View Full Version : Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4, XB1, PC)

03-21-2014, 12:13 PM

Ubisoft Confirms Assassin's Creed: Unity, Release Date TeasedAll in a new trailer.

03-21-2014, 12:13 PM
French Revolution?

03-21-2014, 02:48 PM
Definitely French Revolution. Not sure I like the rumor of two separate, completely different games, Unity for Xbox One/PS4 and something else (codenamed Assassin's Creed Comet) for 360/PS3.

03-25-2014, 11:05 PM
One day after leaked images hit the internet (http://kotaku.com/leaked-images-reveal-one-of-this-falls-two-assassins-1547111652), Ubisoft officially announced Assassin's Creed Unity coming "Holidays 2014" to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC with a sneak peek video featuring alpha game footage.

Assassin's Creed Unity will be set in Paris during the French Revolution. The setting is not a complete surprise as Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag featured numerous easter eggs hinting at possible locations for future games, including the French Revolution.


References from Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag:

Matrilineal line - 18th Century: French Revolution. What female will they be using the memories from?

"Liberty leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix (Far right). The painting commemorates the July Revolution of 1830, with the female personfication of Liberty leading the French people over bodes representing their fallen. In her right hand is the French flag and a musket in her left.

"I'm talking about guillotines, Robespierre (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilien_de_Robespierre), and Napoleon Bonaparte (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon) in the French Revolution?" This potentially gives the first indication of historical characters the player may encounter, although many may be obvious, including Marie Antoinette & King Louis XVI among others.


One of the markers - perhaps the most prominent - is placed front and center on France.


Another reference to the 18th century, originally mentioned above with the French Revolution.

"Take for instance the daguerreotype which warped our way of seeing true life." Invented by Louis Jacques-Mandé Daguerre (with help from others), the daguerreotype process was the first photographic process to have widespread use. Daguerre may fill the role of 'helpful inventor' that has been a regular device in the Assassin's Creed franchise.

Are there any other Easter eggs or references to the French Revolution within AC IV we may have missed?
What are you hoping for in Unity?


You can view the page at http://www.thegamingtailgate.com/forums/content.php?781-Ubisoft-Announces-Assassin-s-Creed-Unity-Set-in-French-Revolution

03-27-2014, 09:36 PM
Haven't ever played this series though I have been tempted to pick it up. Choice of the French Revolutionary period is an excellent idea as it is such a rich tapestry of events which may be included in the gameplay. I wll be following this closely to see where it ends up.

03-28-2014, 05:10 AM
Assassin's Creed Black Flag was the first game I played in the series. Had a lot of fun and spent 53 hours on it! Just so much to do in the game. Just screwing around is fun. That's probably my biggest criticism though - the side stuff is as good or better than the main missions. It's not a story you really care about and there wasn't anything in the game that blew me away but I had fun.

03-28-2014, 11:43 PM
Assassin's Creed Black Flag was the first game I played in the series. Had a lot of fun and spent 53 hours on it! Just so much to do in the game. Just screwing around is fun. That's probably my biggest criticism though - the side stuff is as good or better than the main missions. It's not a story you really care about and there wasn't anything in the game that blew me away but I had fun.

Black Flag was probably the most fun of the franchise (or at least in top two or three), but advanced the story the least. Not surprising given how they changed the narrative of the (current-day) story, however. If Ubisoft is going to keep pumping out one or two AC games a year for the foreseeable future, the story probably won't advance much.

03-29-2014, 03:08 AM
Black Flag was probably the most fun of the franchise (or at least in top two or three), but advanced the story the least. Not surprising given how they changed the narrative of the (current-day) story, however. If Ubisoft is going to keep pumping out one or two AC games a year for the foreseeable future, the story probably won't advance much.

Yeah, the story was utterly, meh. I didn't care at all what was happening in the current-day story, and while it was an alright story for the past portion, it was entirely forgettable, however, it was better than the story in Assassin's Creed III. That said, Black Flag was the most fun Assassins's Creed that I've played. I couldn't put the game down for two weeks, it was literally the only game I touched. For story, far and away, Assassin's Creed II is tops. The story was good, and I genuinely enjoyed playing as Ezio.

03-29-2014, 08:36 AM
I didn't even understand why they bother with the current day stuff. Just do the Assassin's Creed stuff and use a different character every time. I didn't enjoy the "waking up from a dream" stuff very much at all.

