View Full Version : EA: We Aren't Favouring Microsoft Over Sony

08-29-2013, 12:44 PM
Two blatantly false statements out of the EA camp (1st no game we make can be played offline) and now We don't favor MS over Sony.

Look EA favors MS b/c MS is paying them $. Fine I get it (and am fine with it) but to come out and say you aren't favoring MS over Sony when as far as I know your press conferences at E3 and Europe haven't even mentioned ONCE PS4/Sony and you keep giving MS/XB1 all kinds of "exclusives" and Sony has NONE.

Truth: EA favors MS over Sony b/c they paid us to do so.


Does EA really think their customers are that stupid? :nod:

I OU a Beatn
08-29-2013, 01:58 PM
I don't think Microsoft is paying EA anything. EA is a MAJOR proponent of no used games, and Microsoft was trying to eliminate those, which is why they've teamed up. They might have paid EA for Titanfall being exclusive, but nothing else really makes any sense. Hell, as far as what I've read, Titanfall is exclusive because the development team is small and they wanted to focus on one ecosystem, and with Microsoft's massive cloud support and more FPS oriented fan base, it was the obvious choice.

Besides, these stupid deals occur all the time. Ubisoft gives Sony exclusive content. EA used to give Sony exclusive content, but now they're with Microsoft. It's stupid, but whatever.

08-29-2013, 02:18 PM
I don't think Microsoft is paying EA anything. EA is a MAJOR proponent of no used games, and Microsoft was trying to eliminate those, which is why they've teamed up. They might have paid EA for Titanfall being exclusive, but nothing else really makes any sense. Hell, as far as what I've read, Titanfall is exclusive because the development team is small and they wanted to focus on one ecosystem, and with Microsoft's massive cloud support and more FPS oriented fan base, it was the obvious choice.

Besides, these stupid deals occur all the time. Ubisoft gives Sony exclusive content. EA used to give Sony exclusive content, but now they're with Microsoft. It's stupid, but whatever.

So EA just "gave away" a "ton" of FIFA 14 (one if it not its #1 selling sports game series) out of spite from Sony's E3 press conference when they received a standing ovation? Possible perhaps but not a very smart business move. Then again this is the worst company in a world how many years in a row?

Again, I don't have a problem with what I believe EA has done its basic capitalism. I do have a problem with lying to your customers (the PS4 only customers) that you don't favor another console over their console of choice. It simply isn't true. You either favor MS b/c they are paying you to do so (as I suspect). Or you have an agenda and your pissed Sony doesn't share your vision (as you suspect).

I OU a Beatn
08-29-2013, 02:24 PM
I don't believe they do favor one or the other. They're making a ton of money by having their games on as many consoles as possible. If they had something against Sony, they wouldn't release their games on their platform at all.

08-29-2013, 02:26 PM
Again, that worst company in the world poll is not really a biased poll. :D :fp:

08-29-2013, 02:31 PM
No its still pretty biased.

08-29-2013, 02:34 PM
No its still pretty biased.

From some small time website only made known by message boards and the gaming community.

08-29-2013, 02:39 PM
Ahh I think I missed you initial meaning! I'm an idiot :D

08-29-2013, 06:02 PM
CLW, if you've ever downloaded a patch, tuner set, or roster update - how "offline" was your experience? I think you are bending EA's words because you love to hate them. Perhaps they should have said, "we don't ship any titles that are EXCLUSIVELY offline" to satisfy you. :dunno:

08-29-2013, 06:18 PM
CLW, if you've ever downloaded a patch, tuner set, or roster update - how "offline" was your experience? I think you are bending EA's words because you love to hate them. Perhaps they should have said, "we don't ship any titles that are EXCLUSIVELY offline" to satisfy you. :dunno:

Yeah, that's the way I took it. I took it as them saying that all of their games having online components, nothing is exclusively offline and/or single player. There's multiple online-related components to the game. Can you take it offline? Sure. You can toss it in a console that has never been connected to the internet and still play it, but you'll only get half a game because none of the internet-required portions will be available to you.

08-30-2013, 10:11 AM
Yeah I'm starting to get tired of hearing the same thing from thread to thread about EA. Fine you don't like them. I am just getting tired of hearing it in every fucking thread.

08-30-2013, 11:16 AM
CLW, if you've ever downloaded a patch, tuner set, or roster update - how "offline" was your experience? I think you are bending EA's words because you love to hate them. Perhaps they should have said, "we don't ship any titles that are EXCLUSIVELY offline" to satisfy you. :dunno:

Yeah, that's the way I took it. I took it as them saying that all of their games having online components, nothing is exclusively offline and/or single player. There's multiple online-related components to the game. Can you take it offline? Sure. You can toss it in a console that has never been connected to the internet and still play it, but you'll only get half a game because none of the internet-required portions will be available to you.

Here are the quotes at issue from More at EA:

We're seeing more and more of the online experience being part-and-parcel of every game. We don't ship a game at EA that is offline; just doesn't happen

So yeah, we don't deliver offline experiences any more

Read the quotes they are 100% false. Now you can argue he didn't speak artfully or misspoke or misremembered or whatever.

The facts are, a consumer can buy NCAA 14 take it home to their console (which is NOT connected to the internet) and play single player games, or offline dynasty, create their own rosters, etc....

The ONLY way for Moore's statement to be true is if one believes playing single player offline dynasty is not worthy of the term "experience". I might agree with that premise but that would be even more harsh on EA than you all believe that I am.

08-30-2013, 07:32 PM
Yeah I'm starting to get tired of hearing the same thing from thread to thread about EA. Fine you don't like them. I am just getting tired of hearing it in every fucking thread.

Karma, for allowing him to do the same thing in the Xbox One thread or anything Xbox related. ;)

08-31-2013, 08:09 AM
Yeah I'm starting to get tired of hearing the same thing from thread to thread about EA. Fine you don't like them. I am just getting tired of hearing it in every fucking thread.

He has a point as far as their customer service and support. They broke TW14 with a patch months ago (for both MS/Ps3) and still no follow up.............I know one of the devs plays in a dynasty with you but I and I speak for many would have rather been told months ago that the game would not be fixed at the core not to mention the myriad tiny bugs and issues.

Far as extended grumbling this will be my last mention of them as a company but I will not purchase their products until I read of substantial improvement.