Quote Originally Posted by PISTOLxCOACH View Post
but im one of those people... i barely played 10 at all... maybe 4-5 weeks online, and a tiny bit of OD, just hooked back up with 2 good OD's from this site... i am one of them that had planned on not buying the game for the first time at all... but they have provided solid proof for their efforts this year...

dont understand that comment, the mood here is positive, relaxed, and enjoying the features/re-installs of the game that are coming out this year... why im here more than utopia purely because everyone here may have low expectations, but nobody is regurgitating the same stuff every feature/release/blog/recap we get... im glad they made this site myself, dont have to read through 30 posts of useless stuff to get to any good solid info from the CD guys... they are keeping their input on stuff streamlined along with the release blogs and videos... love it

I agree on the progress the game has made this year. I couldn't be more impressed with what has been released so far & the depth of every announcement they've made. Huge leaps from what I can tell so far.

What I meant about the reason this site started was that at utopia, it seemed like you couldn't post an opinion(positive or negative) without having it viciously attacked & having to defend it. What caught my attention in your post were the words "not tolerating negative remarks". Maybe it was just the way you worded it & you didn't really mean it that way but that's all I was commenting on.

You and I are in complete agreement about the info on the game we have this year, I just wanted to point that out because something as simple as that can be misunderstood that's all.