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I heard the same thing on the Speed Threshold for both Madden and NCAA for years but I haven't seen that at all, I had runs of 68 and 77 with Oklahoma's FB T. Millard lol now it was against Louisiana Monroe and had big plays against me as well I think that rule is overrated when we consider that most DLine players are running in the 4.7-4.8 range and most RB are in the 4.4-4.5 range so side to side not much separation. On the autosubs it depends on what type of game your playing when I play in the SEC players get tired in the second half more because it's a running league. The most anyone stay's out if they reach maximum fatigue is 4 to 5 plays then they're back in. The good thing about that is that you have to scheme for it in the fourth quarter, so you put in sub packages to avoid your star players from getting to tired.