Quote Originally Posted by ram29jackson View Post
these idiots online who think playing any way they want regardles of what anyone thinks fail to realize they are the reeson less and less people even bother going online anymore. The logic that its my game and I can play any way I want is wrong once you go online. You arent playeng the AI anymore, you are playing other people.
Quote Originally Posted by ram29jackson View Post
no one online has any sense of fun or adventure. I keep trying to get people to match up with low ranked teams but they don't get the hint.

I'm trying use Air Force and a pro playbook but every dumb ass haaas to use an over-rated =A= team no matter what
I have this problem as well. If I grab a c rated team don't take bama. I would rather play with even teams and have a good time online. If i lose oh well it's not the end of the world.

I'm on ps3 aufan123 if anyone wants to add me