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View Full Version : EA Sports releases a teaser for its new golf game, people immediately freak out

03-13-2015, 11:30 AM

EA Sports, the most powerful creator of sports video games in the world and makers of the long-standing Tiger Woods series, tweeted a cruel teaser Thursday about its soon-to-be released golf game.

It'll be EA Sports' first golf game since 2013 and the first without Tiger Woods as its figurehead, so anticipation is high. EA has stayed quiet about the news since launching a trailer for the forthcoming game last year, but did confirm the new game would be released sometime in the second quarter. Prevailing rumors point to a June release.

In any case, here's EA's teaser:


Or was it a clue? Is that an easter egg?

As you might expect, it has set off a kind of Twitter revolt. People are tired of playing a game from 2013 -- damn it -- and want NEED to know more!

03-13-2015, 01:08 PM
People are tired of playing a game from 2013 -- damn it -- and want NEED to know more!

No excuse for playing a game from 2013 when there are perfectly acceptable alternatives like I dunno Golf Club.

03-13-2015, 01:21 PM
No excuse for playing a game from 2013 when there are perfectly acceptable alternatives like I dunno Golf Club.
I enjoy TGC but at the same time, I find it boring at times. I'm trying to join a tour and with a +6 handicap, it's telling me I can't join a tour (says it wants a handicap of 1-38). Not sure if it's a glitch in the game or something I'm missing but without a season to play through, it's just me trying to beat other people's ghosts.

03-13-2015, 02:36 PM
Yeah I find it very boring.

03-13-2015, 02:43 PM
I enjoy TGC but at the same time, I find it boring at times. I'm trying to join a tour and with a +6 handicap, it's telling me I can't join a tour (says it wants a handicap of 1-38). Not sure if it's a glitch in the game or something I'm missing but without a season to play through, it's just me trying to beat other people's ghosts.

Yeah I find it very boring.

That has been my main concern for why I haven't bought TGC. I really couldn't care less about playing single rounds and trying to beat ghost scores. I prefer an already built in season mode without having to do outside stuff (sign up for websites or whatever else you have to do for tours in TGC). So even though Tiger Woods/PGA may have had too much arcade pieces to it, I still enjoyed it because I could play through an entire season and compete for titles or jackets or what have you.

03-13-2015, 02:50 PM
That has been my main concern for why I haven't bought TGC. I really couldn't care less about playing single rounds and trying to beat ghost scores. I prefer an already built in season mode without having to do outside stuff (sign up for websites or whatever else you have to do for tours in TGC). So even though Tiger Woods/PGA may have had too much arcade pieces to it, I still enjoyed it because I could play through an entire season and compete for titles or jackets or what have you.

Yeah the entire game is not going to be dodging battleships like some people are thinking :fp:

03-13-2015, 03:28 PM
Yeah the entire game is not going to be dodging battleships like some people are thinking :fp:
That was so stupid to begin with. People liked Predator and the other fantasy maps on the past games, so they show one thing of a new fantasy map and people lose their shit. :fp:


03-13-2015, 03:43 PM
That was so stupid to begin with. People liked Predator and the other fantasy maps on the past games, so they show one thing of a new fantasy map and people lose their shit. :fp:


Just myopic people who think that is all the team worked on.

03-13-2015, 04:55 PM
Yeah the entire game is not going to be dodging battleships like some people are thinking :fp:

Absolutely! !! I'm sure they will throw in resetting your clubs after every round just for fun woooooooo

03-13-2015, 04:56 PM
That was so stupid to begin with. People liked Predator and the other fantasy maps on the past games, so they show one thing of a new fantasy map and people lose their shit. :fp:


Predator was fun and a challenge. Buying it every year as dlc was just a challenge. ...

03-18-2015, 01:49 PM
I enjoy TGC but at the same time, I find it boring at times. I'm trying to join a tour and with a +6 handicap, it's telling me I can't join a tour (says it wants a handicap of 1-38). Not sure if it's a glitch in the game or something I'm missing but without a season to play through, it's just me trying to beat other people's ghosts.

I think you have to play on the harder tour.

I don't quite understand their handicap index. In real life you are never have a handicap below scratch. So if you play on this game multiple times and shoot an average of -6 for those rounds they give you a +6. It seems backwards, seems like once you shoot even par or below you should just be a 0 handicap.

I am something like a +3.2 and it won't allow me on the amateur tour events b/c it says my handicap is too low/ high. I am able to play on the pro level events but again like you've said those people are winning with insane scores like -90 after 2 rounds. I'm not exactly sure how that's even possible but who knows.

I don't know if my +3.2 means I normally shoot 3.2 over par or if it means I'm normally 3.2 under par and it's adjusting my net score with a +3.2, in real golf it makes more sense.

In real life I'm an 8.9 handicap, I know what that means, no +/-, over the course of a few years I average right around 79-83, I have a few high scores like 89-93 but I've also had a few low scores 73-75 to balance them out.

So on TGC I'm not sure what +8.9 means.

03-19-2015, 06:21 PM
Gus, you can have a + handicap. It seems the opposite of the scoring system. The best I ever got was +1 in the late 80s spending summers at Hilton head island. While today I can play to a 3 where I live now and no longer playing the back tees.....if I went back to harbor town now I would struggle to break 80. Biggest problem with tgc handicap system is it depends on the course or courses you Establish it on.....unless they some how account for course difficulty, wind etc. Anyway here is some info on usga handicapping


03-22-2015, 02:09 PM
Gus, you can have a + handicap. It seems the opposite of the scoring system. The best I ever got was +1 in the late 80s spending summers at Hilton head island. While today I can play to a 3 where I live now and no longer playing the back tees.....if I went back to harbor town now I would struggle to break 80. Biggest problem with tgc handicap system is it depends on the course or courses you Establish it on.....unless they some how account for course difficulty, wind etc. Anyway here is some info on usga handicapping


Cool, thanks for the link, that explains a lot.

I was unaware you could have + handicap, I guess most pros have + handicaps but to keep things simple they just say they're scratch golfers?

03-22-2015, 02:22 PM
Yeah, word has it that at one point in Tiger Woods' career, when he was playing at his best and just dominating the game, he was supposedly a +9 or +10 handicap golfer. He played to a +10 in 2000 when he won the US Open, British Open and PGA Championship.

As of 2 years ago, Phil Mickelson was a +5.2 handicap (had been a high water mark of +7.2 at one point) at Whisper Rock Golf Club in Scottsdale.
