In an effort to figure out any common themes in online connection issues, please list your details to the questions below.
o Router settings
o Router type
o NAT restriction settings
o ISP speed
o How are you connecting PS3 to network (wireless B? G? wired connection?)
o Network configuration settings on system (PS3:the details they give you in the network configuration setup screen before you test the network connection; 360: details after connection test)
o Any port forwarding enabled on the router
o Any security settings on the router
o A detailed list of online services that work/don’t work
§ Logging in
§ ESPN OnDemand
§ Season Showdown
§ Online ranked games
· Through lobby
· Invites
· Quick match
§ Online Dynasty
· Getting into the feature
· Online head-to-head user games
08-20-2010, 11:49 AM
Alright, I’ll do this in the order in which you have listed and then I’ll describe what is happening (most of which are from the other thread):
Router Settings
I have tried this both ways, Automatic and Manual. Since Automatic is pretty self explanatory, I’ll tell you how I have it listed in Manual. When in Manual I have DMZ set up for the a high number spot on the IP address following the typical (192.168.x.xx) making sure that I will not have enough devices to reach that number, thus giving my PS3 an IP that is reserved on the router for it.
Router type
I have a Belkin G router
NAT restriction settings
I have NAT2 connection
Cox Communications in Omaha, NE
ISP speed
I’ll have to get back to you on that one. I don’t know that right now because I’m at work.
How are you connecting PS3 to network
Wireless G
Network configuration settings
First off, I hope that I get all of these numbers right because, as I said, I am not at home in front of my PS right now, but this is pretty close I believe:
I touched on this a little in router settings, but I have done this both through Auto and Manually. Manually, I enter in SSID and WPA key. I enter in the IP address ending in the same number as I have the DMZ set for, which is a high number, after the typical default router IP (which for Belkin is 192.168.2.xx). I enter the standard default gateway ( The Primary and Secondary I have both set at the default routers IP ( For all of the things at the end of the Manual set up (MTU, Proxy Server, UpnP) I leave to the default (Automatic, Do Not Use and Enable, respectively).
Any port forwarding enable on the router
I don’t believe that I have done this, all that I have messed with is DMZ and the static IP
Any security settings on the router
WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption
A detailed list of online services that work/don’t work
I am able to log in to the PS Network, friends list, messages, browse internet
ESPN On Demand works
Online ranked games through lobby, quick match and invites DO NOT work
Online Dynasty works getting into the feature, playing games versus CPU, publishes stories right away and sends me e-mail notifications for all games played and when the week advances. Online head-to-head games DO NOT work.
Alright, now that I have done that and listed everything in detail, here is a description of what happens:
First off, I have been able to play titles such as Call of Duty with no connection issues, no lag, headsets work fine, everything. I have done this as recently as yesterday and have had a Call of Duty title since I got my PS3 when it first came out. These are the only games I have even tried to play online, so this is my only experience with these issues.
The first week NCAA came out, I was able to play against a friend via a lobby invite. That was the first thing that we tried, and it worked with very little lag (although my wife was downloading pictures which may have contributed to the lag). During this week, I also played probably 3 quick matches. All worked, little lag (for the same reason, we just got married, lots of pictures).
The next week, I tried playing a different friend and this is when I first noticed the problem. Since I had played the week before against someone, I figured that it was his connection. He doesn’t know all that much about computers, so I found some things about NAT types, read up on them, learned everything I could, learned how to put your PS into DMZ and static IP and all of that that I described above. I did it on my PS first so that I knew what I was doing, knew that I wouldn’t screw his up and because I figured that it wouldn’t hurt. So I did all of that, and my connection test came back quicker than it ever had, so it was a good thing I figured and no longer gave me the message along the bottom of the connection test screen about how “not all parts of games (or whatever) may work because of your connection” which it still every once in a while after that anyways. It was just kind of a crap shoot whether or not it would say that before and after and during all of this (which, by the way, has never prevented any play on any other games). So, anyways, I got my friend to set his up this way and it still didn’t work.
