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View Full Version : package sub ?

01-25-2013, 12:12 PM
Getting back into playing some NCAA and I had a question about the package sub option.

I believe it was in the nickel strong (could be a different formation) you have the option to sub in a 4th CB. I'm wanting to know what the purpose is. Are CBs faster? Do they provide better coverage than a SS or FS? Or does this 4th CB take the place of a LB?

Just wondering what the benefit would be, I was assuming they replaced either the SS or FS and it seems strange to take a starter out in place of a 4th string CB.

Thanks for any tips/info.

01-25-2013, 12:14 PM
It depends on your personnel. Maybe your 4th CB is a better man cover guy than your SS (or whoever is replaced) and so that would allow you to call Cover 1 without your SS as a liability.