So i am now playing a couple of seasons with less house rules just to test the game to its limits and i am discovering what many of you surely already know and that is that the CPU is pretty crappy at using any sort of logic when calling plays. heck, even herbie is screaming for more screen passes to counter the man blitzes that i am sending on every play but the cpu refuses to call them even though when they randomly do they are having huge success!

well last night i took it up yet another notch and added a twist to the nickle LB man blitz that i use 80% of the time. i almost always spread the LB and D-LINE out with the alignment audible and now i started to walk whichever safety is assigned to cover the HB to the line of scrimmage and manually blitz him somewhere between my 2 tackles. this creates even more chaos for cpu pass blocking as now i am sending 7 instead of 6! sure this now leaves the HB essentially uncovered but by the time the HB can get out in his route the QB is being mauled in the pocket!!! if you have never tried this do it, its hilarious! put SPEED at the DE and LB positions and watch the game of JAM-PILE on the QB begin! Last night against Northwestern i had 19 team sacks and held them to a team -111 (yeah, that is a negative!!!) total offensive yards on HEISMAN level! here is my OD name if you want to look it up: LetsgobigmoeOD1

Score: 111 - 0