I looked up about everything I could on the internet, asked all of my friends and posted on multiple message boards, everyone just said “yea, we’re having that problem too, no answers”. The only thing that I was able to tell my friend was that, if he was able to, try to get into NAT1 by plugging straight into his modem. He did that and was able to play. I don’t think that this should be necessary though and some people (like me) don’t have the capabilities to do so without a 20ft Ethernet cable (which, would you want that running through your house?).
They have said that during games you aren’t connected to their servers, they link up the two consoles after the invite is accepted and you then reconnect to their server in post-game
This quote alone makes me say that it has to be EA’s servers. As I said before, I am able to connect to the internet, not only with my ps3 but also all other computers in the house through our wireless router and have full connectivity in all aspects. The problem comes when I am pre-game with a friend via invites. If it is their servers that link up the two consoles after the invite, that is where it is going awry.
Here is exactly what happens in my case:
If I send the invite, while waiting at the ready screen, I will hear a click and the logo of the other side will move slightly, making it appear like it is going to work and like they got into the game (and this is when the opponent DOES get into the game), but after that, on my end it will still say "waiting for opponent", and will continue to say so forever until I leave the game. They can change teams and all of that and it will still show on my end the default team that it had me playing against before they came in, hence nothing happens after this little click. I have tried sending an invite through the lobby, while the other person is in the main menu, really every way that I know how.
If I receive an invite, it will take me to the ready screen and it will show me who I'm playing, team, user name, disconnect percentage, etc. but this time, that person will never get 'ready' (and they are still seeing "waiting for opponent" as I described above). I can do all of my stuff, change teams, change uniform, etc. and get ready and then it will just show me ready forever until the person realizes that it is not working (or more typically, I'm on the phone with them and we are talking about what we see) and leaves the game. They can once again change teams and all of that and it won't show me anything, it will still be on their default team and still show me their name and all of that, but will never get ready and nothing will change until it pops up with a message saying that they left the game.
The only way that this is possible, especially with all of my other connectivity, is if EA is failing to connect the two of us, which likely has to do with them not liking our NAT2 (or NAT3 in some peoples cases) connections. It only takes one NAT2/NAT3 to make it fail, which makes sense, but it is extremely frustrating. They need to loosen their standards a little bit to allow wireless users to play, although, from the sounds of it even some of you NAT1 guys are having issues as well.
Last night, I got on Call of Duty to make sure that everything was still working. I tried it with my Manual network settings. There was no lag, no problems connecting, all headsets worked, same as it has always been. After that I switched to Automatic network settings (since I knew that my manual ones didn’t work) and went to quick play. The first one that I got in, the guy left immediately so I wasn’t really able to observe what happened. After this I had a friend get on, I sent him an invite and the same thing happened as I described above when I send an invite. After this I went back to trying quick matches. I tried probably 3 or 4 times and every time it had Nebraska v. Nebraska (my default team) playing at Air Force’s stadium. Each time there was a different user that I was playing against, different user names, different disconnect percentages and all. This hints to me that once again, EA’s servers failed to connect us. I got ready and everything, but it was as if they were experiencing what I experience when I send out an invite, in that it still probably said "waiting for opponent" and they never ended up getting ready.
This all came to a boil when I had my first OD game against a user (and only our second user v. user game in the league total so far). We tried every which way to invite each other (turns out there is only two ways, that was a dumb statement), we both reset our games, our systems and our routers until eventually one of us conceded and put our team in Autopilot for the other to play the game. What we’d like to see is this issue get fixed as quickly as possible so that we can throw that game out, and play for real (even though I won, haha).
Any help that comes of this message is much appreciated.
Thank you,
omahavan (PSN: DVC2)
o Router settings
DHCP Server: Enabled, Starting IP
MTU: Auto
Static DNS 1:
DMZ Enabled: (have tried .52, .123, etc.)
