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View Full Version : E3 2015 - FIFA 16 Gameplay Trailer

06-15-2015, 03:04 PM

06-15-2015, 05:24 PM
Nice video. Lots of new animations and some new stadia too. Kind of cool to see Borussia-Park. I wonder who is getting their stadiums in. If Borussia Monchengladbach has their ground in, is it all of Bundesliga or just the next tier of to clubs?

Anyway, I'm excited for FIFA news to start rolling out!

06-16-2015, 04:19 PM
I would like to give it more of a chance than I did to 16.

Just wish we could do an online Premier League.

06-17-2015, 09:04 AM
I thought this was a very good early preview for FIFA 16.
The author makes no bones about the fact he was disappointed in '15 and felt '14 is still better than last years iteration.

Saying that, he reports that a lot of issues have been addressed and FIFA 16 is a big step in the right direction to fixing what they broke in '15.

I'm still leaning towards PES16, but this early review of FIFA16 has me reconsidering:


...improved defensive AI is the biggest factor. Not that I didn’t know myself, but we were shown plenty of videos highlighting FIFA 15’s defensive deficiencies. Players not covering space, not being aware of opposition plays around them and in general just being silly, these are all things that happened, but not in FIFA 16. Really? That’s what you’re probably thinking, and I was too. However, when I started playing it was so apparent. You could literally see the AI covering spaces you had left and tracking opposition runs as well as humanly possible. Unlike FIFA 15, I saw players making some really clever interceptions too. You now feel relatively equipped and confident of holding up, recovering the ball or just plain taking out attackers as they come at you. It’s brilliant. You no longer feel completely naked when a player like Ronaldo, Messi, Bale or any other quick player is charging at you. Even when you do get skinned, you have the ability to get back thanks to the combination of sexy new animations and a recovery button. It’s also all contextual, so the majority it will just happen as you naturally try to claw back at the guy who just whizzed past you. Seeing this in motion is something else, the animations are wonderful. Also, you now have the ability to make in-air tackles, meaning you stick a foot out a poke the ball away from danger. I found this to be incredibly useful as it pretty much eradicated the problem of the ball bobbling about in the area and the resulting cheap goals.

If you’ve ever played on World Class or Legendary, you’ll know the AI just cheats, with even the likes of Aston Villa playing like Barcelona. In FIFA 16, I found both levels of difficulty to be suitably challenging yet each team played realistically. By that I mean Barcelona played like Barcelona and Dortmund played like Dortmund, even making the odd misplaced past, defensive error and dribble not resulting in a goal. In fact, the toning down of the pace, defensive improvements and favouritism towards quick players has resulted in both team styles and player individuality shining through. Players like Messi, Silva, Iniesta and Hazard are joy to control, each feeling and playing like they would in reality. Perhaps neither (team or players styles) element is as deep as PES, but it’s a massive step in the right direction with FIFA 16.