View Full Version : PS3 game idea location ?

05-25-2013, 08:37 AM
I have my PSN gigemaggs99 and I've only ever played on my machine at the house.

My question is, is it possible to play on another machine under my PSN name so I can continue earning trophies and profile settings?

More specifically I'm referring to a game like Tiger Woods 14 where it auto saves your profile. Is it possible to put that profile on a USB key then take the game disk and a controller with me and play the game on another machine and pick up where I left off? I'm wanting to know if and how it would be possible to play my TW14 game on another PS3 and not have to start over at a new player? Can I migrate my account back and forth between machines? If so, how would I do this? A USB key?

Thank you.

05-25-2013, 09:42 AM
Do you have PSN+? If so, then you use cloud saves and do exactly what you're talking about. Not sure if you can do it with a thumb drive anymore or not because they limited some of that due to trophy whoring.