Today, IGN spoke at length with Sony Computer Entertainment America's CEO and President Jack Tretton about all things PlayStation. The PlayStation Vita took center stage in the discussion, but inevitably, the next generation of PlayStation consoles came up.

When asked if the rumors of there being no PlayStation 4 reveal in 2012 were true, Tretton talked about how Sony constantly iterates and is always working on what's next for the PlayStation brand.

"In terms of when you talk about [the next generation] and when you announce it, it really depends on the health of the existing platform and the other things you have going on," Tretton remarked. "And right now, we're focused on PlayStation 3, and I've got another platform (PlayStation Vita) to get out the door in seven days, so I don't want to be thinking about trying to launch new technology anytime soon. I want to focus all our energy on our console business, which is really just hitting its stride, and Vita, which really deserves a dedicated push from us."

Tretton concluded, "I, quite frankly, would be very distracted if I had to be talking about next generation hardware this year," insinuating that PlayStation 4, in line with rumors supporting it, wouldn't be seen or heard from in 2012.

Look for the full content of our interview with Jack Tretton soon here on IGN.

Borrowed from NeoGaf

July 2008: PlayStation 3 is "hitting its stride".

February 2010: PlayStation 3 is just hitting its stride.

June 2011: PlayStation 3 is only just now hitting its stride.


I am a PS3 owner but I also follow the NPD sales threads and it is in no way hitting its stride. Another late entry into the console market will only spell more doom for Sony.