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Thread: Teacher suspended for telling students they cant critique Obama

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  1. #1
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    Teacher suspended for telling students they cant critique Obama


    word about the incident spread over the internet and, by Monday morning, the 10 minute YouTube video had received more than 168,000 views.

    The video illustrates a fact of the educational system painfully understood by some, scoffed at by others: Some teachers misuse their position of authority to influence or bully students into ideological submission.

    Ironically, it was Dixon-Neely [who is heard yelling on the video] who initiates the political discussion in her social studies classroom, explaining to students how Mitt Romney bullied a fellow classmate in school, pinned him down and cut his hair.

    But a student questions her statement, adding that he had heard that Obama bullied a girl himself when he was in school.

    Not expecting to be questioned, Dixon-Neely lashes out against the student as the audio of the tape indicates.

    “Stop, no, because there is no comparison,” says Dixon-Neely. “Romney is running for president. Obama is the president.”

    The student argues that they are both “just men.” But the teacher continues to argue that it is OK to criticize Romney but not President Obama.

    On the tape, as the incident escalates, Dixon-Neely is heard yelling at the student.

    “Listen, let me tell you something, you will not disrespect the president of the United States in this classroom,” says Dixon-Neely.

    The student makes a remark about free speech and that he will continue to speak his mind.

    “Not about him you won’t,” says Neely. She then suggests that the student could be arrested for talking against the President.

    “Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush? Do you realize you are not supposed to slander the president?”

    Teachers who politicize their classrooms do their students a grave disservice, one with significant repercussions for years to come.

    Instead of concentrating on the scholastic staples critical for young minds to compete and succeed in the real world, many teachers have misused their positions to vent their political frustrations and quash free speech, speech that should, at the very least, be present in the classroom.

    American students have now fallen behind their global counterparts in reading and mathematics. Results from a recent Harvard University study reveal that U.S. students rank 32nd among industrialized nations in proficiency in math and 17th in reading.

    And if teachers like Dixon-Neely are the standard, there is little reason to wonder why.

    Conservative commentator and satirist William J. Kelly is also a contributor to and edits the Tea Party Reports for the Washington Times Communities. He is a native from Chicago's Southside.

    Email questions to him at

    Find him on Facebook/Williamjpkelly

    Read more of Bill Kelly's Truth Squad in The Communities at the Washington Times


    the teacher is a complete idiot and borderline militant whether she knows it or not

  2. #2
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    a Swedish tv show, showing an American classroom..another teacher denying indoctrination while actually doing it LOL

  3. #3
    Heisman morsdraconis's Avatar
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    I'm not giving some Tea Party idiot's "blog" an extra visit no matter how fuckin' crazy that teacher is.

    And I feel sorry for you Ram if you're a Tea Party follower because you're voting against your own economic future (unless you're a millionaire).

  4. #4
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by morsdraconis View Post
    I'm not giving some Tea Party idiot's "blog" an extra visit no matter how fuckin' crazy that teacher is.

    And I feel sorry for you Ram if you're a Tea Party follower because you're voting against your own economic future (unless you're a millionaire).
    Ugh, don't even get me started on these teabag dumbasses. If they ever get a sizable amount of their group/people into Congress, this country is fucked. The teabaggers that have already managed to get elected to Congress have made the rank and file Republicans look fucking moderate. Of course, it's only going to get worse at this rate, with current Congressmen losing primaries and whatnot, with some of them being campaigned against by teabaggers simply because they worked together with Democrats on issues. As if Congress isn't already a clusterfuck with Republicans and Democrats barely working together at all. You get a large contingent of teabaggers in there, not a single fucking thing will ever get done in Congress because the teabaggers will refuse to work with Democrats and the Democrats will never be able to reach a compromise on stuff because the teabaggers will demand the fucking moon on every single issue.

  5. #5
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    this has nothing to do with the tea party..stay focused.

    I just googled an article for the video. I could give a damn less who's bend it is. the fact is this teacher is wrong and an idiot for going about her business this way.

    That said, you guys are just as gullible at media influencing your opinions LOL.

    A group of people dont want to be taxed, along with a few other issues and start a group about it. But since liberal media makes sure they interview the not so bright members and edit interactions to make them look dumb, therefore all tea party members are like that...? Come on man, you know how tv/media works.

    again though, I just googled an article with the basic info. Its not about the tea party, its about a dumb teacher. And theres plenty of other media that finds her at fault and less thoughtful then her students.

    But classes seem pretty dumb with all the cussing you hear going on in the conversation LOL... I know the students cussed at least a couple times.

  6. #6
    Heisman morsdraconis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ram29jackson View Post
    this has nothing to do with the tea party..stay focused.
    You made it about the teaparty by linking to a fuckin' moron from that moronic "party".

