View Full Version : Madden 16: Things I see that aren't getting enough credit... Things that need upgrade

06-22-2015, 05:08 AM
Since the end of my NCAA 14 days to work on premarital issues and time management (which have thankfully been resolved after some difficult but finally rewarding times), I have been mostly inactive on the boards here. Glad to see there's still a quasi-active group fluttering around and making noise :up:, despite the dissipation of NCAA :fp:

Moving on to the post at hand, I'm like most of you in needing Madden to step up to the plate and "prove it on the field" and no doubt there is still much to be done. However I wanted to start with some of the stuff that I've noticed from E3 that frankly isn't getting much play or credit and move on to a semi-wishlist of things that still need to be addressed. Obviously the major things such as Air Supremacy and WR/DB interactions won't make this list, my thoughts on those will make their way to the appropriate threads. Let me know your thoughts if there are other small things you notice/want or don't care about and why.

It's interesting to me that as a community we preach year in and year out that it would be better if Madden (and NCAA back in the day) spent one or two years where they didn't touch graphics and all the "visual" concepts of the game in a major way in order to focus on game play, yet now that they have done that we're already getting the "it still looks like last year" lines. Yes, as far as graphically with the pregame intro, in-game scoreboard, jumbotrons, refs and even a good portion of the player movement, it does look like last year.

HOWEVER, there is plenty to love about the "small" additions and/or tweaks/upgrades to areas that aren't getting the hype that they should be, based on the gameplay we've seen.



The new tackling engine looks absolutely amazing. We've been asking for this for years and I love that defenders near the ball-carrier will try and become a part of the tackle. Momentum and weight seem to play a factor with this system via the little bit we've seen, tough to tell though. Regardless, a big bonus to this is the addition of the half-sack/half-tackle, which will make for more realistic stats across the board defensively, depending on style of play, min. per qtr and such. Really happy this engine has been implemented.
For online gamers it probably doesn't matter at all, but for me the work on the AI qbs is MASSIVE. Also the "new handoff system" looks good from what I've seen. It times out a lot better than the old animations and looks cleaner.
The new "play receiver" mechanic looks great and was implemented well. Really changes the game down the field. Hand-fighting was done better as well, but there needs to be more to make it prominent to the naked eye. They said there were new hand-fighting and early contact animations for PI down the field, I am yet to see one however. Interested...
I did say I'd leave the wr/db out of it, just something I did want to point out. While people are saying that the "aggressive catch" is overpowered, look at today's NFL. I bet dbs say the receivers are overpowered. These catches and frankly the yards gained are super-realistic. Guys like Golden Tate and Fitz and OBJ and Cruz and all those guys come up with these passes in traffic all the time, every week. Looks like you need a great corner to make plays.
Similarly, the silly drops by the defense look like they may be down significantly and throwing while moving is better tuned. Still think there needs to be more variety on where the ball goes if a throw is "off target" (i.e. closer to the target but just out of reach or just barely out of bounds vs. 10 yds out) but there have been strides here that could make pocket play more important and having skilled, big receivers a plus/necessity.
More thoughts/suggestions on db/wr interactions are in the designated thread. There is a lot more potential here.


Players look more polished and look to have better momentum than years past.
The crowd and overall atmosphere in the stadium is another MASSIVE upgrade to me, while not necessarily being a boon to everybody else and quite possibly being a "small" addition. Not sure I'm looking forward to watching towels wave around inside of Century Link -- Seahawks -- (as it looks at this point like all stadiums are still the same -- hopefully I am wrong), but gawd it looks great in the Pittsburgh and New York gameplay we have available. Not many crowds use them prominently, of course the terrible towel is a signature of the Steelers and I feel like NYG uses them as well.
Signage around the walls of the stadiums are authentic and there are even signs in the crowd that look great and add variety. And remember the day of the massive blocks of colors in the crowd? Gone. Most importantly though the crowd sounds and acts like it knows what is going on as it is happening, which has been a real sticking point in the past. Hopefully the devs give a breakdown on what all they've done with the atmosphere soon.
Little things like linemen throwing their hands up as the rb breaks free and the crowd rising not in unison but again timed nicely while a big run or deep throw or turnover is in progress is big, big, big for someone like me who needs atmosphere for replay-ability. And did anyone notice the upgraded sidelines? Not where we need them but at least the guys get hyped and bummed with some relatively cool animations when they should. It's a step.



