• EA SPORTS College Football 25 - Gameplay First Look

    Monday morning, EA SPORTS provided the first look at College Football 25 gameplay via a head-to-head battle between YouTube personality Bordeaux and cover athlete Michigan RB Donovan Edwards.

    Continue on to watch the 21-minute show and then share your thoughts with the community.

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    This article was originally published in forum thread: EA SPORTS College Football 25 - Gameplay First Look started by cdj View original post
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      Did anyone else see Formation Subs or Quick Subs? I did not even on a rewatch.

    1. CLW's Avatar
      CLW -
      The gameplay was GARBAGE. Its the same shitty Madden tweaked to be even less defense
    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      Quote Originally Posted by CLW View Post
      The gameplay was GARBAGE. Its the same shitty Madden tweaked to be even less defense
      My area of intrigue/concern after watching was definitely on the defensive side.

      - Is it difficult to make an open-field tackle? (Two relatively inexperienced users probably didn't help that cause.)

      - Are jukes OP?

      - On rewatches I even see the CPU whiffing on tackles, which is fine, but not if it's excessive.
    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      At the 17:40 mark, we can see Substitutions and Packages on the screen (bottom left) confirming they are in the game. (H/T: gschwendt)

    1. CLW's Avatar
      CLW -
      Quote Originally Posted by cdj View Post
      My area of intrigue/concern after watching was definitely on the defensive side.

      - Is it difficult to make an open-field tackle? (Two relatively inexperienced users probably didn't help that cause.)

      - Are jukes OP?

      - On rewatches I even see the CPU whiffing on tackles, which is fine, but not if it's excessive.

      I thought the guy getting SMOKED was some sort of madden/sports gaming YouTuber?

      the tackling was atrocious the coverage was terrible unless you have an iq of 5 more than one player was open on every pass play

      of course the same garbage that works on Madden d will work on this game creating a meta v meta cheese fest
    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      Quote Originally Posted by CLW View Post
      I thought the guy getting SMOKED was some sort of madden/sports gaming YouTuber?
      He is, but I can't say I'm tremendously familiar with his video/playing style. Based on his tweets, he must rebuild teams in Dynasty, so he may be more of a storyteller than a competitive player.
    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      I didn't see this firsthand (yet), but Bordeaux supposedly shared in his extended video that the game difficulty was on Heisman. I trust him, but did anyone else think that was the case? I did not on my first few re-watches. I'll watch it again tonight closer yet....
    1. ryby6969's Avatar
      ryby6969 -
      Quote Originally Posted by cdj View Post
      I didn't see this firsthand (yet), but Bordeaux supposedly shared in his extended video that the game difficulty was on Heisman. I trust him, but did anyone else think that was the case? I did not on my first few re-watches. I'll watch it again tonight closer yet....
      There are screenshots of the menu before they start and they are on All-American. And Bordeaux is not very good at the game and even admits it in his video. Basically says that people do not view his videos for his gameplay ability.
    1. ryby6969's Avatar
      ryby6969 -

    1. cdj's Avatar
      cdj -
      Quote Originally Posted by ryby6969 View Post
      There are screenshots of the menu before they start and they are on All-American.
      That's what I thought, too! Someone in our YT comments corrected my podcast statement about it being on AA. Not sure why Bordeaux would say it was on Heisman if it wasn't?

      Unless EA edited in that opening menu select? Looking at it, I think that's what happened. Notice the two controllers; isn't that for local H2H? You wouldn't see that for an online game, right? They were on different screens in that video so I assume that was online, not H2H but I could be wrong.

      I still don't think it was on Heisman based on the way it looked, but again - could be wrong.
    1. ryby6969's Avatar
      ryby6969 -
      Quote Originally Posted by cdj View Post
      That's what I thought, too! Someone in our YT comments corrected my podcast statement about it being on AA. Not sure why Bordeaux would say it was on Heisman if it wasn't?

      Unless EA edited in that opening menu select? Looking at it, I think that's what happened. Notice the two controllers; isn't that for local H2H? You wouldn't see that for an online game, right? They were on different screens in that video so I assume that was online, not H2H but I could be wrong.

      I still don't think it was on Heisman based on the way it looked, but again - could be wrong.
      I believe he thought Edwards had put it on Heisman.