Any new defensive formations/plays?
Yes. Sorry, in the short time I wasn't really able to put together a list or highlight any but you will find some. The main new formation is the 236 as a package for the 3-4 defense to use as a Dime.

Types of triple threat athletes.
There are a wide variety of athletes. Here's a table breaking down some of the ones that JB & I were able to recruit in a season as Florida & Florida State. Click on each player's name to see how all of their ratings break down.
Examples of Athletes.
Name Pos1 Pos2 Pos3 Pos4
Ryan Miranda FB 71 OL 77-80 DL 77-80 LB 70-72
Marcus Howard HB 70 WR 77
Troy Sanders QB 77 HB 76 WR 77
Dustin Gordon HB 78 WR 76 CB 68 S 73
Benjamin Brooks HB 73 WR 75
Jerome Lawrence FB 61 OL 72-75 DL 66-70
Dwight Howard HB 79 WR 74 CB 77 S 75-78
Javan Peters HB 73 WR 78 CB 77 S 77-80
Jonathan Griffin QB 74 HB 75 WR 73

I'd like to see the Ratings for Teams/Players: 5, 10, 15, etc.... years out. I.e. any problems with progression/ratings issues with recruits compared to the base roster set.
Sorry, we really didn't have enough time to get to this one. I know the guys at Tradition Sports were doing a some testing with that so hopefully they'll be able to give some solid impressions.

Was wondering if the UA Wounded Warrior uniforms are in this game for teams that used them last year like USF and South Carolina.

Any new option plays, both running (triple et al.) and passing (R&S). Similarly, (a) any tweaks to existing option plays (e.g. midline) or(b) 'old' option plays that may now be available in other formations.
There are some new option plays, though I don't know that any of them are in the actual Flexbone formations. However, the new Army Wingbone is a nice new variation on the option. Added, for Spread option fans, there are a handful of new plays including the Jet Sweep Triple Option seen in the demo as well as the Pistol Multi-back sets with a Triple Option Switch where the read is on the deep back and the pitch is to the upback.

I was really frustrated with custom stadium sounds last year because they said we could do 200 sounds and on 360 we could only do 100 because of the selection being limited within the game. Is this fixed in the game?
Sorry, all of us are on PS3 so we couldn't test this.

Do some teams have their updated uniforms/logos in the game even if they aren't present in teambuilder (i.e. Utah State, Mizzou, San Jose State, etc.)?
No. It appears that they currently still have their old uniforms & logos. Hopefully we find out about updated uniforms sometime soon.

From what I understand the option as run by the CPU is still (in the demo) not very effective. Is there any hint that the CPU option game will be improved in the retail version?
At times, you see glimpses of an effective option but certainly not to the point that it needs to be. We've posted a CPU vs CPU video in the videos thread. It starts out really rough but after the first couple of drives, each team is able to produce something, though not sustained throughout.

Were any new socks, sock lengths, dreads, or dread lengths added to the game this year?
I'm sorry to say SmoothPancakes, you will be disappointed in this area once again.

What is the carry rating of Bowling Green's 3rd string RB? I'd also like to know what kind of facemask he has.
HB #4 has a 66 CAR rating and wears a Revo Speed Speed Robot facemask.

Were the graphics that dynamically showed OL block assignments removed?
Yes. Those no longer show dynamicaly which is ashame because even if the OL performed the wrong action, at least you knew what action they were performing.

I'd also appreciate an assessment of shotgun running besides option plays.
The run game on the whole does seem improved. Pulling guards and such do seem to do a better job of finding the best target to block. This includes the Shotgun run game and overall it's better.

Tommy, if you still have the feedback I sent you months ago, check the Custom Playbook issue.
I never saw any examples of ghost or empty formations so those appear fixed. However, I didn't test whether or not a quick-audible is always assigned. I never noticed the issue so it might be fixed, but I can't say definitively.

Is the bug where the cb won't play the option still there?
It was still seen during pre-release.

Does the CPU still, on occasion, assign a defensive man to cover an offensive guy on the complete opposite side of the field?\
Most of that was fixed, however, during no huddle, the alignment/assignment stuff will do some crazy things, including assigning a guy on the opposite side of the field. As well, in the 425/335, I've seen to where at least the Pistol Diamond formation that the SSes are assigned to the opposite side RB (SS1 assigned FB, SS2 assigned upback HB).

Are PS3 replays still cut short on long plays?
The "Broadcast" replay will indeed cut them off but in some of the examples I saw, if you go to the full replay it will be there. I didn't check on any really long plays though.

In Dynasty mode, at the match-up screen (the screen where you can change your uniform options), if the HC's and the OC's offensive philosophies don't match, the screen will show the offense of the OC and not of the HC (i.e. HC=Option, OC=Air Raid, Match-up screen shows Air Raid, team runs option). Is that fixed?
Honestly not sure. I wasn't able to test that.

Have the Game Plan settings been tweaked to make the Aggressive setting more risky defensively?
So far as I'm aware, any tweaks made were minor. I don't ever really mess with those so I can't say for certain, but I imagine they'll be much of the same as recent.

Does the new Read and React Defense AI generate more variance in terms of how defenders play the triple option, specifically the flexbone offense, or does it only apply to the passing game and the CPU will continue to play the TO perfectly almost every time?
My understanding was that read & react primarily focused on pass defense but according to Ben yesterday during the Machinima Livestream, read & react does apply to the running game as well. Hard to really judge at this point.

how often are score updates and when do they show up ?
Sometimes you might only see 2-3 per game, other times you might see 4-6 per game. For the most part, they're not too intrusive.

Have the rain games in Dynasty been tuned down (may have to ask a developer)?
Not sure that any changes were made to that.

Are simmed QB competition %s too low in dynasty? If so is it just for guys shown in the in game updates or for all simmed games?
It's all simmed games. In a dynasty, I'm in Week 6 of Season 2 and looking at the career stats, there are 9 players with 55+ completion percentage, the largest of which is 65%.

In regards to manually controlled players having their first steps pre-determined by their assignment, does anyone know if this has been changed/fixed in 2013?
I believe they still follow their assignment. You can sort of work around this by hot-routing your user controlled player to a QB spy but not sure what other impacts that has.

When you switch players on defense during a play, does 2013 switch you to the closest player to the ball or the person in the best position to make a play?
I believe it's the same as has been in previous years.

For Oregon when they use there light grey uniforms will arm bands socks and cleat wraps change to light green? Like in real life
No, there is no dynamic player equipment or alternate colored equipment.

When recruiting, are the scrambling QBs faster this year or getting ATHs who can play QB the route people are gonna want to take if they wanna run some form of option attack?
Most of the QBs are going to be similar to previous years. I think the fastest true QB I found was around 86SPD. You might find some faster but that is one that I saw. That said, athletes will definitely be a viable choice to run an option attack. I saw one ATH with 93SPD and low 80s throwing abilities. (see chart at top of post)

Last year in the nickel formation, if a team was running hurry up out of a three receiver set, sometimes a linebacker would walk out to cover the slot receiver instead of the nickelback running over to the opposite side of the field to man up on the receiver.
I honestly don't recall seeing that last year but it's definitely in this year. I've seen examples in the 4-3 with a CB not coming over to cover twins as well as other random examples for the 425 & 335.

Does the Studio Updates affect Online Dynasty? I.E. a member played his game earlier, and during your game you see updates of that game.
In Online Dynasty, you'll see studio updates, but they won't be from any user games whatsoever.