• NCAA Football 13 Dynasty Wire Website Now Accessible

    While it's been discussed previously, NCAA Football 13 will be receiving an update Dynasty Wire for use with Online Dynasty. The site has recently been found online (http://www.easports.com/dynasty13/default), however currently you'll not be able to access any of the features unless you have a copy of the game and are a member of an Online Dynasty. Seen below after the break, you can at least see some mock-ups of some of the new features including Scouting, Preseason/Offseason Duties, Heisman Trophy Race, Pipeline States, and Coaching Carousel. Additional to this, as we've previously reported, most of the major bugs that were present in the NCAA Football 12 Dynasty Wire should be corrected.

    For those unfamiliar with Dynasty Wire, the website allows you to do much of what you can do on the console short of actually playing the game, and even that has a substitute. Things like recruiting, looking at stats, and game results allow you to stay in touch with what's going on with your dynasty without firing up the console. As well, Super Sim Online, the substitute for playing the game, allows you to do essentially everything you can in the game short of controlling the players; you're able to call plays and make substitutions and then see the results happen on your screen.

    One change this year is that regarding the Advance from the Web feature. Added last year, this feature allows users to advance their Online Dynasty to the next week without having to boot up their console. While this feature was free last year, this year it is included with Season Ticket or available separately as a purchasable add-on. As described on the Season Ticket page, those that purchase Season Ticket will have access to not only play the game 3 days early, but also have access to premium web content from your computer; that web content this year includes both the Advance from the Web as well as Super Sim Online. We have confirmed though that those that don't subscribe to Season Ticket will be able to purchase this ability separately, however the price is unknown at this time.

    Continue after the break for mock-ups and let us know what you think. Also be sure to check back on 7/6 at 6pm ET for a review of the new site.

    Comments 50 Comments
    1. ram29jackson's Avatar
      ram29jackson -
      too early for me LOL
    1. ram29jackson's Avatar
      ram29jackson -
      can you only see top 25 players or the entire ncaa stats?
    1. souljahbill's Avatar
      souljahbill -
      I would LOVE to make my offline dynasty into a single-player online dynasty like I tried to do in NCAA '11 but server issues made me go offline again. Stuff like losing recruit call time or having to wait 20 minutes between advancing weeks just made the experience unbearable.
    1. JeffHCross's Avatar
      JeffHCross -
      Quote Originally Posted by ram29jackson View Post
      can you only see top 25 players or the entire ncaa stats?
      Don't expect an answer to this until the 6th.

      Just to go ahead and pre-load the question ... did they restore the ability to download the rosters of other teams?
    1. gschwendt's Avatar
      gschwendt -
      Continue to ask any questions you have. I obviously won't be able to answer them until next Friday, but any questions you put, I'll be sure to try to answer it for you in my review article.
    1. tko27's Avatar
      tko27 -
      If you click on "Browse Dynasties" without logging in it will let you search through the dynasty database. The only problem is there are no active dynasties right now to view. I have to imagine the devs or others who have advanced copies of the game will get dynasties up here soon, so if we continue to check throughout the day today and this week I'm sure we'll start to see some good stuff.
    1. JeffHCross's Avatar
      JeffHCross -
      Quote Originally Posted by gschwendt View Post
      Link doesn't work with the /u inside the /url blocks.

      Quote Originally Posted by tko27 View Post
      I have to imagine the devs or others who have advanced copies of the game will get dynasties up here soon, so if we continue to check throughout the day today and this week I'm sure we'll start to see some good stuff.
      Last year people were hesitant to use the Online Pass codes until right before release. So it may be a few days before you see guys with early copies using them online.
    1. USFBullsFan11's Avatar
      USFBullsFan11 -
      If you go to your ncaa 12 online dynasty site now, you can see a lot of the new features implemented. Under the stats category it appears that you can only see the top 25 ranked at any given class. That being said, you can always sort the names by a different stat which allows you to see a little wider range than the top 25 players at the position. Hope this helps.
    1. thirtydaZe's Avatar
      thirtydaZe -
      So every aspect of dynasty can now be done away from the console? If thats the case itll be huge for me and my trusty 1 person OD.
    1. gschwendt's Avatar
      gschwendt -
      Quote Originally Posted by JeffHCross View Post
      Link doesn't work with the /u inside the /url blocks.
      Fixed... I fixed it in the homepage article but forgot to correct it here.
    1. tko27's Avatar
      tko27 -
      There are now a number of online dynasties that are viewable online, including a couple from our friends here at TGT. Click on Browse Dynasties without logging in and then search.
    1. gschwendt's Avatar
      gschwendt -
      I've updated the story to reflect that Advance from the Web for Dynasty Wire is now part of Season Ticket and/or PDLC. For those on the fence about Season Ticket, this might be extra incentive.
    1. kindella2's Avatar
      kindella2 -
      So now as commish i cant advance the week with out having purchased Season ticket. Great idea EA. Wont be going to the site anymore. Online recruiting hasnt worked in MONTHS and now your charging for advancing the week.

      I dont have to have the game early. Very frustrating.
    1. NaptownMVP's Avatar
      NaptownMVP -
      Remember that last year Advance from the Web and SuperSim were both supposed to be pay DLC, but because they had trouble with the online servers when the game came out, they allowed all people to access the feature for free.

      Pissed me off, because I had already paid. >.<
    1. oweb26's Avatar
      oweb26 -
      Didn't last year they offered it as PDLC then when the site came out late or something they gave it away? I think I remember being a little upset about that.

      Nap beat me by one minute.
    1. gschwendt's Avatar
      gschwendt -
      Quote Originally Posted by NaptownMVP View Post
      Remember that last year Advance from the Web and SuperSim were both supposed to be pay DLC, but because they had trouble with the online servers when the game came out, they allowed all people to access the feature for free.

      Pissed me off, because I had already paid. >.<
      This is correct. I wanted to be sure to put the information out there early so that people could be aware and also in case it swayed them in getting Season Ticket early.
    1. NaptownMVP's Avatar
      NaptownMVP -
      Yeah, no problem with you posting it, I was just trying to head off any "OMG IT WUZ FREE LAST YEAR THO" posts.

      Also, this news makes me really happy I decided to get Season Pass.
    1. psuexv's Avatar
      psuexv -
      Well, looks like I might be getting Season Ticket now.
    1. JBHuskers's Avatar
      JBHuskers -
      Quote Originally Posted by psuexv View Post
      Well, looks like I might be getting Season Ticket now.
      I was thinking of doing it anyways on Friday. This is definitely pushing me more that way.
    1. psuexv's Avatar
      psuexv -
      Quote Originally Posted by JBHuskers View Post
      I was thinking of doing it anyways on Friday. This is definitely pushing me more that way.
      I'm actually looking at it right now on EAs site. Doesn't look like I can buy it here though. Must have to get it on PSN.