My wife is also on medication for anxiety and panic attacks.

Her mother had her put on the medication since she was a little girl...and after having been on it for 10+ years never thought anything of it...because hey she's taking her medicine it makes it all go away.

Not thinking that hey thus medicine is making her depressed all the time...gain over 50 pounds in weight as a teenager after Mom had Dr put her on Paxil. She wasn't eating any more than she was before on that particular medicine. Changed Dr's at my advice and he immediately took her off that saying that was a prime side effect. Of course weight gain made her more depressed...meanwhile not getting to the root of the issue. It was always just medicate medicate...take more medication, take a Xanax and it will all go away.

She is now just at the age of 28 just at the point where she is tired of being on it and wanting to get away from medications on medications.