Quote Originally Posted by Jayrah View Post
Jeff, how am I supposed to know that my opponent is going to line this guy up at different positions?
My general point, which I think you got, was that there's nothing to preclude anyone from lining up anywhere, thanks to packages, formation subs, and the like.

And, to your point about ODs, unless it's Week 1, chances are there is some indication, statistically, of how I use my superstars.

Quote Originally Posted by Jayrah View Post
And a real life DC DOES know who's on the field. That's why they stay in their press box.
Maybe, maybe not. Honestly, that's one of the things I've always wondered ... how closely they can tell who's on the field/off the field. Though I guess binoculars would help.

Quote Originally Posted by Jayrah View Post
I felt it was fair to line up the Wr at Rb only if I lined up my Rb at Wr, that way the other team can at least truly see that it's a rb formation.
Speaking solely from a strategic standpoint, I see no incentive to tip my hand like that. But, it should probably be mentioned that I love the mind games aspect of football.