Are there even any good power jobs open at this point? (NC State is a 'no.' I don't think many coaches want to go there now with Duke and UNC currently on pretty big upswings.) I can see Stevens taking the Indiana job if Crean gets canned in the next year or two. Otherwise, I think he'll be at Butler for the foreseeable future.

Missouri has very good facilities ('amazing' is the adjective that keeps getting thrown around), but despite some great players, teams, and seasons have never made a Final Four. Haith may have some success at a school that wants to win in basketball and doesn't have to compete with a bunch of other in-state schools like the Canes did. On the surface, it doesn't look to be a very impressive hire, however.

Martin to Miami does make some sense. I can see that one happening.

Did they tighten up those rims tonight or what? I can't stand when they have the rims/hoops mic'd up and every miss comes across as a loud 'CLANG!' That makes a bad shooting night even more unbearable to viewers IMO.