I enjoyed the stuff on the boats in AC4. It was fun to be a pirate although the boat controls were poorly explained in the game for rookies. It took me a long time how to do everything and I didn't even realize how to use Mortars until I was almost done the game. I thought Mortars were something else.

03-29-2014, 08:39 AM
Since you've not played any of the previous games, the present day stuff makes much more sense in the previous ones... a lot of the backstory is explained more in-depth in the first one.

That said, I certainly don't play the series for the present-day gameplay... it's just an excuse for them to be able to go to different time periods and loosely tie the games together.

03-29-2014, 08:51 AM
I've bought and played every single Assassin's Creed game, and I couldn't possibly care less about the present day stuff. Even in the Ezio trilogy (II, Brotherhood and Revelations), I found the present day stuff to be nothing but a waste of my time and it greatly annoyed, aggravated and pissed me off every time I was forced to do more present day crap. It was good for nothing but breaking up flow of the ongoing story in the past.

You said it well G, the present day crap is essentially nothing more but an excuse thrown in so they can keep going from AC sequel to AC sequel with all of them "tied together" instead of as stand alone games. I say cut all the present day crap out. If they absolutely have to have it, have something at the start and something at the end, and everything in between be NOTHING but the stuff you do in the past in the Animus.

06-10-2014, 06:50 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeWSedqvxSg&list=PLraFbwCoisJC_AdLKkdeWhUg 5XC9-KWIc&index=69

06-11-2014, 06:59 AM

06-11-2014, 06:33 PM

06-12-2014, 10:50 AM
The four player co-op demo at E3 was pretty cool to watch. I've still yet to play an AC game :D but I have III and IV and Vita's Liberation so I will eventually get in.

06-18-2014, 08:48 PM

09-17-2014, 06:55 AM

09-17-2014, 07:49 AM
I wasn't interested in the game after E3 but since they've been showing these 2 minute developer clips (I've been watching them on Facebook), this game looks REALLY good.

10-30-2014, 10:12 PM

10-31-2014, 04:19 AM
I really don't think I like those time anomalies. Not sure about this idea.

10-31-2014, 07:27 AM
I've seen a good number of people say they don't like it, but I think it seems like a clever idea. (Though who knows until retail how great of idea.)

One criticism acted as if they did it just to add guns - the franchise has already had gunplay in the past. :dunno:

10-31-2014, 09:34 AM
I don't like to time travel thing either. I'd be cool with it were a different assassin in the other era but the same one 150 years or so later breaks a lot of the "immersion."

11-09-2014, 05:01 AM
Great review


11-09-2014, 06:58 AM
I'm getting AC: Rogue on PS3 this week but once I jump up to the PS4, this is one of the first games I'm getting.

11-09-2014, 08:46 AM
Maybe it's because several games are coming out at the same time but I'm just not interested in either AC at this point. I'm sure I'll play unity eventually and like it, but it's behind Far Cry and even rehash GTA at this point.

11-09-2014, 12:39 PM
Maybe it's because several games are coming out at the same time but I'm just not interested in either AC at this point. I'm sure I'll play unity eventually and like it, but it's behind Far Cry and even rehash GTA at this point.

Having never played the series, I think AC UNity looks really good from a visual standpoint. However, I get the sense that Black Flag may be more fun due to the nature of the open world. I have dropped 1 million hints to my wife that the xbox 1 AC bundle would be a great gift from Santa!

11-09-2014, 09:13 PM
Having never played the series, I think AC UNity looks really good from a visual standpoint. However, I get the sense that Black Flag may be more fun due to the nature of the open world. I have dropped 1 million hints to my wife that the xbox 1 AC bundle would be a great gift from Santa!

That's the bundle I bought, the boss "wife" was very surprised. My 6 year old kept telling her we were going to play Madden on Xbox 1, she said, no I think it's PS4....then she was like WOAH did you really get another machine!?

The bungle comes with AC Black Flag and Unity downloads, I haven't downloaded either yet, they aren't exactly games my 6 year old needs to see so maybe I can set up the XBOX 1 to download them while he's at school. I'm not exactly sure how long they will take to download and install. I know the Xbox 1 installed Madden 15 onto the HD, I bought a used copy of the actual disk but it still installed it to the HD, it took about 20 minutes to load & install. Not having the actual disk maybe be a different story.

Edit: The download code cards say AC Unity requires 50GB and Black Flag requires up to 25BG.

