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  1. #61
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Some early tips for people. I have been crafting some things but the author is correct in that you will get some random drops just as good or better relatively quickly. However if you want a specific gun a blueprint can have value.

    Detonator and Primer chart:

  2. #62
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I wish they had more people in freeplay. I run around and find a World Event and then I'm the only one in it. Not much of a World Event if I'm doing it solo. And since it's harder if I die there is nobody around to revive me.

  3. #63
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    I wish they had more people in freeplay. I run around and find a World Event and then I'm the only one in it. Not much of a World Event if I'm doing it solo. And since it's harder if I die there is nobody around to revive me.
    Are you free Sunday? We can Freeplay together.

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  4. #64
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I should be free Sunday. Don't think I have plans. Now I just need to kick my kids off the PS4 lol.

  5. #65
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    At least in the UK, Anthem only sold half as many physical copies as Andromeda:

    Anthem topped the UK boxed game sales chart during its first week of release, but with half the physical sales of BioWare's previous game Mass Effect Andromeda.

    Without digital sales through EA's Origin service on PC, or download sales on PlayStation or Xbox, it's difficult to draw exact comparisons. But from the comparisons we can make, Anthem's sales do not paint a hugely positive picture.

    Anthem only managing half the launch week sales of Andromeda is disappointing, as Andromeda only managed half the launch week sales of Mass Effect 3.

    Again, we're talking boxed sales here - which will have dipped over time in favour of a growing number of people downloading their games digitally. But it seems near impossible Anthem made up that sales gap with Andromeda. The last Mass Effect game launched at the same time only two years ago and through the same methods (including EA Access, which offered an early trial).

    Courtesy: Eurogamer

  6. #66
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I do sense an anti EA thing going on. Maybe the bad reception to MEA hurt but I don’t think the criticism towards Anthem is justified at the level I’m seeing.

  7. #67
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Just wasted 15 minutes trying my first Stronghold. It was bugged. Bunch of us went in. Followed directions to a door that never opened. Just shot at it and flew around but nothing. Ugh.

  8. #68
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    I do sense an anti EA thing going on. Maybe the bad reception to MEA hurt but I don’t think the criticism towards Anthem is justified at the level I’m seeing.
    That’s how I feel. This may not be the greatest game ever made but it’s pretty solid and I’m finding it fun to play.

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  9. #69
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I've got enough World Events done now that I can go to the Tombs. Still don't know what happened in that Stronghold. I sat there doing nothing and looking up Youtube videos but all those videos had action right away. We had nothing. I'm assuming it was just bugged this morning. I'd like to try a Stronghold later. Hopefully they don't take too long.

    I took down a big baddy in Freeplay after that this morning though. I tried to take down some beast the other day. Hit it with all I had and I barely dented his health bar. I was by myself and promptly flew away lol.

  10. #70
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    I just played about 15 minutes on my lunch on my PS4 Slim since my son was playing on the Pro (kids home since buses not running due to snow). Big difference in graphics. Anthem really looks good on the Pro. The Slim lacks in detail and pretty much everything. Maybe the biggest difference in quality I've seen.

  11. #71
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    I just played about 15 minutes on my lunch on my PS4 Slim since my son was playing on the Pro (kids home since buses not running due to snow). Big difference in graphics. Anthem really looks good on the Pro. The Slim lacks in detail and pretty much everything. Maybe the biggest difference in quality I've seen.
    I have Andromeda on PS4 (Pro) and Xbox One (S). The graphical fidelity on the Pro vs. the S is so drastic that I bought one of those Upres-ing M cables to help the Xbox out. It helped some but the Pro still kills it.

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  12. #72
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    It would be nice to have waypoints in the game. Not sure why it’s not in there. It would also be nice to change gear in the world and not just at the forge.

  13. #73
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    Today's patch notes:

    Hey Freelancers,

    This morning we will be deploying a patch with the following changes:

    • The tethering timer for missions has been increased. Players should now have more time to catch up to their Squad before seeing a countdown timer.
    • The Swarm Tyrant encounter in the Tyrant Mine Stronghold can no longer be reset by the entire Squad exiting to the main menu and rejoining the session in progress.
    • Players are no longer able to reopen chests that have already been looted in Strongholds.

    NOTE: This patch does not include the loot updates that were mentioned HERE last night. The loot updates will still roll out later today (Feb. 28) or tomorrow (Mar. 1).

  14. #74
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Damn it! I did some Freeplay this morning for almost half an hour. Complete two world events and just after the last one finished I was going to back out, check my gear and get ready for work. Then EA servers crashed and booted me! I don't think I got credit for anything. Went to the forge and no new weapons or components. Boo!!!

    I did a Stronghold last night and had fun. I think it took around 30 minutes working with randoms.

    I am definitely finding myself liking certain weapons over others. And that leads me to crafting things probably a little too much. One of the recommendations was to not craft early on but screw it! I want what I want.

  15. #75
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    There are a ton of people to talk to in Fort Tarsis. It’s less than DAI and for that I’m thankful. Although BioWare loves large hubs where it can be confusing to figure out how to find someone until you learn it. Waypoints would be nice everywhere. I do find most missions on Normal are fairly easy like Destiny. Not a bad thing with the loot drop type of game. Still like my Colossus. Had the first story twist hit me after doing a story mission.

  16. #76
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    Bill. I may try and be online later but today kind of sucks. My daughter has a long free throw shooting competition this afternoon. She won the first two rounds in this poorly organized event and now I’m stuck to driving 30 minutes away so she can shoot 25 shots in 5 minutes while we sit around for 2 hours. That’s how the last one went. But if she doesn’t finish first I told her we aren’t sticking around for 2 hours for their final presentations and get a handshake or lousy medal. They should stratify by age but try to do everyone all at the same time.

    And my Pistons do take on the Raptors at 6. Will watch that tonight. May before of after that game.

  17. #77
    Administrator cdj's Avatar
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    I don't get the perception this is widespread, but apparently Anthem is now bricking PS4 consoles.

  18. #78
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdj View Post
    I don't get the perception this is widespread, but apparently Anthem is now bricking PS4 consoles.

    This game just can’t win.

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  19. #79
    Heisman souljahbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
    Bill. I may try and be online later but today kind of sucks. My daughter has a long free throw shooting competition this afternoon. She won the first two rounds in this poorly organized event and now I’m stuck to driving 30 minutes away so she can shoot 25 shots in 5 minutes while we sit around for 2 hours. That’s how the last one went. But if she doesn’t finish first I told her we aren’t sticking around for 2 hours for their final presentations and get a handshake or lousy medal. They should stratify by age but try to do everyone all at the same time.

    And my Pistons do take on the Raptors at 6. Will watch that tonight. May before of after that game.
    I didn’t play long. I’m out of missions that can be done so I’m forced to do this dumb Freeplay stuff. I put the difficulty on easy just to get though it (I was playing on hard). Now with the bricking issue, I may not play for awhile.

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  20. #80
    Heisman Rudy's Avatar
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    How has "hard" difficulty been? I've been playing on Normal and for the most part we breeze through. I die every once in awhile. I'm afraid if I try Hard people will get mad at me since I'm not really that good lol. I still have a lot of story missions to do. Just recovered the Tarsis Javelin and am working on getting my Dawn Shield.

    Can you not replay older missions when you are done?



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