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Thread: HELP! My passing offense is just plain horrible!

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  1. #1

    HELP! My passing offense is just plain horrible!

    I can consistently run it, especially on the CPU, but in my online dynasties I struggle to pass the ball. Currently #119 in the nation after one season with a team, #116 with another team. I run a pro style attack, try to keep it in the hands of slot receivers, TE's and stretch the field with the outside guys when possible. This year's game I'm having great difficulty with zone defense, just reading the field I guess. I just found out about the LT button, and it really does help me, but it's not enough.

    Any tips you guys might have? I'm usually a passer first, always been able to throw it all over the field, but this year's game is forcing me to learn how to read the defense much better.

    On a side note, my QB's are pretty awful, which I'm sure has something to do with it but I'm really not this bad...

  2. #2
    read pre snap what the covrege is an hot route acordingly you have to be on time on your throws this year also.

  3. #3
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    I'm not great at passing either, but here's a couple tips that I've been using to help keep my offense balanced.

    - Throw the ball before the player gets open, not once they are open. Run comeback routes in Practice Mode for a good example of this. You should be throwing the ball before the WR turns around; time it so it hits them just as they turn back.

    - Run slants, crossing routes, drags, etc. and use lead passing to put the ball to where either the WR or no one will get the ball.

    - In pre-snap, look at the coverage and try to figure out where you will have one-on-one coverage.

    - Take what the defense gives you and hit the open man. If you try forcing the ball ("I'm going deep this play!") you'll just end up throwing a pick.

  4. #4
    Heisman morsdraconis's Avatar
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    You need to run plays that attack a certain place on the field with a safety route if your first and second options are covered. Having to only read one side of the field makes passing the ball much easier and makes attacking defenses much easier.

    Plays with a Streak and a Corner/Post route on the same side are a great example. Combine that with a Dig route or a simple Drag route and you have a basic play for success.

    The Streak + Post route is most effective if the Post route is ran by an outside receiver and the Streak route is ran by a slot receiver because they will then attack the same part of the field, forcing the safety on that side to make a decision and once that happens, you should have single coverage on the other route (or wide open coverage if it's against a Cover 2 defense).

    The Streak + Corner route is most effective when the Corner is ran by the slot receiver and the Streak is ran by the outside receiver, even more so in a bunch formation of some type. The biggest thing with a Corner route is using the field to your advantage. If you're on one of the far hash marks, then taking a shot with a Corner route going to the wide side of the field is definitely good as it gives you more room to through between the safety and corner against Cover 2 and Cover 3 and more room to lead the receiver toward the sideline against man coverage.

    The above routes combined with a Drag route toward the side of the field that you're attacking (again, hopefully the wide side of the field) results in a safety route against Cover 2 or Cover 3 (if they are playing strong against your Streak+Corner/Post combination) as well as a viable play against man coverage (and especially press man coverage).

    And, all of that is just one route combination to take advantage of attacking the same area of the field. There are plenty of other concepts out there that make passing the ball VERY easy once you learn them.

    Above all else, if they are bringing heavy heat, don't be afraid to use a WR Mid Screen or HB Screen to take advantage of it. Just be sure to drop back a bit to give your receiver time to get in place on the screen play.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the help guys! I'm going to have to hit the practice field for the first time in my NCAA history, haha

  6. #6
    Heisman AustinWolv's Avatar
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    - Take what the defense gives you and hit the open man. If you try forcing the ball ("I'm going deep this play!") you'll just end up throwing a pick
    This is a good simple thing to remember. You may not always be able to convert a 3rd down, but you won't throw picks and thus stave off huge momentum changes. Just live to fight another day. If you see that blitz coming, find the open short route, don't wait on the longer route just because you think you MUST have that 1st down.

    Another point to consider......a lot of people are too focused on one route pre-snap in order to get a big play or 1st down.......don't pre-determine where you are going with the ball, as you'll end up holding it too long and take the sack or throw a pick.

