I am starting a COMMITTED, Competitive Online Dynasty 10 man league. I am an avid NCAA OD enthusiast, and would like to advance twice weekly (Tuesday's and Friday's). Any school is welcome. All-American skill level/recruiting level. No existing coaches. No restarts will be allowed, if connectivity issues exist than it will be evaluated on a case by case basis. I would like to do MULTIPLE seasons and am putting an emphasis on COMMITTED players for this OD. Any non-conference schedule is also welcome, with the exception of NO FCS teams. This dynasty will include named rosters. The offseason will be made a date that will accommodate the majority. I would also like to start a thread or blog committed to this dynasty to build friendships and to make the others in the dynasty aware of vacation/reason for not playing (which could also be accomplished via Dynasty Wire). If someone becomes a nuisance in this dynasty they will be subject of a Big Brother style vote off. I will remain commish for the entire duration of this dynasty.

Thanks for taking time to read this post and if you are interested please respond with your xbox gamertag. Go Bucks!