11-10-2014, 04:23 AM
I will decide between Mordor and Unity on sale down the road. Both look good.

11-11-2014, 05:08 PM
So, I have a 6 year old and neither AC Black Flag or Unity is something I can play while he is up. I just bought this XBOX 1 bundle with both last week. Been playing Madden 15 on the Xbox 1 and yesterday did the digital downloads of both AC games.

I fired up AC Black Flag today while he was at school. So far it seems really cool, I haven't done much other than jump around, climb on things, kill and skin wild pigs, break open treasure chests and kill 1 guy but I think I played for about 45 mins and it was really fun!

Being mainly a sports guy this is a nice change, the graphics are very nice and the music is cool too. It kinda reminds of a Tomb Raider type game but with more graphic killing.

I'm sure Unity is going to look even better, I'll have to give a shot too. I can say if anyone is looking for a nice change from the usual sports game, likes to explore wide open areas (right now I seem to be in a Goonies style outdoor jungle, water-fall area) then AC Black Flag is a good one to try. By the way, the water-fall will sometimes cast rainbows, the graphics are pretty amazing on this game.

EDIT: that could be the strangest review of the year award, "skinning wild boars and pretty rainbows....." :dunno:

11-11-2014, 07:34 PM
Black Flag was a lot of fun. The boat stuff was great too except for the diving which I hated. But the boat was frustrating initially since they do a lousy job of explaining the controls.

11-11-2014, 08:26 PM
Black Flag was a lot of fun. The boat stuff was great too except for the diving which I hated. But the boat was frustrating initially since they do a lousy job of explaining the controls.

Yeah, the diving was unfair with the amount of sharks and moray eels. Everything else was awesome.

11-12-2014, 03:00 AM
Yeah, the diving was unfair with the amount of sharks and moray eels. Everything else was awesome.

I know. It was hard enough to deal with a lack of oxygen let alone the sharks! I completely gave up on diving after a few attempts.

11-12-2014, 05:38 AM
Picked this up last night. From what I read, you can basically call this Assassins Creed 4.5: Blacker Flag


11-12-2014, 06:06 AM
Eh, that works for me. :D I loved Black Flag (especially the open ocean sailing and warfare since we really don't have any good naval games these days), so Black Flag 4.5 works for me. I probably won't pick Rogue up until after New Year's (I might not even get around to get Unity until then either as I still have Halo MCC, GTA 5 next-gen and a couple other games I want to pick up, but will have to spread out over a month or two of paychecks, so hopefully the price will have gone down some since then.

11-12-2014, 09:16 AM
Eh, that works for me. :D I loved Black Flag (especially the open ocean sailing and warfare since we really don't have any good naval games these days), so Black Flag 4.5 works for me. I probably won't pick Rogue up until after New Year's (I might not even get around to get Unity until then either as I still have Halo MCC, GTA 5 next-gen and a couple other games I want to pick up, but will have to spread out over a month or two of paychecks, so hopefully the price will have gone down some since then.

4.5 is cool with me too. Sometimes I'm totally cool with more of the same. 4 was awesome. I can do without the sharks and eels underwater but everything else was fun.

11-12-2014, 07:06 PM
Unity is getting pummeled so hard their stock took a nose dive. (http://finance.yahoo.com/tumblr/blog-ubisoft-gets-crushed-after-abysmal-assassins-creed-165926902.html)


11-12-2014, 08:17 PM
I haven't played it yet, but if that's how it really is and not just some random happenings, that is HORRIBLE. Are those clips all pieced together so it's no-stop problems or are the real problems intermittent?

If the real game is non-stop problems like that, then I'm not really sure how anyone would release that as a "finished product".

11-13-2014, 07:55 PM
Not knowing the series at all I will say that Unity looks beautiful and I suspect is a lot of fun. One question though, if it's the French Revolutionary period, why does everyone have a thick British accent???

11-13-2014, 10:31 PM
I really dig the game. Long loading times is the only gripe I have so far.

11-14-2014, 05:51 PM
The good news is they are working hard to get things resolved. It's nice they have people to fix things, just would be nicer if they didn't need to fix things. Have the product ready to go at launch, not 80% complete.


11-14-2014, 10:26 PM
I watched Dan's Gaming play through this whole game over three days on twitch. It was a good watch with a somewhat surprising ending. He said the story was a little dull and forgettable but the visuals and sound are outstanding.