  7. #7
    I switched my offense from a Pro Style attack to Oklahoma State's playbook. So far, I'm averaging around 250 yards a game 2 TD's and less then 1 INT a game. So, I'm definitely improving. Thanks for the suggestions!

  8. #8
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    Another point to consider......a lot of people are too focused on one route pre-snap in order to get a big play or 1st down.......don't pre-determine where you are going with the ball, as you'll end up holding it too long and take the sack or throw a pick.

    Couldn't have said it better!!!! To add, you may want to consider hot routing, I always have a quick out or slant(every pass play).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRezyReb View Post
    Another point to consider......a lot of people are too focused on one route pre-snap in order to get a big play or 1st down.......don't pre-determine where you are going with the ball, as you'll end up holding it too long and take the sack or throw a pick.
    This kinda confuses me. If I already know where I want to go with the ball, I feel like I get it out quicker. If I try to scan the field and see who is open based on the defense, that's when I end up holding the ball to long and take a sack.

    The only way I really ever complete passes is I see if my primary read is open, if he isn't, I throw an underneath route for a 1-4 yard gain. Which is usually a drop by the receiver ha!

  10. #10
    Varsity Dr Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pantherone26 View Post
    This kinda confuses me. If I already know where I want to go with the ball, I feel like I get it out quicker. If I try to scan the field and see who is open based on the defense, that's when I end up holding the ball to long and take a sack.

    The only way I really ever complete passes is I see if my primary read is open, if he isn't, I throw an underneath route for a 1-4 yard gain. Which is usually a drop by the receiver ha!
    You need to know all the routes and where each WR will be on a given play AND... you need to read the D pre-snap. So you come to the line of scrimmage thinking that the A receiver {A on XBox} is your main WR... but you see the D is doing something different than you expected... now you shift your focus to B... all the while being open-minded enough to know you may have to go to LB or Y or X...

    I won a game recently by hitting a WR on a pass play that I have never thrown to him before. The D was in something that I flat-out did not recognize and I motioned... they were in Zone... okay... that helps. Then after the snap I see my first read is covered and so are two and three... I started to panic because there was less than :40 seconds to go and I was down 28-34. I stepped up into the pocket and then, out of the corner of my eye I saw B breaking open at the 2 yard line. Never before have I thrown to him on this play, but I did then and he scored. We won 35-34.

    Bottom line... read the D... motion helps a lot... hot route when necessary... never get fixated on one WR... know all the routes before you snap the ball, so you can quickly get through your reads and know which read should be one, then two and so on.

    It takes time... but practice and patience will get you there.

  11. #11
    Heisman AustinWolv's Avatar
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    This kinda confuses me. If I already know where I want to go with the ball, I feel like I get it out quicker. If I try to scan the field and see who is open based on the defense, that's when I end up holding the ball to long and take a sack.
    What it means is that some players will come out and know that their outside receivers are running go routes. They are fixated on throwing the go routes before the snap, so they ignore the double coverage or man with cover2 over the top coverage and they're going to throw that go route no matter what.......instead of backing off and taking the open throw to the slot running an out underneath or RB out of the backfield for example.
    What was stated doesn't have to do with pre-snap reads and thinking you know the coverage and where to attack it, but rather don't get fixated on a particular route and forcing it in or sitting there in the pocket forever waiting on it to come open.

  12. #12
    Here is what I do this year as I have NOT had time to run practice and really learn how to "READ" the D so I simply do this:
    1) I run most formations with TWINS so I get a pre-snap man vs zone read on slot WR.
    2) Don't snap it right away and the CPU typically shows blitz before the snap.
    3) Know your "HOT ROUTE" plan if blitz comes, this is crucial
    4) Run plays with routes that attack something. I personally LOVE the FLOOD schemes this year into the WIDE side of the field. Here is how I handle the flood play for example.
    - Is D in a man defense? typically cpu runs zone this year
    - If zone read the guy attacking the flats first
    - If CB vacates the flats throw it to the guy and get 6 to 9 yards
    - If CB is hitting the WR and staying shallow then its likely cover 2
    - If cover 2 I will glance at the FS (if he is not FLYING over to the outside I will throw it to my outside WR as soon as he gets free from CB
    - If cover 2 and FS is flying over, I will look to chuck it to inside slot WR whenever he is open but not much later then when he breaks out if not before
    - If all fails and it seems like there are a thousands defenders over there I will look back to my backside TE who is either running an IN or a slant or a drag and throw to him or RUN with it