First and foremost, Blocking and line interaction has never reached potential in this game, even though it's been a hype-item in the recent past. Whether pass blocking or run, there is need for a big year devoted mostly to fixing the trenches. There are others that can go into greater detail on the line play, but it baffles me how they can have a retired NFL offensive lineman working on it a couple years ago and still struggle so mightily in implementation. Perhaps we are overly demanding here as it's likely more difficult than it looks, but like I said there needs to be a year of game play just devoted to line play and interaction so that they can get it right. I think this alone could take Madden to the next step, because it would play so differently. Hopefully that year of fixing is Madden 17.
In that respect, there is a lot of work that needs done with differentiating the running backs in Madden. Every position needs this, but rb seems like the most simple and logical creation for different styles of runner. In a year mostly devoted to line play there should be time to fix the running back styles.
Speaking of rbs, the new trucking mechanic looks awful imo. Hopefully that's a fix that can be made by release, because dang it if the rag-doll physics doesn't work against the engine in this regard. Simply terrible. Not that it was good last year with guys just bouncing off, but sliding to their backs while the rb slides his leg over, or a defender three feet away looking like he's trying to hold on to a guy is worse! Somewhere in between I think would be what we need to see and there needs to be better player-on-player contact at the point of attack. That or new animations altogether for this.
Additionally, we need to see offensive linemen jumping into scrums and pile ups to push the pile forward, peel off tacklers, etc. Short yardage and the goal line plays would become a lot more fun and challenging.
In order to accomplish this right, the "high motor" trait would be used to decide which linemen would go after defenders after contact on the rb in a pile-up situation. There still needs to be differential for which OL would be aggressive in these situations to help their team and also which ones go after their initial engaged blocks to get another or move to the second level, making the "high motor" trait an actual important thing to have in your OL.
Warping is still far too prominent and ball to player connection and physics needs an upgrade. It's better, I'll give them that, but with the current new gen tech there should be even more ability to connect player and ball, ball and turf, etc. There are still too many instances where things happen because they are supposed to, not because there is any evident physical interaction between the ball and whatever it is "supposed" to be touching/bouncing off of.
When lined up under center, the qb is a good yard away from his center!!! You can't see from the normal angle but when looking from the defensive playmaker angle and broadcast it's pretty clear there's a disconnect. Again those physics need cleaned up. I would have to think this would be upgraded with a new pass blocking game. Perhaps it's a fail-safe for jumping defenders so the qb doesn't just fall at the snap if a guy hits a gap.
Special teams. Mostly in the kicking game, there needs to be a complete revamp in the system at some point. Would love to see the implementation of a two-step, golf-style kicking game where you must choose exactly how you need/want to kick the ball with all of the "elements" of the given day. Again, more traits/abilities need to be implemented specifically for kickers to make this work properly and also the elements need to be more prominently featured, so that all kickers are not created equal. This is something a casual fan would hate but as a hardcore Madden player I would love this. Are you going to kick a chip shot with a truer kick but a real lack in distance, or do you try and boom one and take a real chance on a hook/push? Perhaps hook/push should be added as a kick adjustment. Perhaps backspin for punts at the risk of accuracy/length reduction? How accurate your kicker is should also factor in a major way. There's so much potential here.
More on special teams and in general. They say head-tracking has been improved, which is awesome, but players still act wonky and quickly/unnaturally with the ball in the air. Kick returners slide to their positions effortlessly and players still matrix for interceptions that they do not fully see. Granted they "should" see them but the animation makes it looks cheaper than it actually is.
I think with the new catch system the team missed a HUGE opportunity this season by not adding a multitude of "over the shoulder" animations down the field. Actually I think all of the community concerns about overpowered "aggressive" catch could be cleared up simply by implementing this animation and putting it on the "possession" and "RAC" buttons. Mostly I think this because in the small sample size of evaluation and just knowing how the game has played in the past, aggressive is really the best way to attack the deep throw with your receiver based on the available animation options. So even if the defense knocks away a fair amount, we'll see aggressive take over as the overwhelming choice on a majority of the downfield pass attempts.
If over-the-shoulder catches were added in a big way, there would be more of a choice to make as far as best way to secure the catch and would likely (definitely) bring down the aggressive attempts, in turn bringing down the expectation and assumption of overpowered. Beyond that it would give you a different way to attack the ball downfield for your "possession" type wrs, which is another big byproduct. Basically, more variety is the best thing you can add when introducing so-called 'revolutionary' or 'game-changing' things. I know over 400 new animations were rolled out, but it could have been 425+ easy and potentially people feeling "cheese" in the game.


