View Full Version : Fallout 4 & Upcoming Skyrim will not have mods on the PS4

09-09-2016, 04:01 PM

"After months of discussion with Sony, we regret to say that while we have long been ready to offer mod support on PlayStation 4, Sony has informed us they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want for either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition," wrote the company.

Microsoft, as they did with the PS4 Pro announcement, went for the jugular.


09-09-2016, 06:00 PM
As someone said in the comments on that Polygon article:

"Good for them. Sony sure didn’t hold any punches when Microsoft botched their xbox one launch."

Amen. Sony didn't hold back on the punches, fuck it, give them the haymaker MS!

09-09-2016, 10:10 PM
I still won't ever buy a Xbone. Sony didn't try to have a dumb ass peripheral (Kinect) be a pervasive piece of technology sitting in my livingroom recording shit when the console isn't even on. Microsoft is fucked anyway if the Scorpio is actually as powerful as they say it is. Are they really going to expect their customers to shell out $450 for a "new" console next year? At least the PS4 Pro isn't going to split Sony's install base. It's literally just for people that are interested in doing VR, which Sony has the cheapest option for already.

Microsoft might be winning the battle, but Sony already won the war, 2 years ago.

09-09-2016, 10:25 PM
I still won't ever buy a Xbone. Sony didn't try to have a dumb ass peripheral (Kinect) be a pervasive piece of technology sitting in my livingroom recording shit when the console isn't even on. Microsoft is fucked anyway if the Scorpio is actually as powerful as they say it is. Are they really going to expect their customers to shell out $450 for a "new" console next year? At least the PS4 Pro isn't going to split Sony's install base. It's literally just for people that are interested in doing VR, which Sony has the cheapest option for already.

Microsoft might be winning the battle, but Sony already won the war, 2 years ago.
You say this, and yet look at the iTards who shell out $600 or more every 6 months so they can take it up the ass from Apple.

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09-09-2016, 10:30 PM
And besides, you're either naive or seriously kidding yourself if you think Sony is just releasing this for the VR people. I can guarantee, they fully expect a large chunk of their PS4 base to upgrade, thus why both companies have had to be so vocal about assuring people that all games will run on both the old and new consoles.

Christ, it's no different than the PC masturbators who stroke and autofellate themselves to the thought of their next big upgrade to their "rigs".

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09-10-2016, 09:59 AM
Sony hasn't made any decisions I like lately. Sony was humbled after PS3 but they are reverting to arrogant status.

09-10-2016, 01:41 PM
Well, even Sony's boss says this is for more than "just the VR people".

He makes it sound like a pretty calculated decision to offer something more powerful to the PS install base as a whole out of fears of people possibly leaving for the higher power and graphic PCs in the mid-console years of the life cycle with out of date specs.

http://wccftech.com/sony-boss-reveals-playstation-4-pro-aims-prevent-user-migration-pc/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GamesWccftech+%28Games+%E2%80 %93+WCCFtech%29

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09-13-2016, 04:58 AM
This is a headscratcher.


Just to confirm: #FarmingSimulator17 mod support on both #XboxOne AND #PS4 will be available when the game comes out.

I guess we need to see if it actually happens but it is odd timing for a developer to post this and not actually believe that it is going to happen.

Nothing rides like a Deere!


09-13-2016, 11:36 AM
I can tell you exactly what it is. It's Bethesda saying, "Mod support must be completely unmoderated (cause we're too fucking lazy to watch what our users put in mods) to be available" and Sony is like, "Yeah, no, we want to make sure people don't use mods in your game to hack our console, or put nude stuff in there, or something."

It isn't that Sony doesn't want it, it's that Bethesda doesn't want to regulate it. Mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4 are literally the wildwest of gaming. There are mods for Skyrim that make all females nude and have realistic look tits and vaginas. No I didn't install it. I just looked at it. :P I'm sure someone could figure out a way to have a mode in Fallout 4 launch some backup software on a usb stick to hack some shit in the console or something. I mean, people figured out how to hack the og xbox with a bug in fucking Mechwarrior or hack the Wii with a fucking bug in Twilight Princess for god's sake, I'm sure they could figure out how to hack the PS4 with a mod in Skyrim or Fallout 4.

09-13-2016, 04:05 PM
I can tell you exactly what it is.