12-29-2014, 11:02 PM
I just finished Rogue. The ending is in Paris so it's probably some quasi-Unity prequel.

If you like Black Flag, this is more of the same. You learn a lot about Achilles and the Assassin's pre-Connor of AC III fame.

Oh, and if no one has played Black Flag's dlc, Freedom Cry, I suggest checking that out. It fleshes out Adewale's story.

12-30-2014, 12:26 PM
I just finished Rogue. The ending is in Paris so it's probably some quasi-Unity prequel.

If you like Black Flag, this is more of the same. You learn a lot about Achilles and the Assassin's pre-Connor of AC III fame.

Oh, and if no one has played Black Flag's dlc, Freedom Cry, I suggest checking that out. It fleshes out Adewale's story.

Just playing through Black Flag right now. All I can say is what a truly excellent game. I have dropped dozens of hours just doing side missions, picking up chests, etc. I have the AC Bundle and was excited about Unity but I have not even turned it on yet.

12-30-2014, 12:51 PM
Just playing through Black Flag right now. All I can say is what a truly excellent game. I have dropped dozens of hours just doing side missions, picking up chests, etc. I have the AC Bundle and was excited about Unity but I have not even turned it on yet.

I've now beaten AC 1, AC 2, AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, AC 3, AC Liberations, AC 4 (with Freedom Cry DLC), and now AC Rogue. Edward Kenway is, by far, my favorite assassin (followed by Aveline from AC Liberation). Black Flag is the pinnacle of the series.

12-30-2014, 01:00 PM
Black Flag was the only Creed game I ever played and I ended up spending over 50 hours on it. I really enjoyed it but I remember being frustrated with the boat at first since I didn't have the controls down. It was a lot of fun. Shadow of mordor is very similar to Creed. Smaller map but very action packed with better combat imo.

12-30-2014, 01:04 PM
Just playing through Black Flag right now. All I can say is what a truly excellent game. I have dropped dozens of hours just doing side missions, picking up chests, etc. I have the AC Bundle and was excited about Unity but I have not even turned it on yet.
This. I still fire up Black Flag every so often, if anything, solely for the reason of sailing around, listening to the crew sing sea shanties and engaging in battle with Man o Wars.

I've played a couple of hours of Unity so far (haven't gotten very far into it yet), so I can't yet rate it on my list of best to worst Assassin's Creed games, but Black Flag, if not number one, is easily number two just behind Assassin's Creed 2. Black Flag is just so damn fun, even after I beat the game clear back last spring.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

01-02-2015, 02:54 PM
Just tried AC Unity for the first time last night. I only put in a few hours but it's also a good game. However, in my limited time I feel as though the game is a little rough around the edges. Black Flag is very polished but Unity seems a little clunky and awkward at times. While I love the crowd and blending in, I find the movement on te R stick to be too loose and the controls overall much less intuitive than Black Flag. I also find the main character far less intersting as compared to Kenway.

To be fair, Paris looks phenomenal!!! However, after awhile it all looks the same. Multiple locations are really needed in this game and traveling to get to them would be great. I would love to see some rural country sides in an open world format.

01-02-2015, 04:00 PM
Just tried AC Unity for the first time last night. I only put in a few hours but it's also a good game. However, in my limited time I feel as though the game is a little rough around the edges. Black Flag is very polished but Unity seems a little clunky and awkward at times. While I love the crowd and blending in, I find the movement on te R stick to be too loose and the controls overall much less intuitive than Black Flag. I also find the main character far less intersting as compared to Kenway.

To be fair, Paris looks phenomenal!!! However, after awhile it all looks the same. Multiple locations are really needed in this game and traveling to get to them would be great. I would love to see some rural country sides in an open world format.

Unity is going to be one of my first new-gen purchases when I jump up.

01-02-2015, 05:28 PM
Unity is going to be one of my first new-gen purchases when I jump up.

Apparently Ubisoft is giving somefree DLC in the future to say "sorry" for some of the issues that plagued the game at release. That will be a nice bonus when you eventually go next gen. You decided on the 1 or the 4?

01-02-2015, 05:33 PM
Just tried AC Unity for the first time last night. I only put in a few hours but it's also a good game. However, in my limited time I feel as though the game is a little rough around the edges. Black Flag is very polished but Unity seems a little clunky and awkward at times. While I love the crowd and blending in, I find the movement on te R stick to be too loose and the controls overall much less intuitive than Black Flag. I also find the main character far less intersting as compared to Kenway.