    That is how my thought process works this year. Typically look to the short route first and if open throw it if not what does that tell me about the longer routes....

  13. #13
    One other thing that's hurting my passing game is catching the ball out of the backfield. I've had some success throwing to the FB, but the HB's don't seem to get much going at all in this year's game for me. Typically they run out into the flats and either run out of bounds after catching it, catch it and hesitate for a second (which allows for the defense to react and come tackle them) or just drop it. Maybe I haven't really played with a dynamic RB just yet though.

    I also find that it helps to check down as early as often.

  14. #14

    I have a couple vids on the YouTubes addressing the's my first one for NCAA 12. I have a few for last year's game as well...most of it is still relevant.
    Last edited by aurelius; 08-25-2011 at 10:40 PM.

  15. #15
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    Welcome to the site, aurelius!

    Guys - make sure you check out his YouTube videos. He does an excellent job in both topic matter and video quality. Very professional stuff. Glad to have you here!

  16. #16
    I feel like the guy with the videos is playing on an easy difficulty level. Also, imo, he makes the wrong reads in the first two plays.

    The first play he bombs it deep when he has two guys coming wide open underneath. I know he says they are only open because he has already released the ball, but it looks to me like they would have been open regardless. He then bombs it deep to a covered man in the endzone and the receiver makes the play. In a user or Heismen CPU game, that ball is picked or swatted down.

    On the second play, the safety is the one who actually comes up with the ball. However, it bounces off the safety's head/hands then the WR takes it in stride and scores the TD. Looks to me like the inside receiver would have been the better target. If thrown correctly, the ball would get there before the SS for a big gain. This video also makes me think he is playing a lower level, the FS usually makes that play.

    His last TD play, the defense leaves the WR completely open, no one is guarding the guy. I' very rarely see this on Heismen against the CPU in '12. All he does is hot route to a streak down the field.

  17. #17
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    Good stuff in the video, I like the fact that he read pre-snap that the middle of the field was close and decided to go else where, most people see the safety standing in the middle and still try and force those passes in there.

  18. #18
    Heisman baseballplyrmvp's Avatar
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    play the fcs teams a whole bunch of times to help you polish your decision making while in the game.

  19. #19
    Would love some more chatter on ways to improve your passing game

  20. #20
    Administrator gschwendt's Avatar
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    It depends on what you're trying to do with your offense... are you wanting to go Air Raid or just sprinkle in some passing to compliment your running game?

    The first tip I'll give, to all passing plays, don't move your QB around in the pocket. At all. The moment you move your QB, the defensive line breaks off of their blocks much easier and results in more sacks.

    Second, I think most people are aware of this but just to be safe... don't throw when the receiver is open, throw when he's about to be open. If you wait until he's actually open, there's a good chance that by the time the ball gets there, he'll no longer be open.

    Next, if you're going four wide and want to get your outside WRs involved, call plays where they're running underneath routes, etc. If your QB doesn't have great THP, you're going to have a harder time making throws to the outside, particularly against zone.

    Finally, run complimentary routes... essentially run routes that if facing zone, one route will scatter the defenders more and a second receiver can come in behind it and have a more open area to throw to. As well, if you have bunch WRs, call a play that has two WRs running an in and an out that cross each other... if the defense is zone, they'll have to choose which one to cover and if they're in man, then there's a chance that it will essentially be a pick play.



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