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View Full Version : Mastering the right stick Controls - Breaking Tackles

Cipher 8
07-23-2010, 01:44 AM
Okay I thought I knew what all the jukes, spins, and other ways of breaking tackles were but after watching this video I learned a thing or two.


First you can break out of those drag down tackles from behind apparently. By pressing down on the right stick you arch your back and high step. This works good for slowing down and letting a blocker get out in front of you OR to break a tackle attempt from directly behind you.

Second the quick stop that use to be right stick down is still in the game it's just left stick down. I do this by accident sometimes but yeah atleast they didn't take it out.

Thirdly the spin move in multi tiered. Meaning there's two ways of doing it. You can just spin it clockwise or counterclockwise to do a spin, or by pressing B. But the better way is to press the right stick left or right like your going to juke but then spin it down and around either way to plant your foot faking a cut then spin back the other way.

Hope this helps some people get better like it has me. :nod:

Cipher 8
07-23-2010, 03:05 AM
Okay guys I got a topic for discussion about this and the gameplan, how they may work together.

0:55 in that video shows the move I want to know more about... When you press and hold the right stick up it automatically ducks in prep for a hit and shields/tucks the ball so you don't fumble. Combine that with turning your shoulder into the tackle by move the stick left/right could really cut down on fumbles.

Now for me I've always stuck to pressing the RB because that's what I always did to not fumble in previous years games but I still fumble a lot while presing it this year plus it's pretty much a give up, let them tackle me. It's frustrating as heck to say I give up tackle me but I'm not fumbling and then still to fumble. I think my problem is because before I choose my play, if I know I'm going to run, I click (X) Gameplan and set Big Run to Aggressive.

Big Run
Aggressive: Break More Tackles
+ Higher Broken Tackle Chance
- Fumble the ball more often
Conservative: Protect the Ball
+ Lower Fumble Chance
- Less Broken Tackles

Now that pretty much guarantees me a fumble even if I press RB before every tackle attempt but without it I never break any tackles. I don't keep it on always only when I'm going to run. Still though I fumble everytime because of this... and it's annoying as all hell.

Now I'm thinking the game wants you to do one of two things..

A. Set Big Run to Aggressive but utilize this move so you don't fumble it. You still have the chance to break tackles because you see him going under the arm tackle sometimes but you will fumble less then.


B. Set Big Run to Balanced so you don't have that higher fumble chance and just be really good at juking, spinning, stiffarming, and breaking tackle attempts to have the big runs.

Which would you say is better?

07-23-2010, 11:07 AM
I'd say to learn to shield the ball because holding RB doesn't seem to add that much more security that not using it from the games I've played.

Out of the scenarios you laid out, I can't pick without going to test and get data............playing with the same RB against the same defense numerous times to eliminate as many variables as feasible.

07-23-2010, 11:45 AM
I'd say to learn to shield the ball because holding RB doesn't seem to add that much more security that not using it from the games I've played.
One note regarding the R1/RB button... holding it as you get hit will not impact whether you'll fumble or not. At that point, the dice roll has already happened to determine whether you'll fumble or not. When it helps is when you hold it before engaging with a defender. At least that's my understanding from a conversation I had with Russ at CD.

07-23-2010, 01:29 PM
I hold it as the hit/tackle is coming, definitely not waiting until contact occurs. It most definitely doesn't do shit when the defender goes into the reach-in-and-rip-out animation during the tackle, even if you are holding that button before the tackle wrap-up.

I think the thing this year is to learn to use the stick for both security and the reward aspect of making a move.......and knowing what the ratings are for your players, i.e. the senior RB has a higher rating and isn't likely to fumble compared to the soph QB, so you can make moves with the RB but just cover-up or get down on the ground with the QB.

That's why I think A and B above come down to the individual players as well, and that is why I'd prefer to do B above. A turnover is always the worst thing you can do to your offense, so missing out on a couple extra yards is a small price to pay in my book.

07-25-2010, 02:10 PM
I'm glad you posted this, I had no idea how to do the leaning right and left and I haven't been on the EA site since the game released. Good work!