To be fair, Paris looks phenomenal!!! However, after awhile it all looks the same. Multiple locations are really needed in this game and traveling to get to them would be great. I would love to see some rural country sides in an open world format.

I would love to see an open world set up with country sides and whatnot. The first Assassin's Creed had that, you had to ride horses from city to city. Now they just pretty much dump you in one city and that's it. AC III had some country and wilderness in it, but it could have been much better.

With as massive as Black Flag was, there is no reason they couldn't do a GTA V sized map with multiple cities, countryside and traveling back and forth from city to city, with a full open world set up on land. They had a semi-open world set up in Black Flag, but still kept you limited. They kept the entire southern half locked up and blocked off until you proceeded far enough in the storyline to open it up. And the areas you could get to, they had high level ships to keep you from advancing too soon.

Give us a GTA V sized map with multiple cities, give us a true open world format where we can go wherever we please whenever we want but still have to go to specific places to advance the story when we are ready (basically like with GTA V), and maybe work in something like the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor if it were possible.

Instead of just random, nameless enemies that you kill without care, maybe if you had something like the Nemesis system, it could make your enemies and opponents you meet more interesting. If you don't kill a certain guard but instead only injure him or if you run away and lose him, maybe he returns elsewhere in the game or you run into him somewhere else in a city, and maybe he acts differently based on how you fought and attacked in his presence the first time.

We hear about how much better these systems are over last gen, lets start really opening these games up! Even if it means going BACK to a schedule where a new Assassin's Creed only releases maybe every two years, instead of this yearly crap they've gotten into. While Black Flag truly was a gem in the series, there's no doubt the reason why the series as a whole has sort of deteriorated from AC2 and the Brotherhood, because they went from releasing every two year to pumping out a new game every year.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

01-02-2015, 05:40 PM
Apparently Ubisoft is giving somefree DLC in the future to say "sorry" for some of the issues that plagued the game at release. That will be a nice bonus when you eventually go next gen. You decided on the 1 or the 4?

I was always going 4. If NCAA came out, I'd have it. Right now, I'm enjoying my Wii U and backlog of PS3/360 games so I'm in no rush to jump.

01-06-2015, 03:02 PM
Dead Kings DLC is free next week.


01-06-2015, 03:09 PM
I'm still trying to get into this game. The forced co-op missions, often with random dumbasses the game pairs you with, really makes it difficult to get into it. Black Flag I was instantly immersed in the game and couldn't stop playing it. Unity, I have to actually try to work up the desire to fire it up.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

01-06-2015, 07:53 PM
I'm still trying to get into this game. The forced co-op missions, often with random dumbasses the game pairs you with, really makes it difficult to get into it. Black Flag I was instantly immersed in the game and couldn't stop playing it. Unity, I have to actually try to work up the desire to fire it up.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

Yeah I have struggled with the immersion thus far as well. Paris is beautiful... but... online chest, forced co-op stuff, need for the companion app. etc. I just want to play the game. Is that so hard to ask?

01-06-2015, 08:07 PM
Yeah I have struggled with the immersion thus far as well. Paris is beautiful... but... online chest, forced co-op stuff, need for the companion app. etc. I just want to play the game. Is that so hard to ask?
Yep, they tried to get too cute with all this connectivity crap. I have to do stuff on a companion app, stuff on a separate website, all just to open a bloody chest. And if I want to do a mission that happens to be co-op, I have to hope the random person the game throws at me isn't a complete dumbass.

I'm going to have to start taking seriously hard looks at any future Assassin's Creed game after this debacle.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

01-06-2015, 09:52 PM
Yep, they tried to get too cute with all this connectivity crap. I have to do stuff on a companion app, stuff on a separate website, all just to open a bloody chest. And if I want to do a mission that happens to be co-op, I have to hope the random person the game throws at me isn't a complete dumbass.

I'm going to have to start taking seriously hard looks at any future Assassin's Creed game after this debacle.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

One night we should try to arrange a co-op session and get some of those missions done.

01-06-2015, 11:12 PM
One night we should try to arrange a co-op session and get some of those missions done.
That would work for me. Certainly would be trying to do the missions with brain dead randoms.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

01-10-2015, 02:09 PM
FYI... for those who have this game, Smooth created a TGT group. I joined it last night. For those interested maybe one night we could try a co-op mission or two. I refuse to play with random people I don't know at all but people on this site I would be more than willing to give it a try.

