Nobody playing coach mode on the latest and likely final PS3/Xbox 360 installation?
Nobody playing coach mode on the latest and likely final PS3/Xbox 360 installation?
Exclusive Coach mode player here.
I love the coach mode. I have had some great classic games with 2014 already. I have a question though, I noticed that you can't fake snap the ball to try to get an offside. I also noticed that you are unable to toggle to the player you want to set into motion. Both of these features were on 2013. I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BTW..... I joined this forum today......Nice to meet everyone!!
I'm somewhat divided between Coach mode & normal play mode because aside from the camera angle (Which I ABSOLUTE HATE because the logos on the field are always UPSIDE DOWN), I fail to see the difference between the two
I do however make use of the auto pass feature though (And wish Madden had it too)
Cheers & Happy Gaming