If indeed crowds are the same league-wide in the game, there is a necessity to now differentiate them. The 3D models are finally looking like they should, but in order to create the true "living worlds" that we were promised 3 years ago, the team needs to step up the authenticity of the crowd variables around the NFL. Again it's nothing huge to an online gamer but I only play franchise and little things make the difference in a major way to my experience. If the crowd in STL and JAX acts and sounds different than the crowd in KC or Seattle, I'm going to feel an immersion there. Unfortunately EA isn't allowed to have "dynamic crowd attendance" anymore to start a game, so something has to take its place.
Something that I really don't like is the intro into the stadium. That stupid-looking chrome thing is ... well ... stupid looking. I'd rather they take a page from NBA Live and show the front of the stadium or something like a live broadcast does.
Commentary. Just every aspect and especially dynamic presentation/commentary. Not necessarily even a new narrative team (although that's preferred by much of the community), but there is no seasonal/career immersion there. NBA 2K has had this feature for years and it has been a huge success. Why not make this a priority in Madden? It's probably one of the easiest things to implement honestly and the guys are already coming in to do lines. Man I could go on and on with commentary, as we all could. Anyway...
Team Celebrations need upgraded badly. Yet another thing that few even notice or think about but would make a huge difference in my experience. Individual and even two-man celebrations in this game are pretty solid, but things like teammates/coaches running in to jump on a defender's back or smother him with helmet slaps and chest bumps after he's intercepted a ball or recovered/forced a fumble or after a wr makes a big catch would add greatly to the excitement of the game. All of this needs to be post play, proximity based and real-time of course, so that sideline mates and/or those on the field could indulge in the celebration based on their placement near the ball at the time of being downed. Of course this necessarily applies to touchdowns more than anything but the rest would be a nice "living world" item.
OMG can we please -- PLEASE get upgraded equipment? PLEEEEEASE!? They haven't worked on this since new gen arrived.
I'm not as in to mascots as the rest of it, but they would be a cool side item at some point to the rest of this.

06-22-2015, 05:50 AM
Good to hear from you, jayrah. It's been a long time.

06-22-2015, 08:50 AM
Good to hear from you, jayrah. It's been a long time.
Thanks! Missed you guys.

06-22-2015, 09:15 AM
Thanks! Missed you guys.

06-22-2015, 09:17 AM
BTW, jayrah, very nice write up. You pointed out alot of positives that I think are easy to overlook. I'm still not on board with Madden but you have me some things to think about.

06-22-2015, 09:41 AM
Great write up, Jayrah!

06-22-2015, 11:36 AM
Great stuff man!

Just wish there was more connectivity in CFM. Then I'd get more enjoyment out of it.

I'm guessing 90% of my Madden 15 playing was MUT.

06-22-2015, 11:40 AM
BTW, jayrah, very nice write up. You pointed out alot of positives that I think are easy to overlook. I'm still not on board with Madden but you have me some things to think about.
Based on what I see I'm going to enjoy this version longer than any I've ever put my hands on, but I can see where people have reservations. My excitement in the game is that they are finally focusing on the right things. I think (HOPE) it's potentially a year away from a huge leap if they focus on cleaning up the new db/wr mechanics and blocking for next year. Special teams would be a bonus item.

06-22-2015, 11:52 AM
Great stuff man!

Just wish there was more connectivity in CFM. Then I'd get more enjoyment out of it.

I'm guessing 90% of my Madden 15 playing was MUT.

Nice write-up Jayrah! Good to see you back.

The gameplay does appear to be moving in the right direction and I give them credit for that. The OL/DL line interaction still looks off but I'm sure it will get better moving forward. The KILLER for this game continues to be the complete lack of immersion in CFM. Frankly put, after two or so seasons your are bored to tears... nothing stands out; nothing feels different.

