08-11-2010, 08:39 PM
| Offense |
| Human | CPU
QB Accuracy | 40 | 50
Pass Blocking | 55 | 40
WR Catching | 55 | 55
RB Ability | 50 | 50
Run Blocking | 50 | 75
| Defense |
| Human | CPU
Pass Coverage | 45 | 45
Pass Rush | 70 | 50
Interceptions | 40 | 40
Rush Defense | 35 | 60
Tackling | 55 | 50
| Special Teams |
| Human | CPU
FG Power | 5 | 20
FG Accuracy | 20 | 60
Punt Power | 50 | 55
Punt Accuracy | 40 | 50
Kickoff Power | 35 | 50
This is VERY preliminary with not many changes (besides upping pass coverage from 40 and upping CPU FG Accuracy from 50) from pre patch #1 Tuner set #2 so there may be some glaring holes but, so far, from what I've played and labbed in practice, it seems pretty realistic.
| Human | CPU
QB Accuracy | 40 | 50
Pass Blocking | 55 | 40
WR Catching | 55 | 55
RB Ability | 50 | 50
Run Blocking | 50 | 75
| Defense |
| Human | CPU
Pass Coverage | 45 | 45
Pass Rush | 70 | 50
Interceptions | 40 | 40
Rush Defense | 35 | 60
Tackling | 55 | 50
| Special Teams |
| Human | CPU
FG Power | 5 | 20
FG Accuracy | 20 | 60
Punt Power | 50 | 55
Punt Accuracy | 40 | 50
Kickoff Power | 35 | 50
This is VERY preliminary with not many changes (besides upping pass coverage from 40 and upping CPU FG Accuracy from 50) from pre patch #1 Tuner set #2 so there may be some glaring holes but, so far, from what I've played and labbed in practice, it seems pretty realistic.