Well, we're getting really close to E3, and that probably means we're going to start seeing ratings come out, or we'll find a way to find em. It's "Get ya popcorn ready" time. Lately we've been top 5ing our favorite players across college football. We all know about the everyday name guys, the Jake Lockers, Mark Ingrams, AJ Greens and Mark Herzlichs of the cfb landscape. We talk about them all the time, but there are plenty more that take the field.

My question:

Who is THE player on YOUR team that is primed for a Breakout Season? The guy that out of your conference, or even your team, nobody knows about that is ready to make the jump to an all conference level. The guy that by the end of the year we'll all be saying "He should have been rated higher in ncaa 11", I didn't know he was that good!

What is the tangible reason for your pick? (In my opinion Freshmen should rarely apply here)

What do you think his rating will be out of the box in 11?