Quote Originally Posted by xMrHitStickx904 View Post
That is pretty weird, I thought the 360 side would get a lot of traffic in the tournament like it did last year, pretty bizarre lol. But honestly, the PS3 side brought more competition that I thought it would, played Jonalan who is 19-27 and our game went to the final possession. I'm definitely not comfortable with my lead, but it helps that a good 12 people play consistently.
I got a ton of games last year in on PS3. I kept losing to Welfare, though, so that ended up putting me out of the top 2 seeds. at him doing so poorly. I told him he would lose a lot more once they got rid of the man coverage mirroring.

But yeah, I'm immensely surprised at the lack of quality players on the 360 side. I've got several on my friend's list, but the vast majority seem to be online dynasty players and don't even bother. Oh well. I'll step it up if I need to, but as it is now, there's no point in me even playing anymore games since I'm easily 2nd and no one else seems to want to try to move up.