Impressive, but you would be 100% wrong. Fallout 4 (Xbox One/PC) has zero nude mods that are hosted by Bethesda. They have plenty of women in underwear and one busty mod but even in the vanilla game you can play in a bra and panties. The only mods console owners have access to are hosted on Bethesda and are highly moderated. The mods you are thinking of come from places like Nexus Mods, which have nothing to do with Bethesda. The same setup will be used for Skyrim on the Xbox One/PC.

You could have actually taken the time to view the mods as they are available for anyone to see.


09-13-2016, 04:20 PM
Then clearly the issue continues to be something with Bethesda. Probably related to testing the mods to make sure they don't break shit or something. Otherwise, why would Sony be okay with mods from Farming Simulator 17 but not Fallout 4? Bethesda, that's why.

09-13-2016, 04:32 PM
Yes, it must be Bethesda's fault, you were so right about everything else. :fp: Wait and see what these actual mods for Farming Simulator 17 are exactly.

Bethesda has already explained what some of the problems with Sony and the mods are.

PC textures are used. Memory and performance issues may occur. We are working with Sony on optimal texture exporting support in a future update.

Sound files are currently not supported. PS4 sound format is a proprietary format. We are working with Sony on sound file processing support in a future update.

PS4 Mod Storage limit is approximately 900 MB at present. Please do not upload mods larger than 900 MB. We are working with Sony to increase this limit.

Also, point to us on the doll where Todd Howard touched you.


10-06-2016, 01:29 AM
Mods and 4K Coming to PlayStation 4 for Skyrim and Fallout 4 (https://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/mods-and-4k-coming-to-ps4-for-skyrim-and-fallout4/2016/10/04/221)

There is a catch and it is a really big catch. One that would eliminate 90% of the mods on the Xbox One or PC.

Mods on PlayStation 4 will allow you to modify and create your own content by using our Creation Kit available here. You will not be able to upload external assets with your PlayStation 4 mods, but you will be able to use any assets that come with the game, as most mods do.

10-06-2016, 03:17 AM
That sounds like me a terrible compromise. I wonder if they would host some of the more popular mod assets themselves to get around that? Is that possible?

10-06-2016, 12:32 PM
Skyrim is now a 5 year old game. I hope it doesn't feel dated and uninteresting for a newbie like me in a few weeks.

From some videos I've seen (I don't know a ton about this game) it looks like you can bounce arround from different types of fighters at almost any time. Equip a sword or a bow easily and also use magic. Having an aiming mechanism makes it more interesting for ranged fighters than DAI imo.

10-06-2016, 10:49 PM
It has an ATROCIOUS story. Dragon fights are fun and cool looking, for the first like 3 or 4, then it's just the same boring thing over and over again, and honestly, just get annoying when you're trying to do other shit in the game.

Skyrim isn't great. Mods for the game really don't help THAT much with it because no one has taken it under their belt to actually write a good, interesting story. It's fun to go spelunking in dungeons, but it gets old pretty quickly.

10-07-2016, 01:23 AM

Oh, it is just Mors complaining about Bethesda.

Skyrim has an atrocious story, Dragons boring, spelunking gets boring?

Most Skyrim players say otherwise, especially based on their playtime (https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=9859). Sure if you get bored after 50+ hours the blame is solely on Bethesda. :fp:

Five year old game that is still in the top 15 games played on Steam (http://steamcharts.com/top).

Skyrim PC players (a figure in the multi-millions) averaged 75 hours of playtime based on Steam (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-02-09-average-skyrim-pc-playtime-clocks-in-at-75-hours)and this was just 6 months after the release.

Mods for the game really don't help THAT much with it because no one has taken it under their belt to actually write a good, interesting story.

I have not played it but Endral is getting pretty good reviews/press (http://sureai.net/games/enderal/) and adds a whole new universe being a Skyrim conversion and 30-50 hours of gameplay. Of course you will probably be oblivious to this and other good story mods available and would rather complain they should have brought Hemingway back from the dead to give you the story you so damn well deserve and $5 for your precious time to try it.


10-07-2016, 03:34 AM
At least all the DLC should be available. Can't believe some mods can add so much extra gameplay and story.

10-07-2016, 10:03 AM
Oh, it is just Mors complaining about Bethesda.

Yes, because Bethesda can't write a good story to save their lives. According to this poll (http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1371298-bethesda-storytelling-weakness-or-strength/), on their website, taken by people that actually care about it, they overwhelmingly agree with my sentiment.