    Quote Originally Posted by ram29jackson View Post
    That said, you guys are just as gullible at media influencing your opinions LOL

    A group of people dont want to be taxed, along with a few other issues and start a group about it. But since liberal media makes sure they interview the not so bright members and edit interactions to make them look dumb, therefore all tea party members are like that...? Come on man, you know how tv/media works.
    I'm not colored by tv/media. I'm talking about facts and the facts are that Tea Party members want less government spending (aka, no or not as much social services like Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Free Lunches at public schools, etc), less taxes for the richest people in the US, and, in general, less things that make life good for the people that help run this country (the middle class working population). Any party that convinces people to vote with their own economic welfare not in mind is a bad party for the US.

    Quote Originally Posted by ram29jackson View Post
    I just googled an article for the video. I could give a damn less who's bend it is. the fact is this teacher is wrong and an idiot for going about her business this way.

    again though, I just googled an article with the basic info. Its not about the tea party, its about a dumb teacher. And theres plenty of other media that finds her at fault and less thoughtful then her students.

    But classes seem pretty dumb with all the cussing you hear going on in the conversation LOL... I know the students cussed at least a couple times.
    And I completely agree. That teacher is a dumb cunt and deserves to be reprimanded or even fired for doing what she did. Certainly one of the main issues with education in the US is teachers that don't need to be teaching because they can't handle being challenged on their incredibly stupid ideals. See exhibit a, this dumb ass teacher.

  7. #7
    Resident Lawyer of TGT CLW's Avatar
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    LMAO love me some politics disussion as its easy to pin people into their likely grouping within about 30 seconds.

    I just crack up when I see people blame the "other side" exclusively for all problems facing the country. (the truth is both parties have combined equally to our problems i.e. we are getting the absolute worst combination of the two parties because Americans think they can have "low" taxes from the right but get all the "free" services from the left)

    I'm from the FAR right (I probably make most Tea Party people look like Obama Commies) and have an absolute disdane for most Republican politicians as well. However, the truth is this:

    #1 The Republican party has moved and is still moving further right to the FAR Right (i.e. the Tea Party or even my "wing" of the party is largely in control and will continue to gain further control in the near term)

    #2 The Democratic party has moved and is still moving further left to the FAR Left (i.e. the Communist/Socialist/Occupy/[insert whatever those on the far left like to call themselves] wing of the party is largely in control and will continue to gain further control in the near term)

    This leads to STRONG philosophical divides between the two parties that are simply NOT subject to compromise. (i.e. my wing of the party has absolutely nothing to say/compromise to Obama's wing of the party and vice versa). Since true moderates (both in the general population and even the moderates within a party) rarely vote in primaries the Far Right and Far Left will eventually take over the parties nearly completely (some would argue it has happened already) with a few rare exceptions that will get destroyed in the likely never ending string of "wave" elections.

    Now the interesting question is what is going to happen out of this. Short term, the status quo will remain as America is DEEPLY but "roughly" EVENLY divided. As such, the status quo of nothing of any significance getting passed w/o massive litigation/fights is not going to change regardless of the outcome of the 2012 elections. I can only see 3 possible outcomes long term.

    #1 The Far Right wins America and gains control for an extended period into the future in MOST elections (insert your own belief of the implications of this outcome)

    #2 The Far Left wins America and gains control for an extended period into the future in MOST elections (insert your own belief of the implications of this outcome)

    #3 America remains as is for an extended period with little to nothing "major" getting passed with little to no "compromise"

    Now obviously I like #1 and hate #2 but as someone from the Far Right I think that #3 is also attractive because paralysis will likely lead to the implosion/destruction of the massive government that has built up especially since the New Deal. Its simple math/$ that all of these entitlement programs and our Government in general is headed to a death in their current form. As such, from a far right perspective we simply need to refuse to compromise keep enough control to stop the left from passing anything w/o our consent and then wait for the explosion and then with a magic wand nearly 100 years of Progressive/Liberal agenda is erased just like that.

    In short, if you are like me and from the right you should gladly take 2/3 of a chance of getting close to what I want.

    If you are from the Left the question you have to ask is are you simply willing to take a 1/3 shot of getting what you want (Far Left control of America) or are you going to at least attempt center right compromises (before my wing of the party is in complete control and unwilling to compromise hardly at all) in order to avoid either losing America to the Far Right and/or an implosion/default/Great Depression 2.0.

    If you are from the middle, you simply are going to have to get involved in the process (donate $; actually vote in primaries; etc...) b/c although the politicians of both parties will pay lip service to you they all know "who's their daddy" and its the FAR right/left (depending on their party). And if you are moderate and DUMB enough to think otherwise I'll sell you some ocean front property I have in Kansas.

    EDIT: Oh yeah and that teacher is a MORON and even those on the left should be embarrassed by the teacher's utter lack of anything resembling intelligence.
    Last edited by CLW; 05-22-2012 at 06:03 PM.