Presentation and connection to the mode:

1. Weekly Wrap-up Show
2. Score ticker
3. NCAA styled in-game updates (this would be an excellent addition)
4. dynamic attendance... not every stadium should be full every game
5. Home field advantage
6. Being able to change the cpu's uniform
7. Spectator mode (watching cpu vs cpu)
8. A playable pro bowl
9. Real coordinators and a quasi coaching carousel ala NCAA 14
10. Practise squad
11. restricted free agency
12. player personality and it's relation to playing time (contract hold outs, demanding a trade, etc.)
13. more and better stat banners

Game related:
1. Formation Subs... inexcusable not to be in the game.... again!!!
2. Custom packages
3. Play Creator
4. Special teams overhaul

The one area 2k has always had it over EA is the overall connection to the franchise experience. When I play 2K games I am tied into everything. When I play Madden I feel like I am in "play now" pretty much every game of the season. Addressing this would go a long way in getting me to play the game longer.

06-22-2015, 11:54 AM
Long story short for my post... I cannot separate gameplay from franchise as I believe both need to be excellent in order to fully enjoy a game.

06-22-2015, 11:55 AM
Great stuff man!

Just wish there was more connectivity in CFM. Then I'd get more enjoyment out of it.

I'm guessing 90% of my Madden 15 playing was MUT.

Unfortunately for me I can't get into the fantasy aspect of MUT and the CFM experience was super lacking in variety for M15. Got into year 2 and felt a HUGE disconnect as a matter of fact. Just killed it for me.

The new scouting feature has me pretty excited, though if the Madden Pad report of being able to scout 80-85% of the players is true I think it will take away some suspense. I think maybe 70-75% is a little better and gives you plenty of opportunity to find diamonds and duds while also not giving away the entire board. I don't know, I guess a higher pct. would be appropriate if each team had to hire a scout for their coaching staff and based on his ability figure that stuff out.

I'm also happy they added immediate feedback to the draft experience. Did they take out story lines? Hopefully not, although it's badly in need of something more than just a back-story. Stats and potential and such are needed to make that feature pop. The Combine is a good start.

Also wish there was more immersion with other CPU teams. Not sure of a good implementation, but for example getting a call from the GM of another team during the week about trade offers would be something cool. Also, getting "breaking news" across your bottom scroll banner between games or even during games for trades and important transactions or injuries would be cool too.

Of course the biggest failure right now is the lack of dynamic seasonal and career commentary and presentation. No Super Bowl or Playoff predictions or back-tracking, no game-to-game updating, etc. Of course we haven't seen a CFM game yet, so with the addition of the confidence and goals hopefully they've implemented some dynamic commentary. It only makes sense.

06-22-2015, 12:10 PM
Nice write-up Jayrah! Good to see you back.

The gameplay does appear to be moving in the right direction and I give them credit for that. The OL/DL line interaction still looks off but I'm sure it will get better moving forward. The KILLER for this game continues to be the complete lack of immersion in CFM. Frankly put, after two or so seasons your are bored to tears... nothing stands out; nothing feels different.

Presentation and connection to the mode:

1. Weekly Wrap-up Show
2. Score ticker
3. NCAA styled in-game updates (this would be an excellent addition)
4. dynamic attendance... not every stadium should be full every game
5. Home field advantage
6. Being able to change the cpu's uniform
7. Spectator mode (watching cpu vs cpu)
8. A playable pro bowl
9. Real coordinators and a quasi coaching carousel ala NCAA 14
10. Practise squad
11. restricted free agency
12. player personality and it's relation to playing time (contract hold outs, demanding a trade, etc.)
13. more and better stat banners

Game related:
1. Formation Subs... inexcusable not to be in the game.... again!!!
2. Custom packages
3. Play Creator
4. Special teams overhaul

The one area 2k has always had it over EA is the overall connection to the franchise experience. When I play 2K games I am tied into everything. When I play Madden I feel like I am in "play now" pretty much every game of the season. Addressing this would go a long way in getting me to play the game longer.
Hey Jaymo! I'm right there with ya on all of that stuff. Form subs, free agency, player personalities, CPU unis, special teams, spectator mode and HFA are some of my biggest gripes as well.

The only one of those that may never have a chance to be changed is "dynamic attendance". Apparently a few years ago a fan emailed and complained to the JAX owner (Shaka Khan?) about the stadium always being down in attendance in game. So in a rant to the NFL, Khan stated that the representation of dynamic attendance by EA in Madden was not in the best interest of presenting the "model NFL atmosphere" to the NFL consumer/fan. To avoid a potential lawsuit and more because of their contract/license with the NFL, EA has gone away from dynamic attendance in Madden. Every other game is allowed to have it though, which is frustrating.

