Wednesday afternoon, the Twitter account for EA SPORTS NCAA Football (@EANCAAFootball) - maintained by EA SPORTS Community Manager Justin Dewiel - shared the following information for any NCAA Football fans who might want to put together their own feedback e-mails or issue/bug reports to e-mail to members of the development team.
The series of Twitter messages are combined into a single message here:
Hey guys, we received lots of great feedback from you on the game so far and we've been able to track down and address many issues... To improve further on the process, I've created an email alias for you to directly send feedback/issues to... If you're experiencing an issue or want to give feedback to the dev team, email us at: Please title the email either issue or feedback and include the game mode in the subject line. We will be looking it over and responding. If you do send a note, you may be emailed and asked for more information, so be on the lookout. Thanks guys!
Even though the moderators and EA SPORTS Game Changers here at The Gaming Tailgate have been passing along feedback and bugs/issues which are shared in the forums here and at other sites, this is another avenue for you to consider if you have anything to contribute to the people behind the game.
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