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View Full Version : CPU Blitz Happy?

08-13-2010, 06:34 AM
Just curious as to whether any of you have run into this issue.

I have found the CPU to be ridiculously blitz happy in this game. I'm not talking about sending 1 extra guy. I'm talking about them sending 7 or 8 far too often (IMO). The CPU also doesn't hide it. I get out of the huddle and say I call a run play. They show blitz and are clearly bringing the house. I audible to a quick pass and its a wide open touchdown (or long gain) every time.

08-13-2010, 07:14 PM
They probably are too blitz happy. I don't get many TDs out of it though. The biggest complaint I've seen and agree with is that they use monster blitzes too often. Sending 6 guys or more should be very rare. Furthermore the Engage Eight blitz should be removed from the playbook. The double CB blitz is a huge waste too. The second CB from the wide side of the field should not blitz as he becomes completely useless. Remove those plays and the game would be better.

08-13-2010, 09:20 PM
I can deal with the blitzes, it's that auto drop back that drives me nuts because by the time the animation is complete my QB has been sacked.

08-14-2010, 01:14 AM
Yes, too CB blitz happy at times. A SE is routinely open straight down the field because the safety can't get over there or is just out of the play elsewhere.

08-14-2010, 05:38 AM
I played half a game on Heisman last night to test out the broken cpu running game and the cpu definitely blitzed more on Heisman. Very small sample size (I did Miami vs. Miami) but I had read that the higher the difficulty level the more blitzes the cpu calls. I saw nothing in that Heisman game to disprove that.

08-14-2010, 09:20 AM
I see enough blitzes on All-American that the prospect of seeing even more on Heisman has me shying away from Heisman.

08-14-2010, 04:45 PM
You have 4 seconds from the snap to get the pass off on Heisman blitzes. Thing is that just like real blitzes, there are holes, so just need to know where to hit.

08-14-2010, 08:25 PM
Oh, I'm sure they're about the same as on All-American, in terms of time and reads.

I'm just saying I wouldn't want to face even more blitzes than I already do.

08-16-2010, 06:44 AM
Honestly, you get so... used to the CPU blitzing its almost a shock when they don't. I'm debating of moving down to AA not b/c I'm struggling against the blitz. Rather, b/c the blitz is KILLING the CPU and allowing me to get far too many huge plays by simply audibles to quick pass play and hitting the receiver after he beats the BNR coverage on a slant.

08-16-2010, 07:13 AM
Play action doesn't work because of their heavy blitzes and ability to get around your blockers with ease despite max protection. Yet if I sent that same blitz they will find someone open even faster.

08-16-2010, 08:03 AM
^^This on Heisman. I rarely run PA as a result.

08-17-2010, 08:05 AM
Skip, I agree and the one reason I do not call PA passes anymore. The upside just isn't there this year.

08-17-2010, 08:12 AM
It's even worse on Madden. Going back to NCAA after playing five to six games of Madden in a row was a breath of fresh air how much time I had in the pocket.

08-17-2010, 09:48 AM
It's even worse on Madden. Going back to NCAA after playing five to six games of Madden in a row was a breath of fresh air how much time I had in the pocket.

In Madden's defense, I don't think NFL QBs have as much time as NCAA QBs do in the pocket. Just ask Eli:


08-17-2010, 10:02 AM
In Madden's defense, I don't think NFL QBs have as much time as NCAA QBs do in the pocket. Just ask Eli:


LOL yes....you have a good point.

When I switched to all-pro it was getting annoying...I just need to man up!

08-24-2010, 07:05 PM
I agree they blitz a lot, use poorly designed blitzes too much and hide it poorly. I can't decide if decision to blitz so much is the big problem or how they do it - though tend to lean towards execution. Aggressive defenses could be a fun challenge and add some identity to the defensive side much like the offenses this year. Furthermore, I don't seem to be the only one that finds defensive design and pre-snap alignment frequently lacking.

