Quote Originally Posted by gschwendt View Post
I don't know if you guys ever read the Facebook comments on posts from the official NCAA Football page but occasionally I'll browse them. Today's post asks "FILL IN THE BLANK: The gameplay addition/improvement that I'd like to see the most is _______!"
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150720470797280&set=a.32980794727 9.149909.90440037279&type=1

The reason I read through them is because I consider those replies closer to the casual player compared to most dedicated message board members being hard-core player. Anyway, aside from the throw-away posts (there's always lots of them), today, the sentiment seems that the #1 overriding gameplay fix needs to be fixing super-LBs. Just thought it was interesting that if you had 1 wish, that would be it. Don't get me wrong, there are a handful of educated, intelligent posters but for the most part, they're either saying super-LBs or talking about something completely not related to gameplay.

Anyway... just thought I'd share.
when you guys went to ea, how much did you talk about the super lb's being a problem and did anyone attribute it to being because of the low pass trajectory?