  8. #8
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    I'm sure FOX News is all over this video.

    But yet Tea Baggers having a sign of Obama with a bone through his nose isn't racist at all.

  9. #9
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    I saw that the teacher in the initial video was 'suspended with pay.' Isn't that just called a 'vacation'?

  10. #10
    Hall of Fame SmoothPancakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdj View Post
    I saw that the teacher in the initial video was 'suspended with pay.' Isn't that just called a 'vacation'?

  11. #11
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    And to think she missed a perfectly good opportunity to explain to her students that "free speech" does not mean "I get to say whatever I want, wherever I want to".

    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  12. #12
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    that was South Carolina, right ?
    My understanding California its politicize a classroom...i'm sure it cant be monitored that much LOL

    you can have any view you want..but to not have the forsight that you are pushing an opinion in a wrong fashion...?

    and she may well have gotten teaching credentials..but any time I hear someone like that, talk that way..I'm thinking country bumpkin.

    the one from 2008 is just as sad..foreign tv has to expose the truth because American media dont dare show it LOL

  13. #13
    All-American DariusLock's Avatar
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    Good find for once Ram haha.

    EDIT: Watched the second video LOL at the teacher "Cathy! That means your daddy can stay in the military another 100 years!"
    Last edited by DariusLock; 05-22-2012 at 10:07 PM.

  14. #14
    Heisman baseballplyrmvp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by morsdraconis View Post
    I'm not colored by tv/media. I'm talking about facts and the facts are that Tea Party members want less government spending (aka, no or not as much social services like Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Free Lunches at public schools, etc), less taxes for the richest people in the US, and, in general, less things that make life good for the people that help run this country (the middle class working population). Any party that convinces people to vote with their own economic welfare not in mind is a bad party for the US.
    as a very strong republican, i disagree with the image you're trying to paint here about conservatives in general.

    i, for one, have the opinion that less taxes for the rich are a good thing. the fact that they're rich, means that they've obviously risen to the top or have gotten near the top of their respective company, and therefore have hundreds, maybe thousands of people working under them (the middle class and low income families). taxing the rich and big businesses into oblivian makes it impossible for them to turn a profit and grow at the same time. the only way for them to turn a profit, is to layoff a bunch of people. obviously this does nothing for most of America as it would up the unemployment percentage. taxing businesses and the rich less makes it possible for them to turn a profit and employ more people at the same time.

    less government spending like social services? i dont think its the government's job to support people who are too lazy to go out and try to support themselves. thats not to take anything away from people who have tried but still arent been able to....i just think there's far too many free-loaders in this country, who'd rather sit on their ass and wait for the government checks to come in the mail. the government's job is to govern the people; not spoon feed everyone, hold their hands, and try to get involved in every aspect of everyone's life.

  15. #15
    Administrator JBHuskers's Avatar
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    I never understood the suspended with pay bit.

  16. #16
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    wasnt it North or South Carolina that wanted Al Sharpton to run for President ?

  17. #17
    Heisman SCClassof93's Avatar
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    Government run instruction...oops I meant education.

  18. #18
    Hall of Fame ram29jackson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBHuskers View Post
    I never understood the suspended with pay bit.
    unions ?

  19. #19
    Booster JeffHCross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseballplyrmvp View Post
    i, for one, have the opinion that less taxes for the rich are a good thing.
    Do I agree with "taxed into oblivion"? No, certainly not. While I would disagree with the premise that less taxes on the rich means they, or even a majority, would invest that additional money back, I also don't agree that a tremendous increase in their taxes is a good thing.

    That said, I also don't think the premise that a system where Warren Buffet and President Obama pay a lower effective tax rate than their secretaries (and, for that matter, Mitt Romney pays a lower effective tax rate than me) is sound either.

    I think it's also important to distinguish between closing loopholes (or abuses) for CEOs, versus doing it for businesses. I personally do not believe that CEO Bob Steven's salary, or his tax rate, is a significant influence on whether or not Lockheed Martin lays off employees. Lockheed Martin's profit margins and taxes are an influence on that, but not the individual balance sheet of their CEO. Of course, small businesses are a very different story.

    I saw something related to this over the weekend, with the full intent on sharing it with you, but unfortunately I've forgotten by now.
    Twitter: @3YardsandACloud

  20. #20
    Heisman morsdraconis's Avatar
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    You close the loopholes where companies have to pay more taxes and it'll be a SIGNIFICANT increase in revenue in this country. Hell, to save small businesses (since that's always the argument about raising business taxes) make it apply to any company that makes more than $500,000 a year or something like that. I would venture to say, you're no longer a "small" business if you are making that much a year from your business.

    Also, just the other day, I saw some dude in WV that made $400,000 last year and was actually owed income taxes back! Now, I don't know his actual financial circumstances or anything, but I know damn well that something is fuckin' wrong if he's owed more money after making that much last year.



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