01-10-2015, 03:55 PM
Yeah, I've finally started figuring out what I'm doing. Found the Theatre Cafe, found some social clubs, did the majority of the viewpoints, finally realized that co-op missions are distinctly marked as their own symbol on the map, so I'm starting to warm up to Unity.

When I unlocked the social clubs, I didn't see any TGT groups for here on the Xbox One version (there is literally no way to search, but TGT was taken, so I just created TGT2 as I don't think the first was us, I don't think many of us have Unity on One.

I may jump on tonight after work, try to knock out a couple more Assassin's missions and Theatre missions, then resume the main story tomorrow.

Sent from my Droid Maxx using Tapatalk because I #TrustTheScript

02-18-2015, 07:40 PM
New patch coming out

The companion app and website are no longer needed

02-18-2015, 09:07 PM
New patch coming out

The companion app and website are no longer needed

About time! I really disliked that design decision. Once I finish GTA I plan on getting back into this game.

02-18-2015, 09:16 PM
Yeah. Once the app and my own started linking up, it wasn't terrible, but it did make things longer and more complicated than necessary.

I too need to get back into this. I was right at the start of Sequence 10 when I last played. Haven't gotten around to firing it back up since probably end of January. I need to jump back into it and pick the story back up.


04-03-2015, 03:28 PM

10-27-2015, 02:23 PM
Done! I finally finished the main mission last night and then started on the Dead Kings expansion. This is the first AC game I have ever finished the main story for. Man that last sequence (#12) was tough! Overall it was an okay story but I thought the ending left a lot to be desired...

10-27-2015, 03:29 PM
I'm at the beginning of Sequence 12 right now. Picked this back up last week at the start of Sequence 10. Right now my main effort is finishing off the chests, cockades, artifacts and various companion and social club missions. I have just the three districts in the bottom right corner to finish. Every other district on the map have been completely wiped clean of chests and other collectibles.

Then it's onto Franciade and Versailles.

11-09-2015, 02:12 AM
I finished the story back around Halloween. Definitely a lot left to be desired on the ending. If I had to rank it, I rank Unity around the bottom two for weakest story in the entire Assassin's Creed series.

Meanwhile, my hunt for 100% continues. Jumping back into this tonight for the first time since the 1st, I just finished all single player challenges, giving me 100% for the single player missions. I've done 18% (2) co-op missions and no heist missions for a 11% completion percentage on Co-op Missions.

I've done 100% social club missions, Paris stories, murder mysteries, Nostradamus enigmas, café theatre upgrades and companion missions, along with 21% helix rifts, to leave me at 90% for Paris Stories.

I've found 100% chests, cockades, viewpoints and renovations. I've got 65% artifacts (only missing those found in helix rift missions) and have 12% sync points (only found in co-op missions) to leave me standing at 89% Miscellaneous.

All combined, I have completed 75% of everything in the game.

Meanwhile, on Dead Kings, I have completed 76% of everything in Dead Kings. I am at 100% for multiplayer missions, stories of Franciade, Suger's Legacy, Outposts, Viewpoints, artifacts, Napoleon's bicorns and chests. I'm sitting at 64% for Sequence 13 (the Dead Kings missions), needing to go back through and obtain a combined total of 6 challenges to achieve 100% completion on Dead Kings.

While 100% for Unity and Dead Kings is completely unnecessary other than some related achievements along the way to reaching 100%, after going through and getting every single chest and cockade in the game, it's sort of become a desire to reach 100% on this, if anything just to say that I made it and left literally nothing unfinished in this game.

11-13-2016, 01:19 PM
So this is the game I'm playing to break my PS4's virginity. It's pretty good so far but combat isn't nearly as good or fluid as the other AC games starting at AC III. Climbing feels more cumbersome but controlled descent is wonderful. They're aren't as many skills as I had anticipated and 4 of them seem geared towards multiplayer missions.

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11-13-2016, 01:25 PM
Should have started with AC Syndicate. That was a really damn good game that I think will get the series back on track if they put out future games with as good of quality.

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11-13-2016, 01:39 PM
Should have started with AC Syndicate. That was a really damn good game that I think will get the series back on track if they put out future games with as good of quality.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I figured Syndicate would be markedly better so I didn't want to play that first. It's on the agenda though.

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