give 75% to the top two creditors that is a slap in the face to people who contributed a lot to their pension fund and are suddenly being told their retirement dreams are crushed.



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