Skyrim has an atrocious story, Dragons boring, spelunking gets boring?

Yes, I've already stated, the story is total shit. Dragons are boring as hell after you do the same fight like 3 time. They then just get in the way of you trying to do the other shit in the game. And god forbid you want to level your character to be a sneaking character in the game. Dragons will just wreck your shit when you hit around lvl 35 or so. And, yes, spelunking is boring as hell when the treasure (the entire reason to do said dungeon exploring) is always shit and worse than just the normal shit that I can create on my own because Skyrim, like Oblivion, has a shitty way of doing item scaling where it's all about the enchantments on the item instead of what it's made out of and the enchantment system in those two games is shit.

Most Skyrim players say otherwise, especially based on their playtime (https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=9859). Sure if you get bored after 50+ hours the blame is solely on Bethesda. :fp:

Well, I didn't buy it on Steam, so I don't remember what my exact time was, but I think it was around 35 hours, then I got bored of it and moved onto a game with good storytelling. Probably a JRPG, since at least, most of the time, they actually have characters that are worth remembering.

Five year old game that is still in the top 15 games played on Steam (http://steamcharts.com/top).

And? That's because the new upgrade is coming soon and it got people playing it again. Guaranteed that that wasn't the case a few weeks ago.

Skyrim PC players (a figure in the multi-millions) averaged 75 hours of playtime based on Steam (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-02-09-average-skyrim-pc-playtime-clocks-in-at-75-hours)and this was just 6 months after the release.

Again, I put, at most, 35 hours in the game before I moved onto something else.

I have not played it but Endral is getting pretty good reviews/press (http://sureai.net/games/enderal/) and adds a whole new universe being a Skyrim conversion and 30-50 hours of gameplay. Of course you will probably be oblivious to this and other good story mods available and would rather complain they should have brought Hemingway back from the dead to give you the story you so damn well deserve and $5 for your precious time to try it.

And that's cool that they finally got around to releasing that. I knew of it being made because I knew of the Oblivion mod they made Nehrim though I never played that one either and I probably won't play Endral either. I'd rather play Divinity Original Sin instead. A game that proves you can have voice acting and still actually tell a good story and be GIGANTIC in scope and size.

10-07-2016, 03:35 PM
And? That's because the new upgrade is coming soon and it got people playing it again. Guaranteed that that wasn't the case a few weeks ago.

All you had to do was click on Skyrim and it shows the current users for each month. Spoiler, this is actually a slow month compared to previous months from this year in both average and peak. Wrong once again, what a shocker. So even with that poll, the numbers simply tell a different tale. For it's flaws people still play the crap out of it. You are the Ram of video game criticism.


10-07-2016, 05:53 PM
Well either way I hope I like it. Buying physical so I'll just trade it if I don't. I'll have to push through the learning phase. RPG learning curves can be rough for me.

10-07-2016, 09:09 PM
Well either way I hope I like it. Buying physical so I'll just trade it if I don't. I'll have to push through the learning phase. RPG learning curves can be rough for me.

There really isn't a learning curve. That's the good thing about Bethesda games. You literally can pick it up and know how to play it within an hour of playing. It's also the bad thing because it never allows you to go beyond those basic strategies that it teaches you besides sneaking, but they severely gimped the amount of damage bows do in the game because Oblivion was stupid easy to just sneak snipe every enemy in the game for massive damage.

10-07-2016, 09:21 PM
All you had to do was click on Skyrim and it shows the current users for each month. Spoiler, this is actually a slow month compared to previous months from this year in both average and peak. Wrong once again, what a shocker. So even with that poll, the numbers simply tell a different tale. For it's flaws people still play the crap out of it. You are the Ram of video game criticism.


No, I don't like Bethesda as a company. They can write a main story and continue to use voice acting as a crutch for lack of being able to do so, when other games are able to do it without any issue (Witcher, Divinity, etc).

And, Oblivion and Skyrim literally play and feel the exact same. The engine is exactly the same (yes I'm generalizing, but the games play the exact same) besides it being prettier and them figuring out how to allow for verticality in their level designs. Skyrim had lofty goals (Dragon fights and all of that) but all of that is boring as hell after 15 hours of playing. Then it's just searching the far reaches of the world looking for all the cool little side places that they built and wrote. Then, you're done. Mods are literally the only reason it's still up there as a game to be played on Steam. That, and those people honestly don't know what they're missing by playing it instead of something WAY better. But, that's just my opinion and my opinion is that Skyrim is a pile of shit that's nice and shiny for about 15-30 hours and then is just nothing but boredom after that. Just like Oblivion but without the horrible leveling bullshit that Oblivion TOTALLY fucked up.