With that vision of "the model NFL" in mind and because the NFL has been adamant about some of these as well not being displayed prominently in their game, EA has toned down injury presentation, taken away helmets popping off and late hits out of bounds and generally taken a lot of post play banter and fighting out of the game as well. It does look like there may be some semi-hostile post play animations/interactions (such as getting in each other's face and a little shoving) making their way back into the game slowly, but not prominently.

This probably is a big reason why certain celebrations that you see get flagged will never be seen in game, even if a flag were attached to the play. Probably a reason why contract disputes and/or holdouts hasn't made it's way into the game too. I'm hoping for at least some of these things to make a return but EA has to abide by their license and contract.

06-23-2015, 09:07 PM
Nice thoughts!

06-23-2015, 11:23 PM
The Combine stats is another big one that EA has tried to drum up but hasn't got the attention it deserves. I can see people being a little skeptical of the new scouting feature, but with the Combine stats added there is another layer to look at and I think it actually presents a real-life dynamic of true numbers (if the numbers can be verifiable and matched up to true ratings) that we weren't achieving previously by just attaching a letter grade and a subject rating. Ultimately I think that's why this system of scouting could potentially work.

I'm excited to see what kind of effect it has on my approach. And hopefully it happens after the season's conclusion but before free agency (I imagine it will) to both add fun to the offseason and a level of drama to free agency.

Also it will be interesting to see how many players are "invited" to participate in the Combine. Haven't heard anything to suggest anything other than that every player will have a numerical value at each drill. It would be cool to only get a certain number of prospects invited and then have to set up a Pro Day or an individual workout with a limited amount of players to get those values. It's nice having everyone's numbers, but the reality IRL is you can't around to everybody -- which is why watching tape and all of that extra stuff is important -- so the game should reflect that.

It's still ok to have to do a little guesswork in the final couple of rounds as the talent dwindles. Makes finding a diamond that much more rewarding and missing on him that much more painful. Also it gives other teams, including the CPU a chance to find those diamonds that you missed, which is important for me especially, since I play CFM exclusively.

06-24-2015, 12:10 AM
I'm kind of rolling with thoughts on this whole aggressive catch dilemma (or perceived dilemma). I added this to my original post as it is another necessary improvement.

I think with the new catch system the team missed a HUGE opportunity this season by not adding a multitude of "over the shoulder" animations down the field. Actually I think all of the community concerns about overpowered "aggressive" catch could be cleared up simply by implementing these animations and putting it on the "possession" and "RAC" buttons. Mostly I think this because in the small sample size of evaluation and just knowing how the game has played in the past, aggressive is really the best way to attack the deep throw with your receiver based on the available animation options. So even if the defense knocks away a fair amount, we'll see aggressive take over as the overwhelming choice on a majority of the downfield pass attempts.
If over the shoulder catches were added in a big way, there would be more of a choice to make as far as best way to secure the catch and would likely (definitely) bring down the aggressive attempts, in turn bringing down the expectation and assumption of overpowered. Beyond that it would give you a different way to attack the ball downfield for your "possession" type wrs, which is another big byproduct. Basically, more variety is the best thing you can add when introducing so-called 'revolutionary' or 'game-changing' things. I know over 400 new animations were rolled out, but it could have been 425+ easy and potentially people feeling "cheese" in the game.

06-24-2015, 06:37 AM
I would think that over-the-shoulder catches would be RAC catches or possession catches near the sidelines but they want to highlight the aggressive catches so they're making it looking effective than it is.

06-24-2015, 10:15 AM
I would think that over-the-shoulder catches would be RAC catches or possession catches near the sidelines but they want to highlight the aggressive catches so they're making it looking effective than it is. I would think so too but they've never really had awesome over the shoulder catch animations so if they added them I feel they would have at least mentioned them in the deep dive along with the head-tracking (that's where it comes into play as a unique item) and they would be an outstanding thing to at least sprinkle into the gameplay pics. I'm really not sure it's something they've taken the time for upgrading or maybe (hopefully) as an alpha build they are still working on adding them? It won't disappoint me if they don't get updated but I just feel it would really create a balance for users.