08-24-2010, 11:00 PM
I agree they blitz a lot, use poorly designed blitzes too much and hide it poorly. I can't decide if decision to blitz so much is the big problem or how they do it - though tend to lean towards execution. Aggressive defenses could be a fun challenge and add some identity to the defensive side much like the offenses this year. Furthermore, I don't seem to be the only one that finds defensive design and pre-snap alignment frequently lacking.

If I see the cpu do another 8 in the box I'm gonna scream!

08-25-2010, 12:04 AM
The 8/9 in the box is one of the things that bothers me most this year. If I call Cover 2, or even Cover 2 man ... what earthly reason do my safeties have for coming up on a 1st and 10? And why the hell are they doing it without any provocation from me?

08-27-2010, 09:41 PM
Also, what is the deal with the nickleback on the short side of the field every time by the CPU - even when there is a slot on the wide side? Doesn't make a whole lot of football sense at all.

08-28-2010, 06:20 AM
Also, what is the deal with the nickleback on the short side of the field every time by the CPU - even when there is a slot on the wide side? Doesn't make a whole lot of football sense at all.

Same goes for my team. Whenever I gamble and actually try to run a zone defense, EA should have my team line up properly. If I call a Nickel Cover 3 and they come out in 3 WR and the slot is on the right side, my slot nickel back should be over there. EA should automatically flip the defense for me instead of making me do it every time. It's a common sense thing and would hide the zone coverage a little better.

08-28-2010, 07:11 AM
It's a common sense thing and would hide the zone coverage a little better.


08-28-2010, 09:56 AM
Out of curiosity, is there anyway to adjust the CPU blitz happiness through the Coaching Sliders. I seem to recall people messing with these to get more realistic run/pass ratios by the CPU and the like so perhaps that would be a solution to the problem.

08-28-2010, 10:03 AM
Yeah, dial down the defensive aggressiveness, but unfortunately you can't do it in the middle of a dynasty. Maybe it lets you do it in the offseason though. At least I haven't found how to do it during a season, if someone else has.

08-28-2010, 04:29 PM
Same goes for my team. Whenever I gamble and actually try to run a zone defense, EA should have my team line up properly. If I call a Nickel Cover 3 and they come out in 3 WR and the slot is on the right side, my slot nickel back should be over there. EA should automatically flip the defense for me instead of making me do it every time. It's a common sense thing and would hide the zone coverage a little better.Counter-point: If the offense comes out with 2 WRs on the short side of the field, some coaches will still consider the wide side the 'strong' side, though that is more prevalent in balanced formations.

Either way, whether it auto sets strong/wide or doesn't, they're not going to make everyone happy. It would be nice for the coverage to be better disguised.

I'd just be happy if, when I did flip my nickel formation, the nickelback would just directly jog over there instead of strafing through the linebackers (and sometimes getting caught between them). It would at least look natural.

08-28-2010, 08:34 PM
I will say this when the CPU is on defense. If they made some kind of concession, I would rather them stick with the nickel to the wide side on zone every time with the idea that the smaller space can be covered with fewer people. As it is now, they stick the nickle on the short side every time and you have them outnumbered to the wide side routinely. Either way you will be able to tell it is a zone but in this case at least they can match up better. I think there is a decent list of little things like this that could make the CPU AI more challenging/accurate without a ton of code (I am guessing anyway).

10-01-2010, 03:21 PM
Yesterday I just decided to watch some of a CPU vs CPU game.

U of Buffalo at Northwestern.

first off, it was hillarious because UB was ahead at the half 13-7. UB had a TD pass and TD on interception.

but the thing I noticed was when the CPU plays itself..at least in this game, there was hardly any blitzing.

both teams had all day to throw. Also, I gave UB the air raid offense and both teams were throwing 20 yards down field or more and both were using no huddle.

there was a point where a player was pushed out of bounds while on his feet and the CPU still called a no huddle play even though the official appeared to do a stop clock animation.