It's exactly like the difference between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is just more Fallout 3, with some of the stupid shit fixed, more stupid shit (settlement shit), and, again, a terrible main story that lacks anything interesting. It has some cool set pieces during that time, but there's a reason why Fallout 4 isn't being played a bunch still, and it's because it's just not that good of a game when you really get down to it. It's just another post apocalyptic sandbox game in a sea of other post apocalyptic sandbox games. Sure, it started it with the old top down games, but you gotta do something better than what the imitators are doing, and Bethesda simply didn't do that.

10-07-2016, 10:35 PM
but there's a reason why Fallout 4 isn't being played a bunch still, and it's because it's just not that good of a game when you really get down to it. It's just another post apocalyptic sandbox game in a sea of other post apocalyptic sandbox games.

Never go full Ram. :fp: 13th most played game on Steam in the past 30 days. Once again, like Skyrim, this was a low month for both. Still in the top 15. How many post-apocalyptic sandbox (actually it is more open world than sandbox) games are ahead of it in users playing on steam?

Zero? I think it is zero. Pretty sure it is zero. Can't count Rust since it lacks a story which you deem to be more important than the pixels. Also more of a multiplayer survival game.



with some of the stupid shit fixed, more stupid shit (settlement shit)

They actually went and found a use for many of the things you would just pick up and sell in 3 and NV. Those bastards. Quite a few people enjoyed building on settlements, a few that post here in fact. But I know building things has nothing to do with the story, damn Bethesda to hell.

10-08-2016, 01:51 AM
Never go full Ram. :fp: 13th most played game on Steam in the past 30 days. Once again, like Skyrim, this was a low month for both. Still in the top 15. How many post-apocalyptic sandbox (actually it is more open world than sandbox) games are ahead of it in users playing on steam?

Zero? I think it is zero. Pretty sure it is zero. Can't count Rust since it lacks a story which you deem to be more important than the pixels. Also more of a multiplayer survival game.



You do realize that ~34,000 players between the two games out of an average of 1.4 - 2 million overall actively playing games players isn't that big of a deal right? I mean, you have an older game than both of them in Civ 5 (2010), that has averaged right around that or more for the last 6 months and it's not even a good version of Civ.

So, yeah, acting like 17 - 20k players on Steam as a good indication of whether or not it's a good game is hardly a good way to determine that. Mods definitely help in those games to continue to even be close to relevant (again, 17k active players is hardly relevant), but when that same amount of players are playing Rust, ARK, and Unturned each individually (or more players in the case of Rust, for example that's up there at both Fallout 4 and Skyrim numbers combined) and those games are all copycat open world survival trash, I don't think going with what's popular on Steam is a good way of indicating what's good or not.

As for other sandbox (or open world, it's literally the exact same game style, just one lets you build shit in it and one doesn't) post apocalyptic games, see:










and those are just the ones that have decent reviews on Steam

10-08-2016, 04:26 AM
You do realize that ~34,000 players between the two games out of an average of 1.4 - 2 million overall actively playing games players isn't that big of a deal right?

Factoring in that both are single player games (Skyrim does have a co-op mod) and that one game is 5 years old and the other almost a year. Yeah, it is pretty impressive, especially when you consider the majority of the game are multi-player on the charts. Go ahead and count all the single player games in the top 25.

10-08-2016, 10:51 AM
Are there negatives to being an Archer in Skyrim? What class do most people like?

10-08-2016, 12:20 PM
Are there negatives to being an Archer in Skyrim? What class do most people like?

I was more a sword and shield guy who also put some emphasis on Archery, especially when I felt like snipping/stealth.

10-08-2016, 12:43 PM
I do prefer sword and shield in DAI but that was also with a party that had range characters. I thought I might try Archer in Skyrim since it has an aiming mechanism. I was a Mage on my first play through with DAI and I really preferred my two handed warrior the second time. DW Rogue is also better. I may have to reconsider this for Skyrim.

11-09-2016, 03:44 PM
Fallout 4 PS4 mod support is imminent
