So I've been playing NCAA for a few years now....since around '98 and I've never been good but I enjoy it. I've played a lot online in the lobby and vs my buddies and at some times I've gotten to a level 2 but usually not for long.

Well this year I've only played my 1 buddy online, we play almost nightly 1 game per night. I had won 7 games in a row and was 11-2 and a LEVEL 7. I was like WOW this is pretty cool. Then tonight we played, SJSU (me) vs SDSU (him) he won this time and my record is not 11-3 and I'm a wopping level 1. How quickly you fall in ranking. Just seems wild that I have to WIN WIN WIN to move up but 1 loss makes you fall that far.

Oh well, there's always tomorrow night....