UPnP: Enabled
Operating Mode: Gateway
Destination LAN IP, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway:
o Router type: Linksys WRT54GS
o NAT restriction settings: NAT3
o ISP: Windstream
o ISP speed: Download 1.36 MBPS, Upload: 303 Kbps
o How are you connecting PS3 to network (wireless B? G? wired connection?): Wired
o Network configuration settings on system (PS3:the details they give you in the network configuration setup screen before you test the network connection; 360: details after connection test)
Internet Connection: Enabled
Connection Method: Wired Connection
Speed and Duplex: Auto-Detect
Address Settings: Automatic
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Router:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
MAC Address:
MTU: Automatic
Proxy Server: Do Not Use
UPnP: Available
NAT Type: Type 3
o Any port forwarding enabled on the router
UDP: 88, 3478-3479, 3658-3659, 6000
TCP: 80, 443, 5223, 13000-13100, 42100
Both: 3074
- Only have room for 10 ports. May remove those for XBL since that seems to be connecting fine now via auto-connect.
o Any security settings on the router: None
o A detailed list of online services that work/don’t work
§ Logging in: Work
§ ESPN OnDemand: Work
§ Season Showdown: Work
§ Online ranked games
· Through lobby: Very rarely works (Once since launch week, 5 times around launch)
· Invites: Very rarely works (Once since launch week, 5 times around launch)
· Quick match: Didn't try
§ Online Dynasty
· Getting into the feature: Works
· Online head-to-head user games: Haven't tried
09-01-2010, 05:56 PM
Did anything ever come of this cdj? I haven't tried playing online recently, just wondering if you have heard anything or if it has been working for you as of late. I have an OD game against a user this week, and was just wondering....thanks.
I had luck getting a user game in about two weeks ago on 360, but can't connect on it now for another user game. I am also having trouble with some other PS3 games, so I am changing up my connection settings to see what I can figure out...
09-02-2010, 10:07 PM
Not to change the emphasis of this thread (great move by the way), but don't you find it curious that the problem is happening with the PS3 and XBOX 360 and EA still stands firm that our equipment is the problem? Just sayin'...
Roy - I think they are using some ports or some sort of connection process that isn't as reliable as it should be.
I was finally able to connect to JB in the 360 OD last night by direct connecting to the modem, so I'm guessing that indicates an issue with a setting on my router. I'll direct connect my PS3 over the weekend and see what that does...
09-03-2010, 11:37 AM
o Router settings
DHCP Server: Enabled, up to 20 addresses open
MTU: Auto
DMZ: Disabled
UPnP: Enabled
Operating Mode: Gateway
Destination LAN IP, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway:
o Router type: Linksys WRT54G
o NAT restriction settings: NAT2
o ISP: Charter
o ISP speed: Download 4 mbps, Upload: 600 kbps
o How are you connecting PS3 to network (wireless B? G? wired connection?): Wired
o Network configuration settings on system (PS3:the details they give you in the network configuration setup screen before you test the network connection; 360: details after connection test)
Internet Connection: Enabled
Connection Method: Wired Connection
Speed and Duplex: Auto-Detect
Address Settings: Automatic
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Router:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
MAC Address:
MTU: Automatic
Proxy Server: Do Not Use
UPnP: Disabled
NAT Type: Type 2
o Any port forwarding enabled on the router - No ports are open.
I do use QoS for port PS3 is on though
o Any security settings on the router: Yes
o A detailed list of online services that work/don’t work
§ Logging in: Work
§ ESPN OnDemand: Work
§ Season Showdown: Work
§ Online ranked games
· Through lobby: Work
· Invites: Work
· Quick match: Work
§ Online Dynasty
· Getting into the feature: Works
· Online head-to-head user games: Work
I haven't really had a ton of issues but had problems connecting with JB. He walked me through opening ports on my router. It seemed to do the trick for our connection. I'm no wiz but apparently EA has some different ports in the NCAA Instruction book (pg 15 I think) you should make sure are open.
09-05-2010, 01:49 AM
Not to change the emphasis of this thread (great move by the way), but don't you find it curious that the problem is happening with the PS3 and XBOX 360 and EA still stands firm that our equipment is the problem? Just sayin'...As far as I'm aware, sports games are also one of the few genres that use direct connection between user and host. And it seems like many of the sports games have had lackluster online experiences lately. So maybe it is both our equipment ... and their process.
For what it's worth, I had a handful of problems on NCAA 10, but have yet to have any issue getting connected on NCAA 11. That's enough of a "your mileage may vary" discrepancy for me to think it may be router settings that are the problem. Or providers.
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